【上海專用】上海作業(yè) 英語(上海專用)

出版時(shí)間:2010-1  出版社:吉林教育出版社  作者:金浩 編  頁數(shù):156  字?jǐn)?shù):200000  


Unit One Modern Technology
 Lesson 1 Computers
 Lesson 2 Robots
 Lesson 3 Household Appliances
 Test for Unit 1
Unit Two Culture and Customs
 Lesson 1 Visiting a British Family
 Lesson 2 Eating Out
 Test for Unit 2
Unit Three Knowledge of Common Interest
 Lesson 1 Idioms with Body Parts
 Lesson 2 Exhibitions and Museums
 Lesson 3 Wonders of the World
 Test for Unit 3
Unit Four Animals and Plants
 Lesson 1 A Visit to an Agricultural Park
 Lesson 2 For or Against Keeping Pets?
 Test for Unit 4
Mid-term Examination
Final Examination



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