
出版時間:1995-10  出版社:湖南出版社  


目 錄
able unable
aboard, ashore
above, below
abroad, home
absence, presence, attendance
absent, present
absolute, mixed, limited, relative
absorb, give off, exude, send out
abstain, indulge
abstract, concrete
absurd, logical
accept , refuse, decline, reject
accident, purpose
accomplish, fail
accord, conflict
achieve , fail , miss
active, inactive, passive
actual, imaginary, ideal
actuality, possibility
add, subtract
adequate inadequate
admiration, contempt
admire, disdain
admit, deny
advance, retreat, postpone
advanced, backward elementary
affection , antipathy
afraid, bold
after, before
against, for
age, youth
aged, youthfnl young
agree, disagree, protest , differ
agreeable, disagreeable
ahead, astern, behind
aid, hinder, hurt
air, sea, land, water
airless, airy
alarm, calm
alike, unlike
alive, dead
allow, forbid
alone, accompanied, together
aloud, silently
always, never
amusing, boring
ancestor, descendant
ancient , modern
anger, pleasure
angry, pleased, good-tempered
answer, question, ask
anxious composed, easy, reluctant
any, none, no
appear, disappear
applied pure
approval, disapproval
approve, disapprove
arctic, antarctic
argue, agree
arguement, agreement
arm. disarm
arouse, calm, quiet(en)
arrange, disarrange
arrest, release
arrive, depart
ashamed, proud
asleep, awake
attack, defend, protect, defence,
attend, miss
attention, inattention
avoid face, meet
back front forward
backward, forward
backward(s), forward(s)
bad, good
badly, well
balance, imbalance
bearable, unbearable
beautiful, ugly
beauty, ugliness
beg, give. orde
begirn close, end, finish
beginner, master
beginning, end, finish
belief, disbelief, unbelief
believable, unbelivable
believe, disbelieve doubt
bend, straighten
benefit, harm
bent, straight
best, worst
bette , worse
big, small, little
birth, death
bitter, sweet, happy
black, white, bright
blame, praise
body, mind, soul, spirit
boil, freeze
bold, cowardly, shy
boring, interesting
borrow , lend
boss, employee
both , neither
bottom, top
boy, girl
brave, craven, fearful
break, repair, keep
bright, dark, dim, sad, worried,
stupid, dull
brilliant, gloomy
bring, take
broad, narrow
brother, sister
busy, tree , idle
buy sell
calm, anxious, storm
capable, incapable, incompetent
capital, small
capitalism, socialism
care, carelessness
careful, careless
carry, withhold, throw off
cash, cheque
catch, miss
cause, effect, result
centre, edge
certain, uncertain
change, hold, keep, settle
charming, repellent, unpleasant
cheap, dear
child adult
city, country
civil, foreign
clean, dirty, soil
clear, turbid, dim, dark, cloudy,
clever , dull, stupid
close, open, far, distant
closed, open
cloudy, cloudless, fine
clumsy, skilful
cock, hen
cold, hot
cold-blooded, warm-blooded
cold-hearted, warm-hearted
coldly , warmly
collect scatter , disperse
combine, separate
come, go
cornfort, discomfort
comfortable , uncomfortable
coming past
Command, obey
common, individual, scar 'e ,
complete, incomplete, begin
complex, simple
complicated, simple
compound, element
conceal, disclose
concerned , unconcerned
connect, disconnect
conquer, give up
conscious, unconscious
continue, discontinue, interrupt
continuous, discontinuous, interrupted
contract, expand
convenience. inconvenience
cool, warm
correct, incorrect, wrong
countable, uncountable
country, city, town
courage , fear, cowardice
cover, uncover
cruel, kind, pitiful
curse bless blessing
danger, safety
dangerous, safe
dark, bright, light
daughter, son
dawn, dusk
day, night
daybreak, nightfall
day-time, night-time
dead, live
dear cheap, inexpensive
decided, undecided
deed, word
deep , shallow
defeat, triumph victory
definite, indefinite
delay, hasten, hurry
delicate, coarse
demand, supply
deny, affirm
determined, undecided
devoted, false
die, live
differ, agree
difference , agreement
different, alike, same
difficult, easy
difficulty, ease
diligent, lazy
direct, indirect
discuss, agree
dismiss, employ
distribute, amass, collect
