
出版時間:1995-11  出版社:河南教育出版社  作者:來得安  頁數(shù):629  


這是一本用英文介紹英美兩國各方面情況的書,原為河南大學(xué)外語系概況課教材?!队⒚栏艣r》和單科教材的不同點(diǎn)是其跨度大,涉及面廣,有橫斷面,也有縱深軸線?! ≡摃?988年修訂過一次,1995年根據(jù)需要再次修訂。第三版修訂仍沿用第一、二版的基本框架,仍采用先英后美的順序,以時空概念為坐標(biāo),內(nèi)容以樹狀結(jié)構(gòu)組合,橫向展開英美社會的方方面面,縱向追溯其運(yùn)動軌跡??v橫結(jié)合,互相補(bǔ)充。恰如影像中使用的變焦距和搖鏡頭技巧,既可以沿縱向軸線遠(yuǎn)近移動,又可以根據(jù)需要橫向展開,這樣一縱一橫,需要講述的內(nèi)容也就各入其位了?! ∵@次修訂仍采用先英后美的順序。美國的前身是英國人建立的殖民地,時間長達(dá)150年之久,美國人價值觀、政體、法律和主流文化都受英國很大影響,因此,講述英國就是直接或間接地為講述美國社會做準(zhǔn)備。


Volume One Great Britain Chapter One Panoramic View  Section One The Country and the People  Section Two The British Government  Section Three Politics and Law  Section Four National Economy and Cities  Section Five Cultural and Social Life Chapter Two English History  Section One Origin of the English Nation  Section Two Great Charter and Beginning of Parliament  Section Three Decline of Feudalism in England  Section Four The Tudor Monarchy and the Rising Bourgeoisie  Section Five Reformation in England  Section Six The English Bourgeois Revolution  Section Seven The industrial Revolution and the Chartist   Section Eight The Rise and Fall of the British EmpireVolume Two America Chapter One Panoramic View  Section One The United States and its Natural Conditions  Section Two American People  Section Three Government and Politics(I)  Section Four Government and Politics(II)  Section Five National Economy(I)  Section Six National Economy(II)  Section Seven Family and Social Life Chapter Two American History  Section One The Thirteen English-American Colonies  Section Two The War of independence  Section Three Appearance of the American Constitution and the Washington Administration  Section Four America During the First Half of the 19th Century-Era of Expansion  Section Five The Civil War …… Supplementary Material for Reference


  British Disease and Thatcher's Medicine  After the Second World War,Britain was confronted with tense competition in overseas markets. It had to re-organize its production industries to meet the challenge. A number of indus-tries such as aerospace, chemicals, oil9 gas and electronics have gained strength while traditional industries such as textiles,steel, and ship-building contracted. In spite of the efforts to readjust and some short periods of rapid development. Britain's rate of economic growth has been low in comparison with that of most other industrialized countries. It averaged 2-3 per cent an-nually up t0 1971 but the rate dropped much considerably in sub-sequent years. Britain's slow growth of productivity, soaring in flation, and large unemployment gave birth to the mocking term "British Disease". Some American economists even warned that Britain would be the first developed country to become under-developed.  The sickness triggered heated debate over its contributing factors. Some American economists argued that Britain's sick-ness stemmed from its excessive "socialism "and its from-cradle-to-grave welfare programme, Their argument was based on the fact that Britain nationalized some one-fourth of production and service industries after the Second World War. Some of the state-owned companies made thin profits or even ran at a loss.Its social welfare system includes the National Health Service which provides medical treatment for all English citizens. The government also spends a lot of money helping the poor, the un-employed,school children from poor families, the elderly,and widow women. Total expenditures on social welfare programs have amounted to about 20% of the'gross domestic product. The National Health Service, for example, costs the English govern-ment $ 33. 4 billion each year, or some $ 600 for each person: When people say England provides from-cradle-to-grave welfare, they mean the many kinds of the social welfare benefits. Mater-nity allowance refers to the sum of money payable to a pregnant woman until the sixth week after the birth. Some people bring-ing up children are entitled to get an additional sum before the children are 16 0r 18 years old. Children from poor families can have their meals at their school free of charge. Under certain conditions local authorities must provide free transport for pupils between their home and school. If a school graduate fails to get a full-time job and his income falls below a certain level, he is enti-tled to receive supplementary benefits from the government. These benefits are part of what has been called redistribution or transfer money in English society. The large expenditure is a heavy burden on the government which in turn has to resort to heavy taxation. It is true -that there is no tax on capital assets as yet, but the government collocts death duties which range from 10% to 80%. And dividend income tax was once as high as 85% if the receiver had a high salary.  ……






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用戶評論 (總計(jì)67條)


