
出版時間:2012-7  出版社:吉林美術(shù)出版社  作者:何多苓  頁數(shù):166  




一對一的觀看還有多遠(yuǎn)?——何多苓的新作解讀 其實(shí)繪畫就是一種快樂——何多苓與歐陽江河的對談 圖版 春風(fēng)已經(jīng)蘇醒 青春 小翟 塔 窗前的女人 海灘 迷樓系列——春 迷樓系列——夏 迷樓系列——秋 迷樓系列——冬 午后 庭院方案一 庭院方案二 庭院方案三 庭院方案四 庭院方案五 窺視 后窗(二) 后窗(三) 后窗(四) 后窗(五) 母親 小柯 青春2D07 小翟和龍舌蘭——向弗里達(dá)·卡洛致敬 紅襪子 落葉 夜奔 小綠人 重返克里斯汀娜的世界 雙人肖像 泉 珀爾修斯與龍 失樂園 兔子俄菲利亞 俄菲麗亞 樂園 肖像 空間 唯覺 梁焰 山邊的女人 甲根壩 風(fēng)景No.1 風(fēng)景No.2 次生林 雜花寫生之二 雜花寫生之三 雜花寫生之四 雜花寫生之五 雜花寫生之二十六 雜花寫生之二十八 薔薇 春天人物寫生之一 野園 在水中 林中 克里斯汀娜以后的世界 沉睡的美人魚 兔子的誕生 兔子下山 兔子想飛 兔子森林 兔子和飛毯 樹上耍 兔子夏洛特 母女 舞者No.4 舞者No.9 偷走的孩子 小男孩在尋找他的聲音 這個世界哭聲太大,你不懂 出門未歸的孩子 沼澤女兒 山水間 奔跑的女人 風(fēng)中的女孩 無題 凱文 歡歡 小劉 連環(huán)畫《雪雁》之二十八 連環(huán)畫《雪雁》之四 連環(huán)畫《雪雁》之二十四 連環(huán)畫《雪雁》之二十六 連環(huán)畫《雪雁》之二十二 連環(huán)畫《帶閣樓的房子》之九 連環(huán)畫《帶閣樓的房子》之十 連環(huán)畫《帶閣樓的房子》之四 連環(huán)畫《帶閣樓的房子》之十九 連環(huán)畫《帶閣樓的房子》之十一 連環(huán)畫《帶閣樓的房子》之二十五 夏夜 小翟 自畫像 肖像 肖像 彝族人 祖母像 彝族人 素描 素描 人體 編者后記


版權(quán)頁:   插圖:    Ouyang: Yes, dislocation. It's quite funny. In the periodwhen we were in Mexico, Xiao Zhai was very fascinatedwith Kahl, as a result she processed the painting likethis. It means that Xiao Zhai has replaced Kahl inboth image and spirit while they have certain commonqualities indeed. These dolls are quite mysterious,They which represent many complex sentiments ofMexico's culture, religion and history. I don't go intotheir implications seriously and just regard them aspixies make chaos. This painting is different from othersceneries with strong surrealistic component by thename of Salute to Frida Kahl: Xiao Zhai and Maguey,in which Kahl's regret for the past is quateds. She usedthis regret to express a character of confrontation withthe involuted social background and powerful man ofMexico Revolution. Xiao Zhai is awfully fascinatedwith these things and this painting serves to expresssuch elements. This batch of paintings have replacedprevious narcissism by ingredients of subjectivity andcynicism. At the same time, they have embodied it in avery graceful manner. Ouyang: The work Salute to Frida Kahl: Xiao Zhai andMaguey has been depicted full of dramatic, humanisticand narrative characteristics by you.He: This painting indeed has reverted to the narrativityof the day. In the earliest painting I painted Xiao Zhai, she wasin a empty room in Liangshan, also has a sort of exoticsentiment in it. Ouyang: The reason why the empty horizon repeatedlyappeared in your early works may have an internalrelation with your educated youth career in DaliangMount. You got a deep-rooted feeling for desolation.He: Looking at the poem The Waste Land, it had strongallure and felt very lofty. Ouyang: Now childhood is disappearing, the wasteland is disappearing, the lyric is disappearing as well,while materials become abundant increasingly, luxuryconsumption, neon lights, beer and economic bubblehuddle. He: Many people who respected The Waste Land inthose days had become bourgeoisies afterwards.Ouyang: The image itself of The Waste Land hasbecome a target consumer. In the painting Dead Leaves,leaves appear in the conspicuous place of the picturefor the first time, nevertheless, tree-trunk still plays asignify'cant, item propertied, metaphorical role.He: Here the only thing not abstract is that trunk.Ouyang: Is it likely to allude to penis?






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