出版時(shí)間:2012-8 出版社:廣東科技出版社 作者:梁燕 頁數(shù):91 字?jǐn)?shù):70000
看圖買材料Buy ingredients according to the pictures
買回來的材料怎樣處理?What to do with the ingredients?
做飯小秘方Cooking Tips
煮飯的技巧Cooking Techniques
一餐中各種食物的攝取比例 The proportion of different food intake during a
看顏色食果蔬 Choose vegetables and fruit according to colour
開始做飯Let's Start!
蒸飯Steamed Rice
海鮮荷葉飯Seafood rice in lotus leaf
上海菜飯Shanghai vegetable rice
番薯飯Sweet potatoes rice
雜菌十谷炊飯Mixed mushrooms rice
豉油雞糙米飯Brown rice with soy sauce chicken
咸魚肉餅飯Steamed minced pork with salted fish rice
臘腸蒸雞飯Steamed chicken rice with preserved sausages
冬菇滑雞片飯Steamed chicken and black mushrooms rice
三色有味飯Trio tasty rice
海南雞飯Hainanese chicken rice
豉汁排骨鳳爪飯Steamed rice with spareribs, chicken feet and fermented
black beans sauce
炒飯F(tuán)ried Rice
西炒飯Western fried rice
揚(yáng)州炒飯Yangzhou fried rice
有錢佬炒飯Richman's fried rice
咸魚雞粒飯F(tuán)ried rice with diced chicken and salted fish
生炒牛肉飯F(tuán)ried rice with beef
生炒糯米飯Stir-fried glutinous rice
肉松姜粒蛋白炒飯F(tuán)ried rice with pork floss diced, ginger and egg
菠蘿炒飯Pineapple fried rice
鴛鴦炒飯Duo-colour fried rice
福建炒飯F(tuán)ujian fried rice
紅咖喱海鮮炒飯F(tuán)ried rice with red curry seafood
日式海鮮炒飯Japanese seafood fried rice
牛仔骨咖喱炒飯F(tuán)ried rice with curry beef short ribs
臺式鹵肉飯Taiwanese pork rice
焗豬扒飯Baked pork chop rice
柱侯炆牛腩飯Rice with stewed spicy beef brisket
蜆肉拌飯Clams rice
韓式石頭鍋飯Korean stone rice
葡國雞焗飯Baked portuguese chicken rice
西紅柿盅雜菌飯Tomato pot with assorted mushrooms rice
迷你糯米雞Mini steamed glutinous rice with chicken
燒鴨泡飯Rice with roasted duck in soup
雜錦冬瓜粒泡飯Rice with mixed white gourd in soup
香芒糯米飯Glutinous rice with mangoes
粢飯Chinese glutinous rice roll
雜菌鍋巴Crispy rice with assorted mushrooms
烹飪小詞典Cooking key words
做菜和味道的常用語Common phrases of cooking and tastes
常用調(diào)味品(附廣東話發(fā)音)Common seasonings
常用技巧Common skills