
出版時間:1999-04  出版社:天津科技翻譯出版公司  譯者:于炳育/等  


1. The Origin and the Celebration of the Americah Thanksgiving Day
2. The American All-Saints' Day
3. The Present and Future of North American Diet
4. A Few Words about Making Friends in the US
5. Arbor Day in the State of Nebraska
6. Different Attitude to Praise
7. Something about Wishing Custom
8. Something interesting about Wedding Customs
9. Strange Dining Customs
10. A President of Few Words
11. The Coincidence of Two American President ' s Death
12. Why the Writer Ben Johnson Was Buried Standing Up?
13. Strange Signature
14. Galileo and the Pendulum
15. The Interesting Discovery of Rontgen Rays
16. One of the Greatest Mathematicians-Gauss
17. The World 's Great Literator-Gorky 's Childhood
18. Once the Greatest Man-Alexander the Great
19. Thinking During Sleep-Dream
20. The Relationship between Sleeping Stage and Dream
21. Age and Sleep
22. The Mystery of Animal Migration
23. Which Kind of Ammal is the Cleverest ?
24. Intelligence arid Seasons
25. Fresh Water and Life
26. The Longest and the Muddiest Rivers
27. Something Strange about Plants
28. Talking about "Light"
29. What Do the Stars and Stripes Mean?
30. The Founding of the Capital--Canberra
31. The World s Smallest Independent State--Vatican
32. The Origin of the Letter "V" Standing for Victory
33. The Origin and the Effection of Insurance
34. The Characteristic and the Evolution of Money
35. The Design of American Money
36. A Postal Story of Sparing One Word
37. The Origin and Spread of Karaoke
38. "Talking" with Dogs
39. Something Interesting about Elephant
40. A Popular Mouse-Mickey Mouse
41. The Discovery of Hale-Bopp Comet
42. Something about Halley Comet
43. Visiting Earth
44. Studying Comets
45. A Teacher to Be Remembered
46. Students Express Opinions
47. A Popular New Yorker
48. How We Get Oxygen?
49. This is for the Birds
50. A Home for Sid
51. Beautiful Butterflies
52. The Story of Spring
53. The Story of Summer
54. The Story of Autumn
55. The Story of Winter
56. Serious Business
57. Shape Up
58. The Age of the Dinosaurs
59. Beware of Sweet Foods
60. Tbe Missing Coins
61. Be Careful When Being Creative
62. Newspaper Carrier Wins
63. Make a Bluebird House
64. My Grandma ' s House
65. A Kindness Not Forgotten
66. John 's Link to Success
67. Students Become Heroes
68. Leam to Swim
69. Athletes Must Make the Grade
70. Eleven-Year-Old Star
71. Dogs Help Police Fight Crime
72. Our Endangered Friends
73. Police Arrive in Time
74. The House That Students Built
75. Turtle Takes Her Time
76. Death Valley
77. Who is There?
78. Who Eats Who?
79. Why Bat Hangs Upside Down?
80. Some Jungles Are Noisier thap Others
81. Warm-Blooded Fish
82. The Meeting of the Rails
83. The Monster in the Forest
84. Solar Cell



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