超級培優(yōu) 七年級英語

出版時(shí)間:2010-9  出版社:吉林教育出版社  作者:江思容 編  頁數(shù):236  字?jǐn)?shù):480000  




上冊  Unit 1  My name's Gina.    Unit 2  Is this your pencil?  Unit 3  This is my sister.    Unit 4  Where's my backpack?  Unit 5  Do you have a soccer ball?  Unit 6  Do you like bananas?  Unit 7  How much are these pants?  Unit 8  When is your birthday?  Unit 9  Do you want to go to a movie?  Unit 10  Can you play the guitar?  Unit 11  What time do you go to school?  Unit 12  My favorite subject is science. 下冊  Unit 1  Where's your pen pal from?  Unit 2  Where's the post office?  Unit 3  Why do you like koalas?  Unit 4  I want to be an actor  Unit 5  I'm watching TV  Unit 6  It's raining!  Unit 7  What does he look like?  Unit 8  I'd like some noodles  Unit 9  How was your weekend?  Unit 10  Where did you go on vacation?  Unit 11  What do you think of game shows?  Unit 12  Don't eat in class.      參考答案




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