
出版時間:2010-10  出版社:山西教育  作者:常玉國 編  頁數(shù):243  






  Li Ping, a good friend of mine, came from a poor family in a far-away mountainous village. He is now well-known in our school because he took the first place in the final examination and won a scholarship for this year. I am proud of him and enjoy his success.  However, when he first came to our class, he wasnt better than most of us. But he never hesitated to turn to his teachers and classmates whenever he came across any problems. We often exchanged learning experience, so I knew clearly why he was able to achieve such a success. First of all, he had a high goal——being the top of the school. He usually had a detailed plan for his study and knew what he should do every day. The most important is that he had a good habit of study and never stayed too late into night or left todays work for tomorrow. He not only studied hard but also was ready to help others. Both teachers and his classmates liked him very much.



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