
出版時間:2004-9  出版社:湖南人民出版社  作者:馬大森等編  頁數(shù):381  字數(shù):279000  


新修訂的《高等學校英語專業(yè)英語教學大綱》中明確提出:“口譯課是為高年級學生開設的英語基本技能課程。通過講授口譯基本理論、口譯背景知識和訓練口譯的基本技巧,使學生掌握口譯的基本理論和專題連續(xù)傳譯的技能,初步學會口譯記憶方法、口頭概述、口譯筆記及公眾演講技巧,以求學生能準確、流暢地進行漢英對譯。”本教程就是按照這一要求嘗試編寫的。    教程共包含10個單元,內(nèi)容涉及民族、經(jīng)濟、教育、科技、文化、環(huán)保、旅游、國防、體育、 醫(yī)療等多個方面。每單元的編寫體例由英漢口譯、澤英口譯、詞匯及口譯技巧與補充詞匯和語句組成。編著試圖把新穎的內(nèi)容、鮮活的詞語呈現(xiàn)在學生的面前,以折射出新世紀社會發(fā)展的語言軌跡,引導學生接納新詞語,學好新詞語,用好新詞語,了解口譯的新內(nèi)容。本教材適用于大學生、研究生和英語自學者。


Unit One  The Western Development of China  PartⅠ  Practice in English-Chinese Interpretation    1.Yichang's Strategic Role in Western Development    2.A Visit to Enshi    3.Chengdu Focus Stuonghold for Western Development   Part Ⅱ  Interpretation Skills and Additional Words and Expressions    口述簡述Unit Two  Education and Culture  PartⅠ  Practice in English Chinese Interpretation    1.Education in America    2.Worldwide Fervor in Learning Chinese    3.The United States as a Multicultural Society  PartⅡ  Practice in Chinese English Interpretation    1.民族文化交流    2.中國的烹調藝術    3.中國菜系  PartⅢ  Interpretation Skills and Additional Words and Expressions  口譯與語音Unit Three  Tourism and Environmental Protection  PartⅠ  Practice in English Chinese English Interpretation    1.Travel Tips for First Time China Tourists    2.Hangzhou Paradise on Earth    3.The Silk Road    4.Friendship and Cooperation  PartⅡ  Practice in Chinese English Interpretation    1.泰山    2.北京世界公園    3.旅游指南    4.九寨溝  PartⅢ  Interpretation Skills and Additional Words and Expressions  口譯與聽力Unit Four  WTO and China  PartⅠ  Practice in English Chinese Interpretation    1.The World Trade Organization(WTO)    2.The Uruguay Round    3.Anti-Dumping Actions    ……Unit Five  Computer and Information TechnologyUnit Six  Disease Comtrol and PreventionUnit Seven  Cloning and Gene EngineeringUnit Eingt National Defense and Military AffairsUnit Nine  Sports and Arts for Ethnic GroupsUnit Ten Investment and Stock ShareKey to Some Exercises(PartⅡ)



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