
出版時(shí)間:2007-5  出版社:吉林教育  作者:孫英杰  頁(yè)數(shù):158  字?jǐn)?shù):188000  


閱讀狂飆:滿分閱讀炫計(jì)劃(九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)),ISBN:9787538352566,作者:孫英杰,許欣寧 主編


Unit 1  Don't be Nervous on an Exam  Harry Potter  My Hero  Pu Bajia  Stephen Hawking  Big Yao  How to Learn English  閱讀文章  閱讀訓(xùn)練  講透考點(diǎn)  答案解析Unit 2  Olympic Mascots No Longer “Friendlies”  The First Cloning of a Monkey  The Closing Ceremony of Doha Asian Games  The "Statue of Liberty  Elvis Presley  Learn a Foreign Language through the Ears  閱讀文章  閱讀訓(xùn)練  講透考點(diǎn)  答案解析Unit 3  The Advantages of Taking Classes Online  Spiderman II  Chinese Pianist  David Beckham  Teenagers  Should Teenagers Have Their Own Mobile Phones?  閱讀文章  閱讀訓(xùn)練  講透考點(diǎn)  答案解析Unit 4  To be a Volunteer  When There are Troubles in Life  Big Events  The Secret of the Magic Gourd  When I Grow up  Medicines  閱讀文章  閱讀訓(xùn)練  講透考點(diǎn)  答案解析Unit 5  The 6th Asian Winter Games  Chat Online  An Australia Boy's School Life  Thanksgiving Day  Open Season  An E-mail  閱讀文章  閱讀訓(xùn)練  講透考點(diǎn)  答案解析Unit 6  The New Way to Buy Cheap Things  Weather Predict  Food is Very Important  Music--Our Best Language  Carols  Spring Festival  閱讀文章  閱讀訓(xùn)練  講透考點(diǎn)  答案解析Unit 7  Mel in Hawaii  A Conversation Between Alice and a Travel  Agent  Travel in Bangkok  Train, Plane or Bus?  Hong Kong Smoking Ban  Our Neighbour--lndia  閱讀文章  閱讀訓(xùn)練  講透考點(diǎn)  答案解析Unit 8  A Korean Star--Rain  A Legendary Writer--Ba Jin  Water in the Oceans  Exploning Asia--International Cities  A Famous Poet--Qu-yuan  The First Woman Writer Win the Nobel Prize  閱讀文章  閱讀訓(xùn)練  講透考點(diǎn)  答案解析Unit 9  A Girl in Nepal  Zhang Yimou's New Work--Curse of the  Golden Flowers  Hampton Court Palace  Loving Husband-and-wife Teams  The Content of Time Magazine  Buses  閱讀文章  閱讀訓(xùn)練  講透考點(diǎn)  答案解析……



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