
出版時間:2006-6  出版社:云南民族出版社  作者:喻翔生 著  頁數(shù):335  字?jǐn)?shù):270000  


編者在本書中扼要編列了5 5種英語修辭格式以及能與其中大部分可相對應(yīng)的3 5種漢語修辭格式,匯集古往今來眾多名家的名言錦語作為例證。讀者可以借鑒這些精雕細琢的絕妙好辭,仿效語言大師們?nèi)绾螣捵智苍~、精益求精的寫作態(tài)度,從而豐富自身的修辭知識,提高寫作能力。


ESSENTIAL ENGLISH RHETORICAL DEVICESPART ONE I. 0 An Elementry Introduction to the Historical Background of Rhetoric  Ⅰ. 1 What Rhetoric Treats about Today?  Ⅰ. 2 The Importance of Studying RhetoricPART TWO Ⅱ. O Diction  Ⅱ. 1 The Effect of Words  Ⅱ. 2 Abstract and Concrete Words  Ⅱ. 3 General and Specific Words  Ⅱ. 4 Denotation and Conotation  Ⅱ. 5 Synonyms  Ⅱ. 6 Idioms  Ⅱ. 7 Present Words  Ⅱ. 8 National Words  Ⅰ. 9 Technical Words  Ⅱ. 10 Newly-coined Words  Ⅱ. 11 Words to Avoid for Good Taste  Ⅱ. 12 Obsolete Words  Ⅱ. 13 Colloquialisms  Ⅱ. 14 Slang  Ⅱ. 15 Provincialisms  Ⅱ. 16 Vulgarisms  Ⅱ. 17 Jargon  Ⅱ. 18 Clieh6s  Ⅱ. 19 Gobbledygook and ShoptalkPART THREE 11I. 0 Figures of Speech  Ⅲ. 1 Simile  Ⅲ. 2 Metaphor  Ⅲ. 3 Analogy  Ⅲ. 4 Personification  Ⅲ. 5 Hyperbole  Ⅲ. 6 Understatement  Ⅲ. 7 Euphemism  Ⅲ. 8 Contrast  Ⅲ. 9 Metonymy  Ⅲ. 10 Synecdoche  Ⅲ. 11 Antonomasia  Ⅲ. 12 Pun  Ⅲ. 13 Syllepsis  Ⅲ. 14 Zeugma  Ⅲ. 15 Irony  Ⅲ. 16 Innuendo  Ⅲ. 17 Satire  Ⅲ. 18 Paradox  Ⅲ. 19 Oxymoron  Ⅲ. 20 Parody  Ⅲ. 21 Transferred Epithet  Ⅲ. 22 Synaesthesia……PART FOUR ESSENTIAL CHINESE RHETORICAI DEVICESAPPENDIXⅠ:Exercises in Figures of SpeechAPPENDIXⅡ:Answers to the ExercisesAPPENDIXⅢ:A List of Some Linguistic Tems REFERENCES




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