
出版時間:2009-10-01  出版社:南海出版公司  作者:劉性宇,教育部商業(yè)職業(yè)教育教學(xué)指導(dǎo)委員會 編  頁數(shù):232  




Part I An Introduction to English英語導(dǎo)人Module 1 The English Phonetic Alphabet英語語音Section 1 English Vowels and Diphthongs英語單元音和雙元音Section 2 English Consonants and Semivowels英語輔音及半元音Section 3 English Reading Skills英語朗讀技巧Module 2 A Fast Track to Develop Spoken English英語口語速成Section 1 Greetings問候Section 2 Introductions介紹Section 3 Partings再見Section 4 Apologies道歉Section 5 Thanks and Responses道謝Section 6 Date and Time約會Section 7 Weather天氣Section 8 Asking the Way問路Section 9 Compliments and Congratulations恭維道賀PartⅡ The Knowledge of Tourism旅游知識Module 1 Tourist Management旅游管理Section 1 Tour Itinerary旅游計劃Section 2 Settling Guest'S Complaints處理客人投訴PartⅢ Tourist Services旅游服務(wù)Module 1 Abont the Transportation交通運輸Section 1 Flight Ticket Reservation機票預(yù)訂Section 2 Travel by Air乘飛機旅行Section 3 Travel by Train乘火車旅行Section 4 Travel by Bus乘公共汽車旅行Section 5 Travel by Taxi乘出租車旅行Module 2 The Customs海關(guān)Section 1 At the Customs在海關(guān)Section 2 Passport and Visa護照和簽證Section 3 Customs Inspection海關(guān)檢查Module 3 Hotel Services賓館服務(wù)Section 1 Room Reservation客房預(yù)訂Section 2 Receiving Guests賓客接待Section 3 Housekeeping Service客房服務(wù)Module 4 Typical Chinese Cuisine典型的中國烹飪Section 1 About Chinese Cuisine中國烹飪簡介Section 2 Taking Orders點菜Section 3 Different Table Manner between Chineseand Westerners不同的中西用餐禮儀Section 4 Chinese Tea中國茶Module 5 Sightseeing觀光Section 1 Reasons for People to Travel人們?yōu)槭裁绰糜蜸ection 2 Urban Tourism城市旅游Section 3 Touring in BeUing北京旅游Section 4 Touring in Mount Lushan廬山游Module 6 Touring Shopping旅游購物Section 1 Tour Shopping in China中國旅游購物Section 2 Shopping for Silk in Suzhou蘇州購買絲綢Section 3 Tourist Commodities旅游商品Module 7 Recreational Activities娛樂活動Section 1 Chinese Theater中國戲劇……



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