
出版時間:1970-1  出版社:時代文藝出版社  作者:章華 編譯  頁數(shù):253  




  If life were like a computer  假如生活是一臺電腦  This is no time to be superstitious!  都什么時候了,還這么迷信?  You can't call that food  你不能稱那東西為食物  Who is nuts?  誰是傻瓜  Women's secrets  女人,不能說的秘密  Are you a nOrmal person?  你精神正常嗎?  Open one eye and close one eye  睜一只眼閉一只眼  Happiness in dream  夢中的幸?! an pilots fly?  飛行員會飛嗎?  Hi Dan!  你好,丹!  Half glass of water  半杯水  Make him a conductor  讓他當指揮  A letter to her son  寫給兒子的信  He looks just like you  他長得真像你  That record will stand forever  這個記錄永遠不會被打破了  Logic reasoning  邏輯堆理  Men are from Mars,Women are frOm Venus  男人來自火星,女人來自金星  Wh ich woman?  哪一位女人?  Getthe kid  讓小的干吧  I don't want Him to know I'm here  我不想讓主知道我在這里  A professional gambler  職業(yè)賭徒  How to refuse a boy  如何拒絕男孩  Women's words about marriage  女人婚后麻辣語錄  All in the same boat  同舟共濟  This is my first operation  這也是我第一次動手術  Bad acting has its benefits  演技三流有好處  Columbus'telephone number  哥倫布的電話號碼  4-4=?  四減四等于幾  If I am a manager  如果我是一名經(jīng)理  Where is the father?  父親在哪兒9  Logical thinking  邏輯思維  Those funny words  經(jīng)典搞笑雷人語錄  I shall not come back  喔將永遠不回來了  Time is money for both of us  時間對我們倆來說都是金錢  Tell me when we get there  到那站時,請告訴我  You can always tell which way the wind is blowing  你總能分清風是從哪邊吹過來的  When do people talk least?  人們什么時候說話最少?  Good news and bad news  好消息和壞消息  Atripto disney  迪斯尼之旅  Good—bye,money  再見,鈔票  A new employee  新員工  Cannonical Murphy's laws of combat  墨菲定律(戰(zhàn)場版)  New baby  新生兒  Violin lessons  小提琴課  Gaffield's Words  加菲貓語錄精選  Life after death  死后重生  You only find out who's been swimming naked When the tide goes out  只有退潮時,才知道誰在裸泳  Roast pig  烤乳豬  A letter for the girlfriend  致女朋友的一封信  What I want in a man at different ages  我在不同年齡時的理想男友的標準  A Man vs A Woman  男人和女人  Mind twisters  腦筋急轉彎


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