
出版時(shí)間:2009-1  出版社:山西科學(xué)技術(shù)出版社  作者:李壽堂  頁(yè)數(shù):107  譯者:張連友 注解  




第一章  劍的結(jié)構(gòu)、各部名稱及規(guī)格
第二章 32式太極劍的基本技術(shù)
第一節(jié) 手型與手法
第二節(jié) 步型與步法
第三節(jié) 身型、身法與眼法
第四節(jié) 劍法
第三章 32式太極劍套路詳解
第一節(jié) 32式太極劍套路劍譜
第二節(jié) 32式太極劍套路動(dòng)作說(shuō)明
附 32式太極劍動(dòng)作布局路線圖


版權(quán)頁(yè):插圖:32. Thrust forward in Bow Step (Compass)Lower the upper body slightly. Lift the left foot and take a step forward. Shift the weight forward. Bend the left knee and extend the right leg naturally straight to form a left Bow Step. At the same time, the hands move back to the sides of the waist. The right hand thrusts the sword forward. The left sword fingers move forward and stay on the right wrist. Eyes look ahead (Figure 3-86).Key Points(1) When the left foot stepping forward, lift it gently first and bring it in beside the right foot, and then step forward.(2) Both hands move back to the sides of the hip in an arc, and then move forward at the same time. The sword points to the opponent's centre of the body at chest level.Keep in MindSink the energy (Qi). Inhale when stepping forward. Exhale to increase the power to thrust the sword, the force going to the tip.


  《32式太極劍學(xué)與練(中英文對(duì)照)(附VCD光盤1張)》風(fēng)格突出,內(nèi)容充實(shí),動(dòng)作講解規(guī)范,意念引導(dǎo)清晰,圖文并茂,中英文對(duì)照,易學(xué)易懂,有益于健身。  去掉了原傳統(tǒng)套路中過(guò)多的重復(fù)拳勢(shì)動(dòng)作,集中了傳統(tǒng)套路中的主要結(jié)構(gòu)和技術(shù)內(nèi)容。



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