高等職業(yè)教育"十一五"規(guī)劃教材·公共基礎(chǔ)課系列 大學(xué)英語(第二冊)

出版時(shí)間:2010-8  出版社:海燕出版社  作者:王國炎 主編,張志勇,周文超 分冊主編  頁數(shù):290  字?jǐn)?shù):450000  




Unit TopicModel
Llstening& Speaking
Unit 1 Goals and ChoicesReading& Writing
TextA Goals
TextB Priorities and Choices
Grammar Review Modal Verbs
Listening & Speaking
Reading& Writing
Unit 2 Secrets of SuccessTextA I Can’t Accept Not Trying
TextB I Will Act Now
Grammar Review Passive Voice
Llstening& Speaking
Reading& Writing
TextA Wang Xuan—Father of Laser Photo
Unit3 Devotees of Science Typesetting System
TextB Yuan Longping-- Father of Hybrid Rice
Grammar Review Infinitive
Llstening& Speaking
Reading& Writing
Unit4 Job TextA Career Information
TextB Time for a Leap of Faith
Grammar Review –ing Participle
Llstening& Speaking
Reading& Writing
Unit5 BusinessTextAWhat is Business?
TextBMake It Known
Grammar Review-ed Particple
Llstening& Speaking
Reading& Writing
Unit6 Service TextARepeats Repeats Repeats
TextB How to Get Money Back When Badly Served?
Grammar ReviewAttributive Clauses
Llstening& Speaking
Reading& Writing
Unit7 Foreign Culture TextATime-Conscious Americans
TextBCultural Adjustment
Grammar Review Adverbial Clauses
Llstening& Speaking
ScientificReading& Writing
Unit8 Breakthroughs TextA The Top 5 Scientific Breakthroughs of the
2Lst Century
And Disasters TextB The Chernobyl Disaster
Grammar Review Nominal/Noun Clauses
Llstening& Speaking
Reading& Writing
Unit9 Environmental ProtectionTextA Environmental Protection
Through out the World
TextB Clean Tach in China ---Green Shoots
Grammar Review Inversion
Llstening& Speaking
Reading& Writing
Unit10 Marriage TextAMarriage Across the Nations
TextBRich Meeting His Future Mother-in-law
Grammar Review Subjunctive Mood



    高等職業(yè)教育"十一五"規(guī)劃教材·公共基礎(chǔ)課系列 大學(xué)英語(第二冊) PDF格式下載

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