divide, joitn, unite
do , fail
double, single
doubt, belief, faith, believe, trust
down, up
downstairs, upstairs
draw, push
dress, undress
drive, check, stop
dry, wet
dull, clear, sharp, bright, interesting,
eager, indifferen , listless
earn, spend, lose
earth. heaven, sky
ease, anxiety, care, sorrow difficulty,
effort , worry
easily, painfully
easy, hard, uneasy
edge, center
educated, uneducated
effect, cause
elder, younger
emperor, emperess
empty, fall, filled
encourage, discourage
end, start
endure, resist
energy, weakness
enjoy, abhor, dislike
enlarge, lesson
entrance, exit
equal, unequal
especially, generally
even uneven, rough
evening, morning
evil, good, goodness
excellent, bad
except, including
exclted, calm
expand, contract, shrink
expect despair
expected, unexpected
expensive , inexpensive, cheap
expert, unskilled
expose, hide
extend, shorten
fact, fiction
fail, succeed
failure, success
fair, unfair, unfairly
faithful, unfaithful, faithless
fall. rise
false, correct, true, real
familiar, unfamiliar, strange
famous, obscure , unknown
far, near
farsighted, nearsighted, shortsighted
fat , lean, thin
father , mother
tault, merit, excellence
favourable , unfavourable
fear , fearlessness, bravery
fearful, fearless
few, many
final, first
(ind, lose, miss
fine, cloudy, ba,
fire, water
firm, infirm
fit, unfit
fix, alter break
(lee, stay
flood, drought
follow, lead, precede
tool wiseman
foolish, bright clever, smart,
forbid, allow, permit
foreign, domestie, native
forever, never
forget, remember
forgive, blame
fomnal, informal
former, latter
forth, back
fortunate unfortunate
fortunately, unfortunately
fortune , misfortune
found , destroy, dissolve
free, busy, tied up
freedom, restraint
freezing, boiling
frequently, seldom , infrequently
fresh , stale , old
friend enemy, foe
friendly, cold, unfriendly, hostile
friendship, hatred, hostility
frightful, peaceful
from, to
fulfil, fail
fun, melancholy
future past present
gain, loe, loss
gas, liquid, solid
gather, scatter, separate
gay, grave sad
gaze, glance
general individual, particular
generally, particularly
generous, mean
gentle, rough , severe, strong
gently. rough, roughly
get, leave, lose, give
gife'd, stupid
give, take
glad, sad sorry
gloom, joy, happiness
gloomy, brilliant, cheerful, joyful
gloriuus ingloriou.s shameful
glory, shame ?
good, bad, ill, harmful
gossip, truth
govern, obey
grandfather, grandmother
grandma, grandpa
grasp, pass up, misunderstand
gratitude, ingratitude
greatly, little
green, red, experienced, old
greet, ignore
grown-up, child
growth, decerease
guard , ignore
guarded, unguarded
guest , host
guide, follow
guilty innocent guiltless
hairy; hairless
hand-made, machine-made
handsome, ugly
happily, unhappily
happy, unhappy
hard, soft, easy
hardly, almost
hardworking, lazy
harm, good
harmful, harmless
hate, love, like
head, foot, tail
health, sickness, disease, illness
healthy, unhealthy, sick
heat , cold
heaven, hell
heavily, lightly
heavy, light
help, hinder, discourage
helpful, helpless, useless
here, there
hero, coward
hide, disclose , expose
high, low
hind, fore
hire, fire, dismiss
honest, dishonest
honour, dishonour
hope, despair
hopeful, hopeless
horrible, cheerful, pleasan
huge, small
hungry, full
hurry, delay, slow
husband, wife
lgnore, notice, pay attention to
ill, well
illegal, lawful
import, export
importance, unimpurtance
important, unimportant
improve, get worse, impair, worsen
in, out of
include, exclude
increase, decrease
indoor, outdoor
indoors, outdoors
infinity, infinitesimal
instruct, learn, study
intelligent, unintelligent, stupid
intend, decide
international, domestic national
join disjoin part
joy , sorrow
joyful, joyless, sad
jump, walk
junior, senior
just, unjust
keep, break, lose
kind, unkind
kindness, unkindness
king , queen
knowledge, ignorance
known, unknown
lack, sufficiency, have, abound
lad, lass
lady, gentleman



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