
出版時(shí)間:2010-12  出版社:梁超群 三聯(lián)書店上海分店 (2010-12出版)  作者:梁超群  頁(yè)數(shù):255  






序Acknowledgements中文題要AbstractIntroductionⅠ. Timeless Oedipal revoltsⅡ. Social Oedipal revolutions since the mid-19th centuryⅢ. Hopes of redemptionⅣ. Tennessee Williams as a modernist dramatistⅤ. Tennessee's complex relationship with his own father C. C.Ⅵ. The father in Williams' theatreChapter 1  The Glass Menagerie: The Post'Patricide Existential AnarchyⅠ. Timeless Oedipal revoltsⅡ. The disjointed world as a result of the absence of the fatherⅢ. Absence of the father as an expression of bitter disillusionmentChaoter 2  A Streetcar Named Desire: The Dead Father as a Toxic LegacyⅠ. Blanche's visitation and her tragic endingⅡ. Return of the dead father and his re-death——a metaphorical readingⅢ. Cultural significance of the father's loss: decline of the degraded Apollonian rule and the old EuropeChapter 3  Cat on a Hot Tin Roof: The Glorious Comeback of the Father as a Tribute to American PragmatismⅠ. Maggie——the Cat on the hot tin roofⅡ. Brick——the melancholic princeⅢ. The father's saving grace and the "brick-wall-breaking operation"Ⅳ. A dramatized tribute to King Big Daddy and his AmericaChapter 4  The Night of the Iguana : Communication and Mutual Help Replacing the Quest for the FatherⅠ. Everyone is hell and is in hellⅡ. Everyone can be someone's angelⅢ. Williams' attempt to liquidate his old selfⅣ. Communicative rationality as the saving grace right at handⅤ. Dethroned father figure integrated into the cycle of redemptionConclusionBibliography





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