出版時間:2009-8 出版社:湖南人民 作者:黃永安 頁數(shù):225
本書第一版于2006年6月出版,在使用過程中,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)有的內容不盡完善。于是我們挑選和組織了幾位一直奮戰(zhàn)在教學科研第一線、樂于奉獻、有著豐富教學和科研經驗的教師,本著高度認真負責的態(tài)度,對本書進行了仔細修改和部分更換,使之更適合臨考前復習和實戰(zhàn)訓練操作。 本書第二版有如下特點:1.本修訂版在該書前面增加了(聽力、詞匯與結構、閱讀理解、寫作)理論或方法、技巧方面的簡述,旨在從宏觀上給學生以指導和引領。2.完全按照教育部頒布的《高等學校英語應用能力考試大綱》旨意精心編撰,難易分明,把握適度。3.精選材料:所選材料全部為國內外出版發(fā)行的權威性資料,杜絕濫竽充數(shù)。4.力避重復:十套題相互之間不存在重復現(xiàn)象,特別是詞匯和語法結構部分,這是編寫試題冊時較難避免的問題。5.貼近真題:參編人員認真負責地把歷年來全國統(tǒng)一考題進行了精心的分門別類和對比歸納,然后按《考試大綱》要求精心設計題型。6.使用方便:各套題編寫成獨立的頁碼,便于學生和教師使用。7.答案準確:每套題都附有答案及其分析。我們不僅為每道題給出了答案,還分析了理由,指出了每道題的考點和類似注意點,提供了解答此類題型的技巧。8.提升聽力:聽力部分不但提供了答案,還附有聽力文字材料,并匹配了相應的錄音帶和MP3資料。9.高屋建瓴:全套試題冊的編寫意旨是,既讓學生知其然,又讓其知其所以然。從而,解題時做到融會貫通,得心應手?! ”驹囶}冊幾經審核修改,幾易其稿,花費了大量時間和精力,凝聚著一、二稿所有參編人員集體的心血與智慧。在編寫過程中,特別要感謝我校(即廣州航海高等??茖W校)外語系領導的指導、督促和大力支持,感謝兄弟院校英語教師們的鼓勵和褒獎,感謝其他專家學者所提供的成果與資料(我們在主要參考文獻中列出),感謝同行幫助,最終使該書得以成功完成。
這本試題冊既可作為廣大高等學校英語應用能力考試A級考生平時測試和訓練之用,但更主要的目的是作為考生進行考前全面總結、強化訓練、綜合測試的理想“熱身”教材,亦即廣大考生考試前發(fā)力沖刺的“助推器”。 本試題冊編寫安排有如下特點:1.每套題各編寫成獨立的頁碼,便于學生和老師教學單獨做題測試時方便使用;2.每套題都附有答案及其分析,不僅給予了答案,還分析了理由,即指出了每道題的考點和類似結構,提出了注意要點和解答此類題的技巧,既讓學生知其然,又讓學生知其所以然,高屋建瓴,解題時觸類旁通,得心應手;3.答案同時還附有聽力文字材料并匹配錄音帶(盤)。
模擬試題 Test One Test Two Test Three Test Four Test Six Test Seven Test Einght Test Nine Test Ten參考答案、解釋與聽力文字材料 Test One Test Two Test Three Test Four Test Six Test Seven Test Einght Test Nine Test Ten主要參考文獻
B ), C) and D ). Then you should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Packaging is an important form of advertising. A package can sometimes motivate someone to buy a product. For example, a small child might ask for a breakfast food that comes in a box with a picture of a TV character. The child is more interested in the picture than in breakfast food. Pictures for children to colour or cut out, games printed on a package, or small gifts in- side a box also motivate many children to buy products or to ask their parents for them. Some packages suggest that a buyer will get something for nothing. Food products sold in reusable containers are examples of this. Although a similar product in a plain container might cost less, people often prefer to buy the product in a reusable glass or dish, because they be- lieve the container is free. However, the cost of the container is added to the cost of the prod- uct. The size of package also motivates a buyer. Maybe the package has "Economy Size" or "Family Size" printed on it. This suggests that the large size has the most product or the least money. But that is not always true. To find out, a buyer has to know how the product is sold and the price of the basic unit. The information on the package should provide some answers. But the important thing for any buyer to remember is that a package is often an advertisement. The words and pictures do not tell the whole story. Only the product inside can do that.
高等學校英語應用能力考試A級模擬試題及其攻略 PDF格式下載