出版社:上海教育出版社 作者:《英語(牛津上海版)高中1年級第1學期》編寫組 編 頁數:173
隨著二期課改的不斷深入,中小學英語的教學理念和實踐發(fā)生了很大的變化。牛津英語教材作為教育部義務教育課程標準實踐教科書用書之一和上海市二期課改的新教材,以其語言的原汁原味、先進科學的編寫理念和活潑精美的版式深受廣大一線教師和學生的歡迎。 為了更好地幫助學生用好這套教材,使它的先進編寫理念得到實質性的貫徹以及語言目標得到具體的實現,我們組織來自課改第一線的具有豐富的牛津英語教學實踐經驗的教師們編寫了這套《世紀·同步精練》叢書。該套叢書按年級分冊出版,共二十四冊,本冊為高中一年級下冊?! ”緝詴趦热莸木幣派吓c《英語(牛津上海版)高中一年級第二學期》(試用本)教材中各單元的內容配套,共六個單元,同時補充了針對單元知識點的練習——“活學活用”以及測試學生的英語綜合運用能力的綜合性練習——“能力訓練場”。本系列叢書的所有試題均著眼于基礎知識、落實交際能力,有利于學生鞏固教材上所學的語言知識和技能,提高英語的綜合運用能力。此外,該叢書收錄的題型新穎,符合各級正規(guī)考試的要求,是學生測試自身英語能力的好幫手。
上海世紀出版股份有限公司是我國最重要的出版基地之一,也是我國第一家股份制出版集團。旗下的許多出版社,歷史悠久,實力雄厚,多年來致力于教育出版事業(yè),成果卓著,在廣大教師、學生中享有盛譽。 近年來,公司旗下的上海教育出版社、上??茖W技術出版社、上??萍冀逃霭嫔纭⑸倌陜和霭嫔绲葐挝?,在公司的指導下,團結上海和全國各地的優(yōu)秀作者,以服務教師和服務學生為宗旨,積極投身上海市的二期課改,與上海的教育事業(yè)共同繁榮、共同發(fā)展。在上海市中小學目前使用的教材中,由上海世紀出版股份有限公司出版的占80%以上;在主干教材中,除高中語文和部分地區(qū)使用的英語外,均由上海世紀出版股份有限公司出版?! ∽鳛樯虾5貐^(qū)最重要的中小學教材提供者,上海世紀出版股份有限公司及旗下各相關出版社為上海市的教材建設付出了艱辛的勞動,傾盡了全部心血。我們與教材編寫組精誠團結,密切合作,為教材的編寫工作提供了方方面面的支持;我們選配專業(yè)水平最高、責任意識最強的編輯擔任各冊教材的責任編輯,力求每冊教材都有高質量的出版水準;我們參與各種各樣的教師培訓活動,熟悉新的教材、新的教法;我們積極聽取、認真分析教師和學生的意見,努力為上海中小學教材的不斷完善作貢獻。
Unit 1 A trip to the theatreUnit 2 Great mindsUnit 3 PlantsMid-term Examination (A)Mid-term Examination (B)Unit 4 Creatures large and smallUnit 5 Problems and adviceUnit 6 A varlety of viewpointsEnd-term Examination (A)End-term Examination (B)Tapescripts and answer key
You may be all these things at the office, and more. But when it comes to getting a-head, experts say, the ABCs of business should include a P for politics, as in office politics. As Dale Carnegie suggested much more than 50 years ago: Hard work alone doesntmake career advance. You have to be able to sell yourself and your ideas, both publiclyand behind the scenes. Yet, despite the obvious rewards of being good at office politics——abetter job, a raise, praise——many people are still unable or unwilling to play the game. Some people feel that office politics means some manipulative behavior,says Deborah Comer, an assistant professor of management at Hofstra University. Butpolitics comes from the word "polite". It can mean being kind and helpful, or even tryingto please your boss, and then expecting something in return. In fact, today, experts define office politics as proper behavior used to gain ones owninterest in the workplace. In many cases, this includes some form of socializing within theoffice environment——not just in large companies, but in small workplaces as well. The first thing people are usually judged on is their ability to perform well on a con-sistent basis, says Neil P. Lewis, a management psychologist. But if two or three peopleare up for a promotion, each of whom has similar ability, a manager is going to promotethe person he or she likes best. Its simple human nature. Yet, psychologists say, many employees and employers have troub e with the politicsin the office. Some people, they say, have an idealistic vision of work and what it takes tosucceed. Still others mistake politics for flattery and are fearful that if they speak upfor themselves, they may appear to be flattering their boss for favor. Experts suggest changing this negative picture by recognizing the need for some self-promotion.