
出版時間:2009-9  出版社:上海科技文獻  作者:楊雄 編  頁數(shù):258  






語法部分 一、主語從句 二、賓語從句 三、表語從句 四、同位語及同位語從句 五、定語從句 六、狀語從句 七、祈使句 八、倒裝句 九、強調句 十、被動語態(tài) 十一、不定式 十二、it用法 十三、分詞和獨立主格 十四、動名詞 十五、比較級和最高級結構、詞匯及定義 一、the more…the more… 二、too…to…和not…enough… 三、instead,rather than,instead of,not…but…,not because…but because… 四、介詞短語 五、what用法 六、其他 七、定義 八、詞匯參考答案


  My wife has a preference for casual clothes rather than formal ones.  My wife has a preference for casual clothes instead of formal ones.  Focus your attention on something you want to take up rather than give up.  Concentrate on something you want to take up rather than give up.  The value of good advice is not measured by money but by your gain.  He received his compensation in stock rather than cash.  It was not his mistake-free performance but his unyielding determination that won the admiration of us.  It was not lack of wisdom but lack of perseverance that enabled him to suffer the same fate.  It was lack of perseverance rather than lack of wisdom that enabled him to suffer the same fate.  lt was not a shortage of wisdom but a shortage of perseverance that enabled him to suffer the same fate.  lf we wish change to come, what we must do is not to wait for other:peoples action but our own action.  lf we wish change to take place, what we must do is act instead of waiting for other peoples action.  Recession is a period of time in which the economy contracts rather than grow.  It was not because of her beauty hut because of her sincerity that struck at that time.  He was struck not due to her beauty but due to her sincerity at that time.  lt is oranges rather than pears that are packed with vitamin C and minerals.  It is oranges rather than pears that contain a lot of vitamin C and minerals.  lt is not by mistake but by great good fortune that you have reached your current  position.  Children should be motivated to read books rather than play electronic games.  Children should be encouraged to do some reading rather than play electronic  games.  Hand-made products instead of machine-made ones are more expensive.  lf you know more, you can make a wiser choice based on facts rather than assumptions.  lf you know more, you can make a wiser choice on the basis of facts rather than on  the basis of assumptions,  The secret to happiness lies not in doing what you like but in being able to appre-ciate what you do.  You should get married for love rather than for marriage.  Strangely, difficulties tend to be caused by something you like rather than by something you hate.  something you dislike.  Generosity is not something we learn but something we are born with.  Generosity is not what we learn but what we are born with.  The invention of the bulb by Edison is not a coincidence but the result of his efforts.  What makes the world progress is fashion rather than money.  What enables the world to progress is fashion rather than money.  Sometimes I do things, not because they give me any pleasure, but because the  alternative choice of leaving them undone is even more unsatisfactory.  What matters now is not whether the plan sounds right in theory, but whether it  works in practice.  If you dont take the medicine in the right dosage, it can be harmful instead of being workable.  As to the backward students, what they need is not sympathy but help.  To the backward students, what they need is not compassion but help.  Most people spend their lifetime pursuing happiness, so a persons success lies not  in fame and wealth but in everyday happiness.  What todays firms need most is not money but talent.  The key to the companys success is that consumers are choosing its products rather  than being forced to buy them.  A husband should regard it as his duty to bring happiness to his wife rather than  demand her to share weal and woe with him.  The stamp which is out of print has high value.  The stamp which is out of print is of high value.  In collaboration with these scientists, you will learn more.  In cooperation with these scientists, you will learn more.  They got a bachelors degree at the cost of four years hard work.  They got a bachelors degree at the sacrifice of four years~ hard work.  I am sorry, shoes of your size are out of stock.  I am sorry, shoes of your size have been sold out.  When the news reached him that his father was seriously ill, he was on pins and needles.  When he got the news that his father was seriously ill, he was on pins and needles.  A series of activities will be organized in celebration of our National Day.  A series of activities will be organized in observance of our National Day.  In case of emergency, ring the bell.  A car with a GPS device will enable the driver to find his destination more efficiently.  A good university should better serve the world through the quality





    高中英語翻譯提升 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計17條)


  •   高中英語翻譯提升有水平
  •   一本很好的書,里面的翻譯題對詞匯的語境使用要求較高,十分切合高考的翻譯題型。僅推薦上海考生購買。
  •   對自己的翻譯有較大的提升,對付高考翻譯綽綽有余,又增加可自己的詞匯量,這本書對我很有幫助。我很喜歡。
  •   能夠提升英語讀寫能力
  •   題型比較全面,而且對一些重點知識點都有很多練習習題,希望通過聯(lián)系對自己的翻譯能力有幫助提高,謝謝!
  •   比我想象中的要好,內容較全!
  •   經(jīng)濟適用送貨快,對學習很有幫助
  •   各種句式時態(tài)都有,很好!很有幫助!
  •   面非常廣,很適合進行訓練,多做了就會有很大幫助!~
  •   就是我自己詞匯量還不夠大
  •   書到的很快,紙張挺好的
  •   這本書真不錯,而且快遞也超快啊
  •   對中學生的寫作能力很有幫助
  •   本書實際上只是一本漢譯英翻譯練習冊,不過都能做一遍,對提高英語水平還是很有幫助的。
  •   解釋或者方法過于簡單了,但漢語的句子真的挺好的,也可學到不少比較優(yōu)美或者難點的詞或句子。
  •   全部都是要你翻譯,我現(xiàn)在高三,對于高三的學生來說,英語算是中上水平,本想更好的提高自己的翻譯能力,誰知翻到這本書我差點暈了,全部都是一條條句子,下面畫條橫線叫你寫翻譯,這也就算了,誰知那些句子太多都不是高中所要學的,很多詞匯高中都用不上,哎,真的連想翻一下都覺得痛苦,或許我說的有點夸張了吧,但確實是我自己的體會,這本本來可以做的很好的,就是解析要明確吧,可連解析也沒有,而且翻譯的句子不要偏離高中太遠,不然怎么叫做高中英語翻譯呢?而且有些評論很明顯就是托,真的覺得自己**了,希望對別人有用的評論吧,你如果想翻譯句子,整本都是,那么就可以考慮這本吧?。。。。?!
  •   沒有任何幫助、

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