
出版時(shí)間:2007-5  出版社:吉林教育  作者:王宏宇  頁(yè)數(shù):176  字?jǐn)?shù):158000  




Unit 1  Making his markUnit 2  How the wren became queen?Unit 3  Two nos mean yes.Unit 4  Do you want to go?Unit 5  What do they like?Unit 6  Some animalsUnit 7  A map of a schoolUnit 8  Kindness paysUnit 9  The fox and the craneUnit 10  The school's blackboardUnit 11  Wet paint !Unit 12  The fox and the goatUnit 13  A little horse crosses a river.Unit 14  Lunch menuUnit 15  The three meals of AmericansUnit 16  Class timetableUnit 17  Do you have a pen pal?Unit 18  HipposUnit 19  Healthy foodUnit 20  TV programmesUnit 21  Is Sam healthy?Unit 22  More about NBA Unit 23  Boarding passUnit 24  Average temperatureUnit 25  Mason’S clothes storeUnit 26  Trains from Jilin to ChangchunUnit 27  A receiptUnit 28  The signs of banksUnit 29  Give your friend a high five.Unit 30  A clever monkeyUnit 31  Hap deadUnit 32  Do you like the sea?Unit 33  Famous peopleUnit 34  An advertisementUnit 35  How to send an e.mail?Unit 36  A postcard from AndyUnit 37  We are all friends.Unit 38  A hungry rabbit……答案講解



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