
出版時間:1993-6  出版社:湖南文藝出版社  作者:[英]哈代  譯者:解楚蘭  


The Woodlanders is a novel by Thomas Hardy. It was published in 1887.
The story takes place in a small woodland village called Little Hintock, and concerns the efforts of an honest woodsman, Giles Winterborne, to marry his childhood sweetheart, Grace Melbury. Although they have been informally betrothed for some time, her father has made financial sacrifices to give his adored only child a superior education and no longer considers Giles good enough for her. When the new doctor – a well-born and handsome young man named Edred Fitzpiers – takes an interest in Grace, her father does all he can to make Grace forget Giles, and to encourage what he sees as a brilliant match. Grace has more awe than love for Fitzpiers, but marries him nonetheless. After the honeymoon, the couple take up residence in an unused wing of Melbury's house. Soon, however, Fitzpiers begins an affair with a rich widow named Mrs. Charmond, takes to treating Grace coldly, and finally deserts her one night after he accidentally reveals his true character to his father-in-law.
Melbury tries to procure a divorce for his daughter so she can marry Giles after all, but in vain. When Fitzpiers quarrels with Mrs. Charmond and returns to Little Hintock to try to reconcile with his wife, she flees the house and turns to Giles for help. He is still convalescing from a dangerous illness, but nobly allows her to sleep in his hut during stormy weather, whilst he insists on sleeping outside. As a result, he dies. Grace later allows herself to be won back to the at least temporarily repentant Fitzpiers, thus sealing her fate as the wife of an unworthy man. No one is left to mourn Giles except a courageous peasant girl named Marty South, who all along has been the overlooked but perfect mate for him, and who has always loved him.


托馬斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy, 1840-1928),英國作家。生于農(nóng)村沒落貴族家庭。1861年去倫敦學(xué)建筑工程,并從事文學(xué)、哲學(xué)和神學(xué)的研究。當(dāng)過幾年建筑師,后致力于文學(xué)創(chuàng)作。他的小說多以農(nóng)村生活為背景,對資本主義社會的文明和道德作了深刻的揭露和批判,但帶有悲觀情緒和宿命論色彩。晚年轉(zhuǎn)向詩歌創(chuàng)作。



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