
出版時間:1999-06  出版社:上??萍冀逃霭嫔?nbsp; 作者:嚴國英  


Unit 1
Text What Are You Going to Wear Today?
Grammar The Present Tense
Unit 2
Text At the Shoe Store
Grammar There be
Unit 3
Text At the Drcss Shop
Grammar The Future Tense
Unit 4
Text What Colour Would You Like?
Grammar The Present Gontinuous Tense
Unit 5
Text A Bargain
Grammar The Past Tense
Unit 6
Text Talking About Things to Wear
Grammar The Past Continuous Tense
Unit 7
Text Ordering a Lounge-suit
Grammar Parts of Speech
Unit 8
Text Buying New Clothes
Grammar The Present Perfect Tense
Unit 9
Text In the New Department Store
Grammar The past Future Tense
Unit 10
Text Our Bedroom
Grammar Article
Unit 11
Text Needlework Equipment
Grammar The Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adjectives
Unit 12
The Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adverbs
Unit 13
The Future Perfect Tense
Unit 14
Stitching Guide
The Use of Verb"to have"and Nouns
Unit 15
Sewing Machmes
The Direct and Indirect Speech
Unit 16
How to Choose Your Colour Correcdy
Transitive and Intransitive Verb
Unit 17
The Modal Verb
Unit 18
Making Clohes for Oneself
The Participle 1
Unit 19
Planning Wardrobes
Adverbial Clause 1
Unit 20
The Structure of Fabrics
The Restrictive Attributive Clause and Non-Restrictive Attributive
Unit 21
The Nap of the Material
The Passive Voice
Unit 22
Taking Measurements (1)
Adverbial Clause 11
Unit 23
Taking Measurements (2)
The Gerund
Unit 24
How to Lay the Pattem on the Material
The Infinitive
Unit 25
How to Make up a Dress
The Attributive Clause
Unit 26
The Participle 11
Unit 27
The Noun Clause
Unit 28
A Summary of Assembling Procedures
The Future Continuous Tense
Unit 29
Names of Basic Parts for Clothes
Unit 30
Names of Basic Parts for Trousers
The Past Perfect Tense
Unit 31
Cutting Marks
The Subjunctive Mood



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