
出版時(shí)間:2008-8  出版社:立信會(huì)計(jì)出版社  作者:陳勛 編  頁(yè)數(shù):143  


  本套教材是針對(duì)目前中職中專(zhuān)學(xué)生英語(yǔ)水平的實(shí)際情況,并依據(jù)教育部2000年頒布的《中等職業(yè)學(xué)校英語(yǔ)教學(xué)大綱(試行)》以下簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)《大綱》而編寫(xiě),著力滿(mǎn)足素質(zhì)教育需要,注重交際應(yīng)用,突出中職教育的特色??晒┲械嚷殬I(yè)學(xué)校非英語(yǔ)專(zhuān)業(yè)學(xué)生使用,也可供準(zhǔn)備升入成人高等院校的學(xué)生使用。本套教材共4冊(cè),每學(xué)期各1冊(cè),每?jī)?cè)14個(gè)單元,由淺入深,目的明確?! ”咎捉滩闹饕幸韵乱恍┨攸c(diǎn): ?。?)在緊扣大綱的同時(shí),以“零”為起點(diǎn),面向全體中等職業(yè)學(xué)校學(xué)生。根據(jù)我國(guó)絕大部分中職學(xué)校學(xué)生英語(yǔ)基礎(chǔ)比較薄弱的實(shí)際情況,本套教材在內(nèi)容編排上充分考慮到了讓學(xué)生能有一個(gè)新起點(diǎn),從最簡(jiǎn)單的英文學(xué)起。本套教材覆蓋了《大綱》的全部語(yǔ)音、語(yǔ)法項(xiàng)目,交際功能項(xiàng)目和絕大部分詞匯。 ?。?)教材設(shè)計(jì)新穎,聽(tīng)說(shuō)領(lǐng)先,重視基礎(chǔ)。本套教材雖然以“零”為起點(diǎn),但并非對(duì)基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)的簡(jiǎn)單重復(fù),而是從學(xué)生的生理、心理特點(diǎn)出發(fā),在實(shí)際語(yǔ)言訓(xùn)練中培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的英語(yǔ)發(fā)音習(xí)慣,以語(yǔ)言技能和實(shí)用為主,并結(jié)合職業(yè)學(xué)校學(xué)生的實(shí)際情況。




Unit One Greetings
?、瘢甃isten and Sing
?、颍甃isten and Talk
?、螅甆ew Words and Expressions
 Ⅳ.Useful Patterns
?、酰甃isten and Imitate
?、觯甈ractice and Exercise
Unit Two Introducing Oneself
 Ⅰ.Listen and Sing
?、颍甃isten and Talk
 Ⅲ.New Words and Expressions。 Ⅳ.Useful
 Ⅴ.Listen and Role play
?、觯甃isten and Imitate
?、鳎甈ractice and Exercise
Unit Three Personal Information
 Ⅰ.Listen and Sing
?、颍甃isten and Talk
?、螅甆ew Words and Expressions
?、簦甎seful Patterns
?、酰甃isten and Imitate
?、觯甈ractice and Exercise
 Test Yourself(1)
Unit Four Meeting People
?、瘢甃isten and Sing
?、颍甃isten and Talk
?、螅甆ew Words and Expressions
 Ⅳ.Useful Patterns
?、酰甃isten and Imitate
?、觯甈ractice and Exercise
Unit Five Asking for Help
?、瘢甃isten and Sing
?、颍甃isten and Talk
?、螅甆ew Words and Expressions
?、簦甎seful Patterns
?、酰甃isten and Imitate
?、鳎甈ractice and Exercise
Unit Six Asking the Time or Date
?、瘢甃isten and Sing
?、颍甃isten and Talk
 Ⅲ.New Words and Expressions
?、簦甎seful Words and Sentences
?、酰甃isten and Imitate
?、觯甈ractice and Exercise
 Test Yourself(2)
Unite Seven A School Day
?、瘢甃isten and Sing
?、颍甃isten and Talk
?、螅甆ew Words and Expressions
?、簦甎seful Patterns
 Ⅴ.Listen and Imitate
?、觯甈ractice and Exercise
Unit Eight Making a Telephone Call
?、瘢甃isten and Sing
 Ⅱ.When Will You Call These Numbers
?、螅甃isten and Talk
?、簦甆ew Words and Expressions
 Ⅴ.Useful Patterns
?、觯甃isten and Imitate
?、鳎甈ractice and Exercise
Unit Nine The Veather
?、瘢甃isten and Sing
?、颍甃isten and Talk
?、螅甆ew Words and Expressions
 Ⅳ.Useful Patterns
?、酰甃isten and Imitate
?、觯甈ractice and Exercise
?、鳎甒ords Game
?、瓻xtra Reading
 Test Yourself(3)
Unit Ten Eating Out
 Ⅰ.Listen and Sing
?、颍甃isten and Talk
?、螅甆ew Words and Expressions
?、簦甎seful Patterns
?、酰甃isten and Imitate
?、觯甈ractice and Exercise
Unit Eleven Shopping
?、瘢甃isten and Sing
 Ⅱ.Listen and Talk
?、簦甆ew Words and Expressions
 Ⅳ.Useful Patterns
?、酰甈ractice and Exercise
Unit Twelve Holidays
?、瘢甃isten and Sing
?、颍甃isten and Talk
?、螅甆ew Words and Expressions
?、簦甎seful Patterns
 Ⅴ.Listen and Speaking Practice
?、觯甈ractice and Exercise
?、鳎瓻xtra Reading
 Test Yourself(4)
Unit Thirteen Famous People
?、瘢甃isten and Sing
?、颍甃isten and Talk
?、螅甃isten and Fillin the Blanks
?、簦甋peaking Practice
?、觯甆ew Words and Expressions
?、鳎甈ractice and Exercise
Unit Fourteen Stories
?、瘢甃isten and Sing
 Ⅱ.Listen and Talk
?、螅甆ew Words and Expressions
?、酰甃isten and Speak
 Ⅵ.Extra Reading



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