
出版時間:1970-1  出版社:江西教育出版社  作者:王水發(fā),劉永東 編  頁數(shù):144  




1 Oh,I Lord! My idol!——From Nothing Hill2 I really do want to understand.——From Freaky Friday3 I am sure that both of me will love it.——From Growing Pains4 What are you thinking you are doing here?——From Ice Princess5 The game is over.——From Twilight6 We are so sorry!——From High School Musical7 I am such a big fan!——From Kongfu Panda8 Could I be a penguin instead?——From The King's Speech9 What,are you crazy?——From Knightrider10 You're going to college!——From Accepted11 For wanting a quality education.——From The Blind side12 Why doesn't he let you do what you want?——From Dead Poet Society13 Listen to my own voice.——From PocahontasⅡ14 I won't marry'for crown.——From The Princess Diaries15 I think people have the right to know.——From 201216 He is made of rocks!——From World Trade Center



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