
出版時(shí)間:1998-10  出版社:天津科技翻譯出版公司  譯者:王躍英/等  


1 A Poor Man and A Rich Man
2 The Teacher's Coat Has Caught Fire
3 A Story with a Sad Ending
4 How l Decided to Leam English
5 Feel Better Than Dancing
6 Flying
7 Three Wishes
8 The Use of a Dictionary
9 Christopher Columbus
10 Who Is the Thief?
11 Practice Remembering
12 The Wrong Dog
13 Mike
14 A Story About Nasreddin
15 We Should Help Others Who Are in Trouble
16 A Boy's Coins
17 To See with One's Own Eyes Is More important
18 "Give Me BothofThem, Please '
19 Kane and His Birthday Present
20 The Cap-maker and the Monkeys
21 l Was a Thief
22 Bumt Last Night
23 Computer Games
24 Who Caught the Fish?
25 Get Lost in London
26 l Know How to Use a Dictionary Now
27 Leaming a Language
28 At the Hat Shop
29 Fishing
30 A Car of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents
31 A Seeing-eye Dog
32 Monday Moming
33 A Story About Chicken
34 Who Was in the Room?
35 On a Bus
36 You Can't Miss it
37 A Clever Buyer
38 The Dog Who Could Not Understand
39 Important Words
40 The Tree Tliat Was Always Different
41 Ants or People?
42 A Very Good Business
43 A Bee on the Nose
44 Generation Gap
45 Enjoy Collecting Stamps
46 Plant Lice as Cows
47 Something Very Useful
48 The First Americans
49 The Story of Silk
50 A Plant Surprise
51 Getting Bigger
52 Broken Glass
53 Using Machines
54 One of Nature's Wonders
55 A Surprise Plant Story
56 The Ship of the Desert
57 Can You Read Arithmetic?
58 Safety First
59 A Big Man-made Change
60 A Queer Change
61 Some Queer Plants
62 Is This Page Square?
63 Do you Get the Right Foods?
64 A Big Change in Travel
65 A Colorful Bird
66 Seeds with Umbrellas
67 Our Wonderful Eyes
68 A New Kind of Power
69 A Queer Bird
70 What Desert Oases Produce
71 They Are "Bad Medicine'
72 Are Toads Harmful?
73 Three Man-made Wonders
74 The Honeybee Family
75 Arithmetic Paid off
76 Something Good to Know
77 The Story of Light
78 A Busy Digger
79 Seeds and Bulbs
80 Real Arithmetic Problems
81 How We Hear
82 Progress in Heating Houses
83 Story of Chinese Zodiac
84 The Chicken
85 An Elephant for Our Zoo
86 What is a Red Giant?
87 A Fortune - teller
88 Two Balls
89 It's Your Wrist Watch
90 The Careles Doctor
91 Can l Take a Bath?



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