這本書的名字其實是《The circulation of the blood》我用《On the motion of the heart and blood in animals》作為標題是因為我只讀了這部分,后面的部分包括另外一些內容以及Harvey和朋友之間的往來信件都沒有讀,因此這篇評論只能算是部分書評。
如果你也是只需要讀《On the motion of the heart and blood in animals》,我推薦你買這一本,http://book.douban.com/subject/2385160/
這個是Prometheus Books出版的一套經典書籍,之后還會用這個出版社的書讀Newton等等。另外就是這一本會相對便宜……(美國書的價錢和國內相似,就是換個單位……)
我對比了一下,發(fā)現(xiàn)這個版本翻譯的也只是有《On the motion of the heart and blood in animals》這一部分,如果你想讀后面Harvey和朋友之間的信件,那我也不知道你應該找哪一個翻譯的版本,等人來補充吧。
“……because I profess both to learn and to teach anatomy, not from books but from dissections; not from the positions of philosophers but from the fabric of nature; to strive to take from the ancients any honour that in their due, nor yet to dispute with the moderns, and enter into controversy with those who have excelled in anatomy and been my teachers, I would not charge with wilful falsehood any one who was sincerely anxious for truth, nor lay it to any one's door as a crime that he had fallen into error. I avow myself the partisan of truth alone; and I can indeed say that I have used all my endeavours, bestowed all my pains on an attempt to produce something that should be agreeable to the good, profitable to the learned, and useful to letters.”
讀完dedication的時候,我已經對Harvey先生充滿敬意了,他的這種科學態(tài)度值得后人一再品味。無需我多說,多讀兩三遍,都能體會到。他的這本書前后一貫的邏輯也完全證明了他的理論是agreeable to good,profitable to learn。多說一句,學術界總有些爭吵,我更欣賞Harvey這種態(tài)度I not charge with wilful falsehood any one who was sincerely anxious for truth, nor lay it to any one's door as a crime that he had fallen into error.多么值得我們尊敬的一位紳士~
其實看Galen和Harvey,會有一種時間靜止的錯覺,關于心臟運行的錯誤理論,在一千年后才被有意識的去糾正,中間的很多醫(yī)學界人士活在認為正確的理論里,想想看,我們的現(xiàn)在,我們又是生活在哪一個篤信的理論著,等待著被后人推翻?Harvey還說過一句話是“all we know is still infinitely less than all that still remains unknown” 真是學海無涯。
這本書的正文我大概讀到了兩個重要的東西,一個是邏輯,一個是樣本實驗。Harvey在試圖證明自己的理論正確過程中,貫穿前后的邏輯十分清晰且有力。先寫觀察然后開始證明,從前提開始證,然后提出三個論點,之后通過其它實驗結果輔助證明自己的結論,一環(huán)扣一環(huán)由不得人不信服。另外一個樣本實驗就是,Harvey為了證明自己對于心臟的觀點是正確的,用了slugs, snails, scallops, shrips, crabs, crayfish, wasps, hornets, flies,(也就是說他把這些提到的動物都解剖了,起碼都觀察了心臟部分)這些舉例中的動物是摘自Chapter IV中Harvey為了說明almost all animals have a truely a heart, not the larger creatures only. 反過來想想這個背后的含義就是,在那個時代,絕大部分動物都是有心臟的這個觀點都沒有得到承認……再看看今天生物界達成的共識,從harvey提出這個觀點,400年不到,時間哎。
1、How do we know the purpose of nature itself? Even we know it, how could we guess Harvey - where knowledge coms from?
2、Why we offer different name for vein and artery? (besides the different function of them.)