
出版時間:2003-3-1  出版社:山西教育  作者:李俊蘭,黃燈添,孫靜,肖彥,郭硯冰,方琳,葉靜,李瑞平  頁數(shù):465  


我們常常會看到這樣一種現(xiàn)象:不少同學(xué)整天忙著做作業(yè),什么“競賽輔導(dǎo)”、“升學(xué)練兵”,手頭資料一大堆,習(xí)題做了好幾本,但學(xué)習(xí)成績就是提不高,競賽成績不理想,這是為什么?    究其原因,就是沒有吃透教材的基本原理,沒有掌握解題的科學(xué)方法。吃透原理,是學(xué)好各門功課的根本保證;掌握方法,是攻克奧賽難題的有力武器。只有弄清原理,才能思路清晰,從容對答;只有掌握方法,才能觸類旁通,舉一反三。不管遇到什么難題,都能得心應(yīng)手,迎刃而解;不管參加何種競賽,都能超水平發(fā)揮,一舉奪標(biāo)!    作者精心策劃了版的這套《點擊金牌·中學(xué)生奧林匹克競賽解題方法大全》就是期望為同學(xué)們提供最全面、最系統(tǒng)、最實用、最完備的奧賽解題方法。    ——作者以新課標(biāo)為指導(dǎo),以“突出素質(zhì)教育、激發(fā)創(chuàng)新思維、增強實踐應(yīng)用、培養(yǎng)解題技能”為宗旨,按照新教材的全部知識和奧賽的測試范圍分類編寫。書中既有方法點撥,思維開拓;又有例題分析,針對性的訓(xùn)練。方法靈活巧妙,題型系統(tǒng)全面,思路清晰順暢,點評恰到好處。所講所練雖源于教材,但高于教材,能使你在通向奧賽的道路上取得成功。    ——作者時刻關(guān)注奧賽前沿動態(tài),收集了大量最新的奧賽信息,為同學(xué)們增補了當(dāng)前最具實踐意義的試題;使之成為迄今最為系統(tǒng)、最為實用、最為完整的奧賽解題“教材”。    ——作者奉行以學(xué)生為本的原則,懇切聽取參賽同學(xué)的心聲,使該書遴選的賽題更具前沿性、針對性和新穎性。    作者吸收了最新的奧賽教學(xué)科研成果,在例題解析中為同學(xué)們提供了更多的解題方法,懇望有效激發(fā)同學(xué)們的創(chuàng)新思維,提高同學(xué)們的解題技能。


第一部分  備賽篇  一、聽力測試    題型特點    試題設(shè)計    解題策略    即時訓(xùn)練    點滴建議  二、選擇填空    題型特點    考查內(nèi)容    試題設(shè)計    解題策略    即時訓(xùn)練    點滴建議  三、情景交際    題型特點    試題設(shè)計    解題策略    解題示范    即時訓(xùn)練    點滴建議  四、完形填空    題型特點    考查內(nèi)容    解題策略    即時訓(xùn)練    點滴建議  五、閱讀理解    題型特點    考查內(nèi)容    解題策略    即時訓(xùn)練    點滴建議  六、智力測試    題型特點    考查內(nèi)容    解題策略    即時訓(xùn)練    點滴建議  七、翻譯    題型特點    考查內(nèi)容    解題策略    即時訓(xùn)練    點滴建議  八、短文改錯     題型特點    考查內(nèi)容    解題策略    即時訓(xùn)練    點滴建議  九、書面表達    題型特點    考查內(nèi)容    解題策略    即時訓(xùn)練    點滴建議  參考答案第二部分  分級基礎(chǔ)知識梳理  高一年級    詞語辨析     常用句式    語法聚焦    專項訓(xùn)練    參考答案  高二年級     詞語辨析     常用句式    語法聚焦    專項訓(xùn)練    參考答案  高三年級    詞語辨析     常用句式    語法聚焦    專項訓(xùn)練    參考答案第三部分  訓(xùn)練篇  高一年級    模擬試卷(一)    模擬試卷(二)    模擬試卷(三)    參答答案   高二年級    模擬試卷(一)    模擬試卷(二)    模擬試卷(三)    參答答案   高三年級    模擬試卷(一)    模擬試卷(二)    模擬試卷(三)    參答答案 第四部分  實戰(zhàn)篇附錄


插圖:3. A) One possible version:This is a poem about the computer with easy and simple words. Brooks, the writer, tells us in the poem how humans and computers are different.A computer has a great effect on the way people live. It makes people's life easy and convenient. For example, I use the computer to get the information I need and communicate with my friends by sending e-mails or chatting online. A computer is really a "useful" and "interesting" machine. However, the computer was made by human beings, who are "warm" and "wise", and who have "em- pathy for animals and people". No matter how useful and powerful a computer is, it is operated and controlled by human beings.So humans are great and clever!B) One possible version: Dear Joy,Thank you for your letter. You asked me to tell you what is in the news here. I think probably the most interesting story at the moment is the battle over our water supply.This is a very dry area in our country., and water is always a problem. Back in the early 60's, the Snowy Mountains Scheme turned a river around so that it flowed back inland rather than out into the sea. Since then we have had several major irrigation projects, and for a long time the irrigated farms did very well.However, we now have major disputes as to which farms should get the most water. Farmers at the end of the irrigation systems claim that they are not getting their fair share.I think people find this interesting because we all need water to live. We also know that if the farmers don't get water we will have far less to eat ourselves and less food to export.Take care, and write to me soon.Best wishes from your penfriend,Li Hua4. One possible version:Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in people's life in recent years.In the past, people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone. But now almost everyone has his own mobile phone. People can communicate with each other almost at any place and at any time.



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  •   好!很喜歡,價錢也合理!孩子比較實用
  •   還有兩個月就考試了,不知道看不看得完。郵來時書外包著泡泡膜,書沒被損壞

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