
出版時間:2011-9  出版社:江西教育出版社  作者:思葦 等選編  頁數(shù):309  


此次集結(jié)出版的美文,來自歷年的閱讀版、中學(xué)版、原聲版和口語版,分為“一人一個情人結(jié)”、 “愿此刻停留”、


第一章 千言寵語
貓狗情誼A Cat’S Best Friend
Did You Hear Me When I Said Goodbye?
男孩和小狗Puppies for Sale
心靈的語言The Language of the Heart
一只貓的生命哲學(xué)The Zen of Cat
成為丑丑Trying to Be“Ugly”
第二章 那一顆智齒
成長的“鞋子”情結(jié)Growing Up and Shoes
我不懂寫作I Never Write Right
矮子心結(jié)My Inner Shrimp
第三章 心之所在
愛的小盒The Golden Box
聽,天使在敲門Angels Never Say Hello!
第四章 伴我同行
第五章 愛如空氣
第六章 人生馬戲團


  You rarely let me out of your sight either. Whether I was working in theyard, or sitting at the computer, you were always by my side. Digging inthe garden, your nose would be inches from the shovel and I was afraid Iwould hurt you, but you were always fast on your feet. What was irritatingwere the times you'd growl and try to nip my ankles or grab my foot as wewalked together, but you never tried to hurt me. You just thought it was funeven though I yelled at you to stop.  Did you hear me, Beau?  Then came the dark days. Those days when you becamelethargic andrefused to eat. The vet said you had Lyme disease and you were given amonth's worth of antibiotics. You seemed to recover after that, and your appetite returned, but you wouldn't eat regular dog food. Instead, I fed you "humanfood." Of course you were spoiled, but I didn't care. It was a simple thing to prepare an extra portion of food each evening. Afier all, we were buddies.  And just when we thought you were returning to health, you refusedall food and I had to coax you to drink water by putting my hand in yourbowl and bringing my filled palm up to your 23)muzzle. You'd look into myeyes, not really wanting any but doing it just to please me, after I pleaded, saying, "Please drink, baby." and your tongue would touch my open hand.  Did you hear me, Beau?  ……



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  •   彩頁的,很漂亮,選的文章也好~
  •   內(nèi)容很好,很好聽,有助于聽力的聯(lián)系
  •   真是抱歉,書回來后光去看書忘記評論了。書很不錯,點32個贊!
  •   本書是用彩色繪圖,紙質(zhì)不錯。單詞也不會太難。
  •   挺好的,簡單,用音標,還是彩圖
  •   內(nèi)容很好,要好好學(xué)習(xí)

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