
出版時間:2010-10  出版社:福建少年兒童出版社  作者:李卿楹  頁數(shù):128  


  為了弘揚課改精神,幫助廣大同學們掃除在學習中的障礙,進一步提升小學英語的閱讀理解能力,我們精心策劃編寫了這本《小學英語閱讀理解》。本書共16個單元,每單元由閱讀理解、完形填空兩部分構(gòu)成。本書具有以下三個特色:  一、理念新穎,著力體現(xiàn)三維教學目標的要求,理論立足點高:本書緊扣教材,以整個小學階段新課標最新教材為藍本,以新課程標準為指導思想。在訓練內(nèi)容上注重滲透“知識和能力”,“過程和方法”以及“情感態(tài)度和價值觀”的相關(guān)要求?! 《?、循序漸進,遵循由淺入深的學習規(guī)律,實際操作性強:本書的每個單元都是由兩個部分構(gòu)成。每個部分均按照由易到難的順序編排,這樣既適用于各個層次的學生平時學習,也便于小學畢業(yè)班的學生在復習時使用?! ∪?、注重情趣,體現(xiàn)孩子的心理認知特征,人本觀念性強:本書所選的內(nèi)容與學生的學習和生活密切相關(guān),同時參照小升初的要求精心設(shè)計題型,題型新穎多樣,使得學生在使用本書時仿佛是在興致勃勃地品味生活,以充分激發(fā)同學們的學習興趣?! ”緯}型新穎,信息量大,實用性強,是一本緊密聯(lián)系小學階段英語教材的助學讀物,但作為一種嘗試和創(chuàng)新,本書的疏漏之處在所難免,懇請廣大讀者朋友們多提寶貴意見,以便我們再版時修訂。


本書具有以下特點:  1 體系科學貼近教學  2 題材豐富激發(fā)興趣  3 題型新穎培養(yǎng)能力


如何解答閱讀理解如何解答完形填空Unit One 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Two 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Three 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Four 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Five 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Six 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Seven 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Einght 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Nine 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Ten 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Eleven 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Twelve 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Thirteen 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Fourteen 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Fourteen 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接Unit Sixteen 閱讀理解 完形填空 文化鏈接參考答案


  ( )1. Mr Brown is going to  A. take a trainB. spend his holiday  C. take off his hat  D. find his hat  ( )2. Mr Brown will spend his time  A. on the train  B. With his friends  C. in the mountains  D. at home  ( )3. The wind blows out of the window.  A. Mr Brown  B. Mr Browns bag  C. Mr Browns child  D. Mr Browns hat  ( )4. There on Mr Browns bag.  A. is a name  B. is an address  C. is a beautiful map  D. A and B  ( )5. Which statement is not true?  A. There is no address on the hat.  B. Mr Brown likes the mountains.  C. The bag will help Mr Brown find the hat.  D. Mr Brown isnt clever.    Tom likes chocolate very much, but his mother doesnt give him. She thinks they are very bad for his teeth. But Tom has a very nice grand mother. The old woman loves her grandson very much and sometimes she buys Tom some chocolates. Then Toms mother lets Tom eat them, because she wants to make the old woman happy.  One Sunday evening, it is Toms ninth birthday. He says,Please, God, make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday. His mother says, God cant hear you. Dont shout so loudly. I know, says the clever boy with a smile. But my grandmother is in the next room. She can hear me.  閱讀短文,判斷正誤,正確的在題前括號內(nèi)寫T,錯誤的在題閏括號內(nèi)寫F  ( ) 1. Toms mother thinks that the chocolates are very good.  ( )2. Toms grandmother thinks that the chocolates are very bad.  ( )3. Tom is nine years old.  ( )4. Toms grandmother and Tom are in the same room.



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用戶評論 (總計2條)


  •   內(nèi)容很是用 孩子很喜歡
  •   不錯,很實際和實用!

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