
出版時間:1999-06  出版社:天津科技翻譯出版公司  


l Every Other Day
2 l.s the Manager Clever?
3 A Poor Woman
4 The Doctor and the Patient
5 Is Mrs Jones Clever?
6 l Wish l Were a Book
7 You'll Live to Be Eighty
8 The Doctor's Advice
9 l Have Only Ten Children
10 Where Are His Teeth?
11 l'm Calling from Upstairs
12 Buying a Car
13 Is He Dying?
14 Is He a Bridge?
15 l'm Still Counting
16 l Could Do it Slower
17 An interesting Doctor
18 Night Calls
19 False Money for Mending False Tooth
20 A Round Ticket
21 Stay Calm Please
22 l'll Go There Myself
23 Is the Woman Forty?
24 Peter's New House
25 A Joke
26 Not Deserve It
27 Laugh and Friendship
28 Rope Or Ox?
29 Hat and Head
30 l'm Napoleon
31 The Hoe Disappeared
32 A Poor Husband
33 Theme
34 Sooner or Later?
35 Fifteen Pockets
36 l Knocked His Teeth Out
37 Thin Walls
38 Give Away
39 Insomnia
40 An "Accident
41.He is Not Afraid of Death
42 Are They Worn Out?
43 l Have to Wait
44 A False Alarm
45 He Is Away
46 An interesting General
47 Head and Helmet
48 An interesting Drunk
49 Why Was the Boy Crying?
50 The Same Language
51 More intelligent in Dreams
52 Chap in the Coffin
53 Clever Affendi
54 it' s Not a Cap
55 An interesting Answer
56 He Drank Too Much
57 He Doesn't Need Sympathy
58 A Clever Woman
59 So Do l
60 Is the River Deep?
61 A Clever Applicant
62 A Note
63 A Clever Employee
64 I Did
65 Which One Was That?
66 Why Not Divorce Daddy?
67 The Little Girl Wish
68 She Doesn't Like Reading
69 Don't Tell Others
70 Like Father like Son
71 Who Is Strong-willed?
72 A New Way to Give Up Smoking
73 The Rich Man and the Learned Man
74 A Love Letter to Girlfriend
75 Whom Does the Baby Look like?
76 Why I.s She Crying?
77 The Importance of a Second Language
78 A Forgetful Professor
79 Honesty and Sagacity
80 If l Were
81 Churchill and the Playwright
82 Right Answer?
83 Absent-minded Judge
84 Asking for the Rates
85 Overdone Toast
86 A Civilized Way of Asking for a Tip
87 Three Sons
88 The Dog That Can Do Arithmetic
89 Whv Is Andre Late?
90 Instead of Speaking
91 The President
92 The Secret of Fishing
93 Naughty Boys
94 The Accident
95 Do You Love Me?
96 Always Last
97 The Greatest Liar
98 Out witted
99 The Clever Prie.st
lOO Like Father like Son



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