出版社:上海教育出版社 作者:《標準試卷》編寫組 編 頁數(shù):135
為配合牛津英語的教學(xué),優(yōu)化牛津英語的測試評價,促進教學(xué)質(zhì)量的提高,同時也為使用牛津英語的教師、學(xué)生和家長提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的測試材料,特邀請從事牛津英語教材編寫、教學(xué)和研究的各方面專家和優(yōu)秀教師,精心編寫了這套《標準試卷》?! ∵@套《標準試卷》分小學(xué)、初中和高中三個階段,均附有參考答案。聽力部分另配有錄音磁帶?! ∵@套《標準試卷》可供各省、市使用牛津英語的學(xué)校使用,也可供其他英語教學(xué)單位或英語自學(xué)者作為參考。
《標準試卷:9年級第1學(xué)期(9A)(修訂版)(配合牛津英語)》為配合牛津英語的教學(xué),優(yōu)化牛津英語的測試評價,促進教學(xué)質(zhì)量的提高,同時也為使用牛津英語的教師、學(xué)生和家長提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的測試材料,特邀請從事牛津英語教材編寫、教學(xué)和研究的各方面專家和優(yōu)秀教師,精心編寫了這套《標準試卷》?! ∵@套《標準試卷》分小學(xué)、初中和高中三個階段,均附有參考答案。聽力部分另配有錄音磁帶?! ∵@套《標準試卷》可供各省、市使用牛津英語的學(xué)校使用,也可供其他英語教學(xué)單位或英語自學(xué)者作為參考。
標準試卷(一) Chapter 1標準試卷(二) Chapter 1標準試卷(三) Chapter 2標準試卷(四) Chapter 2標準試卷(五) Chapter 3標準試卷(六) Chapter 3標準試卷(七) Chapter 4標準試卷(八) Chapter 4標準試卷(九) Chapter 5標準試卷(十) Chapter 5標準試卷(十一) Chapters 1-5標準試卷(十二) Chapters 1-5聽力錄音稿及參考答案 Tapescripts and answer keys
Started in 1636. Harvard University (哈佛大學(xué)) is the oldest of all the colleges anduniversities in the United States. Yale Princeton, Columbia and Dartmouth were openedsoon after Harvard. In the early years, these schools were nearly the same. Only young men went to college.All the students studied the same subjects, and everyone learned Latin and Greek. Little wasknown about science. And few people know that one kind of school could teach everythingthat was known about the world. When the students graduated, most of them becameministers or teachers. In 1782, Harvard started a medical school for young men who wanted to become doctors.Later, lawyers could study in Harvards taw school. In 1825. besides(除……之外) Latinand Greek, Harvard began to teach modern languages, such as French and German. Soonit began to teach American history. As knowledge increased, Harvard and other colleges began to teach many new subjects. Students were allowed to choose the subjects that interested them. Today, there are many different kinds of colleges and universities. Most of them aremade up of smaller schools that deal with special fields of learning. Theres so much to learnthat one kind of school cant offer all.