出版時間:2007-8 出版社:唐德根 湖南人民出版社 (2007-08出版) 作者:唐德根 編 頁數(shù):421
Chapter 1 The Origin of Western Culture1.1 The Prehistoric Culture of Europe1.2 The Aegean Culture1.3 The Ancient Near Eastern Culture1.4 The Hebrew CultureChapter 2 The Prosperity of Western Classical Culture2.1 Early Greek Culture2.2 The Flowering of the Classical Greek Culture2.3 Culture in Hellenistic Age2.4 Roman Classical Culture2.5 The Decline of Roman Classical Culture and the Rise of Christian CultureChapter 3 Christian Culture in Western Europe of the Middle Ages3.1 Western Culture in Early Middle Ages3.2 Christian Church in Medieval Western Europe3.3 Renaissance of Western Europe in the Twelfth CenturyChapter 4 The Modern Transformation of Western Culture4.1 The Decline of the Medieval Civilization4.2 The Age of the Renaissance4.3 The Age of Reformation4.4 The Expansion of Western CultureChapter 5 Modern Culture in the Age of Enoighenment5.1 Western Society in the 17th and 18th Century5.2 The EnlightenmentChapter 6 Western Culture in Industrialization6.1 Technological Inventions and Industrialized Society6.2 Western Thoughts in Industrialization6.3 Romanticism and Realism6.4 Music in Romantic Era6.5 Western Painting in Nineteenth CenturyChapter 7 Western Culture in the First Half of the 20th century7.1 Great Development of Science and Technology in the Early Time of the 20th Century7.2 Introvert Philosophy and Positive Philosophy7.3 The Development of Economics7.4 Modernist Literature and Art in the West7.5 Changeable Western Social ScienceChapter 8 Western Culture in Post World War TwO8.1 Rapid Achievements of Science and Technology8.2 The Philosophy Schools in the Western Countries8.3 The Underchanging Sociology in America and the West Europe8.4 The Western Economics after Keynes8.5 The Modernist Literature and Art in the Post World War TwoChapter 9 The Convention of International Communication9.1 Introduction to Etiquette9.2 General Rules of Communicating with Foreigners9.3 Everyday Etiquette9.4 Etiquette of WelcomingChapter 10 Customs and Etiquettes of Some Countries10.1 Asian Countries10.2 African, American and Oceanian Countries10.3 European Countries后記
Although the popes of this period were no less devout and no less concerned about the spiritual welfare of Christian society than their predecessors had been, the demands made upon them were very different from those of an earlier period. As the social and political structures of European society bad changed, so too had the concept of the Church and the expectations people had of its leaders. Many of those who complained the loudest about the "new Pharisees" of Rome also flooded the Roman curia with legal appeals, petitioned it for office and placement, and became its official theologians, lawyers, tax collectors, and administrators. The last major phase of the conflict between empire and papacy, then, saw a different kind of papal office on one side of the polarity.The imperial office also changed during the later part of the struggle. The emperors of the Romans were also the kings of Germany, and the Investiture Conflict had revealed that the two offices were not as separate in fact as they might be in theory. The needs of the kingdom of Germany colored both the functions of the imperial office in the later twelfth and thirteenth centuries and the policy of the kings of Germany, emperors of the Romans. Although much of the earlier prestige and memory of the emperors from Charlemagne to Henry V survived in imperial policy and propaganda, the actual facts of imperial rule changed nearly as much as the actual problems of papal governance.