
出版時間:1997-08  出版社:天津科技翻譯出版公司  譯者:李凡志/等  


1. She Didn't Say Anything
2. I Have Turned it Over
3. Th Art of Cry
4. We Need Two of Those
5. It's Not That
6. It is Out Too
7. Is There a Crib in Your Stomach?
8. I Want to Tell
9. A ('lever Professor
10. Tom and His Mother
11. Sand and Fur Coat
12. Nu Hoe.
13. Coincidenre
14. l Can't S
15. Tom Saw a Tigcr
16. Can l Help You?
17. All l anguage Spoken
18. Ten Cent
19. A Polite Boy
20. Are You doing to Dance?
21. A New Son
22. Just the Opposite
23. An Opposiie Example
24. At a Loss
25. Kecp Fec'ding Him Nickle
26. The Same Mother
27. A Friend of the Duck
28. Bad or Worse
29. I Am the Tailor
30. It's Not a Pic-ture
31. It' Unfair
32. My Gift to the Judge
33. A Hundred Per Cent
34. Who Are They?
35. l'm the Dead Donkey's Father
36. l Saw Father Get it Out
37. How Much is the Plane Fare?
38. Cleaning Knive
39. A Girl Not included
40. A "Brave" Boy
41. Jim at Sea
42. A Farmer and a Vet
43. You Are the Fifth
44. We Are Neighbours
45. A Smart Horse
46. Outside and inside
47. Two Year:
48. The City Man and th Mountain Man
49. Welcome to Conie Back
50. The Rope and the Weather
51. I'll Take the Other One
52. A Silly Husband
54. l Shoot Them All
55. Women and Credit Cards
56. The Secret of Success
57. Neither Will Ted
58. l'm Using My Pencil
59. On a Bus
60. Here is Another
61. You Are Wrong
62. At Night
63. l Must Find it
64. A Silly Professor
65. A Clever An.swer
66. A Faithful Pupil
67. A Silly Servant
68. Happiness
69. You Get Zero
70. l Am a Barber
71. Is He a Good Doctor?
72. Sold Out
73. The Last Warning
74. A Clever Boy
75. l Didn't Need it Then
76. You Are the Seventh
77. Mother anrl Son
78. is Tom Right?
79. He Swore to Die
80. Who Were the Other Two?
81. Politeness
82. She Ate All My Bait
83. I'll Learn the Latter Half
84. A Poor Poet
85. I'll Take Two
86. The Opposite Result
87. When to Write
88. Let's Have a Try
89. The Mystery of Surcess
90. Is He Better?
91. Who is the Most Obedient?
92. A Secret of Long Life
93. Hard to Please Both
94. It's Not a Gun
95. New Discovery
96. Fire and Hot Water
97. Five Months Older
98. l Am My Father
99. Selling a Ladder
100. Keep It a Secret
101. Do Fish Ever Sweat?
102. Sharing Candy
103. H toO
104. Beer
105. A Poor Gentleman
106. He Will Beat Me
107. Both Are Busy
108. Telephone Number
109. ls He a Good Guide?
110. A Clever Boy
111. Discover and invent
112. Jack's Address
113. Seeing is Not Always Believing
114. Teeth and Chocolates
115. Two Cakes
155. Let Them Go



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