出版時間:2008-1 出版社:天津科技翻譯出版公司 作者:劉公望 頁數(shù):428
It is difficult to study TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and what is even more difficult is to become a well-known TCM physician. Not only does the difficulty lie in mastering plenty of TCM fundamentals and skills, but also in grasping its unique thinking models, which need to be experienced and verified in one s clinical application of them time and again. Being an integration of TCM theories with its clinical practice, the TCM clinical fundamentals subject consists of theknowledge of Treatise on Shanghan?。‥xogenous Febrile Diseases), Treatise on Jingui (Synopsis ofthe Prescriptions ofthe Golden Chamber) and Doctrine of Wenbing (Epidemic Febrile Diseases).
Part One Formulas and Syndromes of Treatise on Exogenous Febrile DiseasesChapter One Substance。f Differentiation of Syndromes According to six Charmels in Treatise on Exogenous Febrile DiseasesChapter Two Two Methods of the Research on the Relationshipbetween Formulas and SyndromesChapter Three Transmission Relationship 0f the Six Channel syndromeChapter Four Classification of Syndromes According to the Formulas1.The Law OfAdministration ofDrugs and Formulas in TreatiseonExogenousFebrileDiseases2.C1assincatiOn of the Formulas Recorded in Treatise Off Exogenous Febrile DiseasesChapter Five Analysis of Major Formula‘Syndromes of Treatise 0n Exogenous Febrile Diseases1.Syndrome ofEphedra Decoction(麻黃湯證,ma huang tang zheng)2 Syndrome ofCassia Twig Decoction(桂枝湯證,gui zhi tang zheng)3 Syndrome ofPueraria Decoction(葛根湯證,ge gen tang zheng)7.Syndrome ofPoria Powder with Five Herbs(五苓散證,wu ling san zheng)8.Syndrome of Tuckahoe,Cassia Twig,Largehead Atractylodes and Licorice Decoction(苓桂術(shù)甘湯證.1ing gui zhu gan tang zheng)9.Syndrome ofUmbellate Fungus Decoction(豬苓湯證.zhu ling tang zheng)10.Syndrome ofPrepared Soybean Decoction(梔子豉湯證,zhi zi chi tang zheng)11.Syndrome ofwhite Tiger Decoction(白虎湯證.bai hu tang zheng)12.Syndrome of Chinese Pulsatilla Decoction(白頭翁湯證,baitouwengtangzheng)13.Syndrome&Major Purgative Decoction(大承氣湯證.da cheng qi tang zheng)14.Syndrome ofOriental Wormwood Decoction (菌陳蒿湯證.yin chenhaotangzheng)15.Syndrome of Minor Bupeurum Decoction(小柴胡湯證,xiao chai hu tang zhengl16.Syndrome ofMinor Chest.Congestion Decoction(小陷胸湯證xiaoxianxiongtangzheng)17.Syndrome of Pinellia Heart.Purging Decoction(半夏瀉心湯證,banxiaxiexintangzheng、18.Syndrome ofCold Limbs Powder(四逆散證,si ni san zheng)19.Syndrome of Middle—Regulating Decoction(理中湯證.b zhong tang zheng).20.Syndrome ofEvodia Decoction(吳茱萸湯證、Ⅳu zhu yu tang zhengl21.Syndrome ofCold Limbs Decoction(四逆湯證,si ni tang zheng)22.Syndrome ofDivine B1ack Bird Decoction(真武湯證,zhen wu tang zhen)23.Syndrome ofChinese Angelica Cold Limbs Decoction(當(dāng)歸四逆湯證.danggui sinitangzheng)24.Syndrome ofRoasted Licorice Decoction(炙甘草湯證.zhi gan cao tang zheng)25.Syndrome of Coptis and Ass.Hide Glue Decoction(黃連阿膠湯證.huanglian ejiaotang zheng)26.Syndrome ofSmoked Plum Pill(烏梅丸證,wu mei wan zheng)Chapter Six Differentiation of Syndromes According to Six Channels1.Differentiation ofSyndromes ofTaiyang2.Differentiation of Syndrome of Yangming3.Differentiation ofSyndrome of Shaoyang4.Differentiation ofSyndrome ofTaiyin5.Differentiation ofSyndrome of Shaoyin6.Differentiation ofSyndrome of JueyinPart Two Formulas and Syndromes of the Synopsis Prescriptions of the Golden ChamberPart Three Formulas and Syndromes of Doctrine of Epidemic Febrile DiseasesAppedix