
出版時間:2006-6  出版社:吉林教育  作者:史才春  頁數(shù):203  字?jǐn)?shù):120000  




Unit 1  Panda Show TimeUnit 2  My BedroomUnit 3 My Little RabbitUnit 4  My CarsUnit 5  A Happy WeekUnit 6  Women's DayUnit 7  My Favorite SeasonUnit 8  I Like Playing Sports,Unit 9  Hello Mickey!Unit 10 The Sun and the MoonUnit 11 Mother Is at Home.Unit 12 Not a DancerUnit 13 A PhotoUnit 14 Who Will Put the Bell on the Cat?Unit 15 K DayUnit 16 Mousy Has a Stomachache,Unit 17 Mary's BirthdayUnit 18 The Weather in ChinaUnit 19 Is the Horse Blind?Unit 20 A Dog's DayUnit 21 Do You Know Me?Unit 22 A DriverUnit 23 Helping MotherUnit 24 TwinsUnit 25 On the BusUnit 26 Eagle and HenUnit 27 Working in a ShopUnit 28 A WolfUnit 29 Be ModestUnit 30 Going to LondonUnit 31 My HouseUnit 32 Leaf ColoursUnit 33 Longer NightsUnit 34 Chairman MaoUnit 35 Make Friends with AnimalsUnit 36 Autumn Is the Golden SeasonUnit 37 The Tortoise and the HareUnit 38 What Are You Going to BeyUnit 39 Halloween FunUnit 40 Our Good FriendsUnit 41 In a RestaurantUnit 42 How Unlucky I Am!Unit 43 Our TeacherUnit 44 CarsUnit 45 A Brave SeagullUnit 46 I Can See You!Unit 47 StarsUnit 48 An Old Woman and a BoyUnit 49 The Best Medicine……


  Peter Is an office worker .He works in an office in as mall town. One day his boss says to him,“Peter,1 want you to go to London. to an office there。to see Mr. Btown.”  Peter goes to London by train. When he goes to Lon-don,he thinks,“The office isn’t far frOm here.1 can go there on footill find i t easi IY.”  But after an hour。he is stI I I Iooking fOr i t,so hes tops and asks an old woman .She says,“Go along this treet,turn right at the end,and it’s the first building on the right.”Peter goes and fwnds It. A few days later,he goes to the same city,but again he can not fInd the office.dust then an old woman comesover.1t is the same woman .She is very surprised and says.“Are you still looking for that office?”



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用戶評論 (總計5條)


  •   作為英語教師,我覺得不錯!對小學(xué)生有用!
  •   對三、四年級的小學(xué)生好像有點難度哦!
  •   這本書對三四年級的小朋友,似乎難了點。不過整體的編排理念還不錯
  •   兒子讀四年級,因為老師要求增加課外閱讀量,所以買來督促他做。感覺好象簡單了一點,每一篇課文都很快就做完了。而且答案就在課文下面,想偷懶的話很容易。
  •   價格便宜,不過答案緊跟題目,孩子做的時候很容易去看答案.

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
