
出版時間:2008-1  出版社:上海科技教育出版社  作者:毛華俊 等 著  頁數(shù):128  


  “同步課課練”系列叢書自1996年出版以來,因其緊密配合教材,難易程度適中,符合教學要求,深受廣大學生和教師的歡迎。  本書是該系列叢書中的一種,是為使用上海二期課改新教材的學生和教師度身定做的?! ”緯罁?jù)新教材內(nèi)容順序、教學進度和教學要求,針對每一課安排兩份試卷:A卷和B卷,其中A卷可讓學生在課堂里完成,B卷可作為回家作業(yè)由學生在家獨立完成,B卷難度略大于A卷。另設(shè)有期中、期末測試卷各一份,供學生進行考前自測時使用?! ”緯鳛榻滩牡难由旌屯卣梗瑢⑦M一步鞏固學生課堂上所學的知識,為學生今后的學習打下扎實的基礎(chǔ)。


  《同步課課練:英語(新世紀版)(高1年級第2學期)》依據(jù)新教材內(nèi)容順序、教學進度和教學要求,針對每一課安排兩份試卷:A卷和B卷,其中A卷可讓學生在課堂里完成,B卷可作為回家作業(yè)由學生在家獨立完成,B卷難度略大于A卷。另設(shè)有期中、期末測試卷各一份,供學生進行考前自測時使用?!  锻秸n課練:英語(新世紀版)(高1年級第2學期)》作為教材的延伸和拓展,將進一步鞏固學生課堂上所學的知識,為學生今后的學習打下扎實的基礎(chǔ)。


Unit OneA卷B卷Unit TwoA卷B卷Unit ThreeA卷B卷Unit FourA卷B卷Unit FiveA卷B卷Unit SixA卷B卷Unit SevenA卷B卷Unit EightA卷B卷期中測試卷期末測試卷KevsTapescripts


  4. The owner gave the night watchman 5,000 dollars  A. as a warning  B. as his pay  C. as a prize for his hard work  D. to show his thanks for having saved him  5. The sentence in the letter would probably be__________.  A. "I dont waat t0 use a man who saved me; "  B. "I dont like a man who dreams strange dreams. "  C. "The night watchmans duty is to stay awake the whole night. "  D. "Thanks a lot for your dream. !  (B)  In America, drivers education is part of the regular high school coarse. Every student in hisor her second year of high school is required to take a class in drivers education. However,unlike other course, it is not given during the regular school year. Instead it is a summer course,The course is divided up into 2 parts 1 ) class time for learning laws and regulations and 2) driving to practice driving. Glass time is not unlike any other class. The students have a textfrom w hich they study the basic laws they must know. to pass the written driving test that is given to anyone wanting to get drivers license.  Driving time is a change for the students to get behind the wheel(steering wheel) andpraatice starting,steening baoking up, parking, switching lanes, tuming corners, and all theother skills required in driving a car. Each student is required, to drive a total of six hours, Thestudents are divided into groups of four,The sudents and the instructor go out driving for two-hour blocks of time.





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