
出版時間:2011-9  出版社:江西教育出版社  作者:張一凡,檸檬 選編  頁數(shù):306  




第一章 生命的見證
 生命的美好The Goodness ofLife
 最好的座位The Best Seat in the House
 “樹屋”夢Treehouse of Dreams
 落榜之后The Envelope,Please
 氣味,道不完的情與事Living through My Nostrils
 我的專屬印記Life’S Little Bumps
 走好人生中的“歇步”The Practice of Slowing Down
 布丁就是明證!Proof is in the Pudding!
 跳過人生的“裂縫”I Survived
 存在的意義Flying for Freedom
 愛與痛的邊緣A Lot ofBread
 成長的歲月Growing Up
 相識是偶然Your Actions Mean More Than YolJ Know
 一生的收獲Catch ofa Lifetime
第二章 恬靜的北極星
 小時候媽媽對我說Things My Mother Taught Me
 老爸老媽的金玉良言Best Advice from Your Parents
 “母親”的含義Not“Just a Morn”
 母親的謊言My Morn’S a Liar
 家書All Mum’S Letters
 愛的撫摸The Jeweler’S Touch
 那一刻,我成了真正的父親Moments ofGrace
 鏡子背后Behind the Mirror
 封封情意結(jié)The Annual Letters
 我想為你們還有美國每個孩子爭取的——奧巴馬給女兒們的一封信 What I Want for You—and Every Child
in America
 孩子,我們永不會和你決裂! We’11 Never Divorce You
第三章 手心的小太陽
 回到孩提時代To Be Young Again
 幼兒園里學到的人生真諦 What I Learned in Kindergarten
 孩童如小狗,少年似小貓Kids Are Dogs,Teens Are Cats
 愛的真諦The Innocence of a Child
 布倫特的臺詞Me Three!
第四章 夢想的漂流瓶


  But even that excitement could get dull, so one time, when I was about5, in a moment of pride and stealth, I raised my hands off the roof rack.I waved to the sky above in a "Look ma! No hands!" pose. Just then, mymother must have given the car a little extra on the accelerator, to crest thefinal hill. I slipped off-tumbling in an arc to the ground, a puffy massof orange parka, of kindergarten wonder. Needless to say, I survived; Imerely cut my chin. It barely hurt. I was much more concerned for mymother, who was terribly shaken at what could have happened. From thenon, there were no more lo)ersatz roller-coaster rides for my brother or me.  Still, a few stitches sewn, dozens of retellings recited and decades later,I have a pointy, prideful chin that bears a tiny mangled gash. Few peoplecan actually see it; you have to really look closely. As such, I use mypunctuated chin as a litmus test of sorts for new boyfriends. If too muchpillow-talk goes by without him even noticing, I begin to wonder if he is really looking at me.  If that were the only scar, I'd be thrilled. But there are countless more.I look at my hands, littered with little white nicks, purplish dark spots,grave sites for twisted fiesh. Every scrape not tended to properly has left its mark, and every time I impatiently rip at an unsightly scab, I claim newterritory.  ……



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