
出版時間:2010-2  出版社:湖北長江出版集團,湖北教育出版社  作者:龔源來,李正林 著  頁數(shù):226  


  為了配合新課標(biāo)教程的全面推行,我們組織了湖北省部分重點中學(xué)以及華中師大外語學(xué)院的部分教師編寫了這套《中學(xué)英語閱讀教程》(共計12冊),旨在為中學(xué)生提供一套與新課標(biāo)教程相配合,難度相當(dāng);題材多樣的泛讀材料。希望讀者能從這套閱讀教程中充分感受東西方文化的差異以及英美國家人們的歷史文化、科學(xué)技術(shù)、生活方式、情感心態(tài)等,從而開闊視野,得到啟迪?! ≌\如讀者所知,沒有廣泛的閱讀和涉獵課本之外的語言知識,只是拘泥于課本,是很難真正學(xué)好一門外國語言的?! ∫虼?,我們編寫這套叢書的基本出發(fā)點,就是為中學(xué)生的英語閱讀提供最合適的材料。這套教程完全可以作為新課標(biāo)的閱讀補充,為讀者從課本的“精讀”走向課外的“泛讀”搭建一個必要的平臺,從而使讀者學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣得到培養(yǎng),閱讀能力得到提高,并充分體驗閱讀帶來的愉悅?! 榱嗣嫦蛉w學(xué)生,做到“因材施教”、“開卷有益”,我們將叢書分為“拓展版”和“基礎(chǔ)版”兩種,從七年級到高三,循序漸進。“拓展版”是針對詞匯量較大,語言基本功較厚實的同學(xué);而“基礎(chǔ)版”則是針對語言能力相對薄弱,閱讀能力有待進一步提高的學(xué)生。因此,在編寫過程中,閱讀難度稍大、新詞匯稍多的文章我們就選入了“拓展版”;而閱讀較簡易、生詞量較少的則選入“基礎(chǔ)版”。讀者可根據(jù)自己的學(xué)習(xí)需求作選取?! ∶科恼潞蟮摹霸~與短語”、“難句釋疑”對你的閱讀會有幫助,附有譯文、例句的好詞佳句,對你進一步理解把握文章會有裨益。






  While the nurse thought about this. information, the woman's mother leanedover to her. "Sweet-heart," she Said gently, "this is not the Internet. "  The Internet is becoming known as a place where the truth is not readilyclear. I've learned from the Internet that I have extremely wealthy friends inAfrica that have large sums of money they need to move out of the country. Theycontact me every day! And if I will only help, they will gladly share a part oftheir money with me and I'll become an instant multi-millionaire. Others promiseme wealth beyond my wildest dreams if only I invest in an up-and-comingbusiness. Each day, the Internet reminds me that greed can lead to disaster, thatnot everybody has my best interest in mind and that I must be sensibly cautious.  But in most relationships, I would rather trust than shut others out. I wouldrather be taken advantage of by a few than isolate myself from everybody.Perhaps not everybody should be trusted, but I would hate to experience lifewithout it.  Ralph Waldo Emerson put it well: "Trust men and they will be true to you;treat them greatly and they will show themselves great. "  Children will more often live up to our high expectations than not. Friendsand colleagues will generally show themselves to be dependable. The world we livein is a good world, inhabited by mostly good people who can still be counted on.  If you feel cynical, don't give up on trust. Others will usually comethrough. If love makes the world go around, then trust makes the love go around.   ......



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