  •   很條理 很清晰 表達(dá)也很地道 對于學(xué)習(xí)英美國家概況的學(xué)習(xí)者來說 絕對是不二選擇
  •   個人認(rèn)為是編的最好的一本英美概況。
  •   總的來說,這本書還是不錯的質(zhì)量也可以內(nèi)容很精彩可以開闊大家的視野送貨的速度也很快—只需3天!不足之處:沒有對部分比較難的單詞做出注釋(有些詞一般的字典是查不到的)。有個別的拼寫錯誤雖然這本書美中有不足。但是,本人認(rèn)為這本書值得讀!由于本人也是剛讀這本書,暫時不能對這本書的全部情況做到完全把握。本人以后在閱讀這本書的過程中會就其的優(yōu)點(diǎn)和不足及時與大家交流!
  •   全英文的一本書,也沒有圖,一位看不完的,但是就那么慢慢看,每天看,開始還查字典,后面字典也不查了,覺得大概能懂就好,只是粗略的看了一遍,再看的話就好好查每一個生詞
  •   包裝服務(wù)快遞都很不錯,書內(nèi)容也適合考研~~~
  •   書的質(zhì)量挺好,還沒具體看里面的內(nèi)容,感覺很不錯。
  •   內(nèi)容不錯,書的質(zhì)量也還可以,4級水平就可以讀懂,推薦給大學(xué)生群體。
  •   相比于這個價位,這本書雖然裝訂比較簡陋,但內(nèi)容詳實(shí),確實(shí)對大學(xué)生,尤其是對喜歡英語的朋友們來說,是個難得的好書
  •   本來有一本新版的,想買舊版看看
  •   書很好,質(zhì)量很好,考研要用,正好是要用的版本,而且別的地方找不到,滿意
  •   書收到侯,同學(xué)說不錯,又讓我給定了一本。感謝當(dāng)當(dāng)!
  •   這個是正版,老師讓買的,很好哦
  •   幫同學(xué)買的第二學(xué)位選修課本,好多本一起買的,很實(shí)惠~
  •   買來備戰(zhàn)考研的,考研指定書籍。質(zhì)量也不錯~
  •   到貨很快。紙質(zhì)不錯。很喜歡
  •   通俗易懂~~~·
  •   用當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)牧硗獾奶栙I的,正在讀,感覺不錯,支持當(dāng)當(dāng),不過希望在其他省份的送貨速度也要跟上
  •   學(xué)習(xí)英語的優(yōu)秀讀物,推薦!提高英語,堅(jiān)持讀下去!
  •   我很喜歡當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)姆?wù)
  •   這本書可以,單詞和句子都比較簡單,容易看懂。
  •   字跡很清晰,紙張也很好,比較實(shí)用
  •   以時空概念為坐標(biāo),內(nèi)容以樹狀結(jié)構(gòu)組合,橫向展開英美社會的方方面面,縱向追溯其運(yùn)動軌跡??v橫結(jié)合,互相補(bǔ)充。恰如影像中使用的變焦距和搖鏡頭技巧,既可以沿縱向軸線遠(yuǎn)近移動,又可以根據(jù)需要橫向展開,這樣一縱一橫,需要講述的內(nèi)容也就各入其位了。
  •   可以增加英美背景知識,通俗易懂
  •   還沒看呢~~全英文的,需要勇氣??!
  •   先看前言,下一大跳,單詞錯了幾個,不知是怎么排版的。至于正文,暫時還沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)??傮w來說,不錯。當(dāng)讀物,學(xué)英語。只是有些生僻意思還得自己查,麻煩了點(diǎn)。
  •   說好的中文翻譯呢。。我這英文hold不住啊。。
  •   裝幀不錯,全英文的,沒有漢語翻譯。。。。。
  •   包裝有點(diǎn)簡陋,有點(diǎn)像舊書。。。不過看了一些覺得內(nèi)容很充實(shí),我覺得還是書的內(nèi)容大于形式,所以我很喜歡!
  •   剛拿到書,大概翻了一下,質(zhì)量還不錯,喜歡這種平裝書,外包裝不重要,內(nèi)容質(zhì)量好才是王道
  •   包裝和印刷都挺不錯的,最重要的是我覺得書的內(nèi)容挺豐富的,可以讀得下去。
  •   聽考研班老師推薦的不是太難此書內(nèi)容挺多印刷質(zhì)量還好沒想到書還挺厚的就是感覺字太小密密麻麻看著有點(diǎn)累~~~
  •   感覺書還行吧,雖然有一些印刷方面的小錯誤
  •   還沒上這門課呢,不知道
  •   內(nèi)容充實(shí),學(xué)習(xí)英語的不錯書籍
  •   今天已經(jīng)看了70多頁了,內(nèi)容不錯。當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)姆?wù)也挺好的,訂了第三天就收到貨了。不足就是有單詞拼寫錯誤的問題,已讀的部分出現(xiàn)了十次左右單詞錯誤,算是美中不足吧!
  •   排版挺好,是我想要的書。
  •   很好的書 就是看不懂呀 哈哈
  •   好厚啊,不過書的質(zhì)量不錯,就是出版社怎么不一樣,是什么大象出版社
  •   就感覺紙張不是太好,其他都還滿意,
  •   印刷質(zhì)量不是特別好,其他很好。很值得買的一本書
  •   可怎么是大象出版社的呢?
  •   好快遞,好優(yōu)惠,項(xiàng)一個.
  •   這本書用上去還是很好的
  •   為了考研買的很多學(xué)校要求都是這本書
  •   都9天拉 怎么書還沒有到 再問哈 怎樣和賣家取得聯(lián)系啊
  •   我想如果等我把這本書都攻克吸收完之后,我的英語必定突飛猛進(jìn)!
  •   這本書沒有中文翻譯,和我想買的不是一樣,悲劇了。。。
  •   印刷錯誤不少,看得很不舒服
  •   是考研的一本好書!
  •   很一般吧。呵呵
  •   沒有翻譯。全是英文。
  •   挺好的一本書 上邊信息挺全的 不過要是有中英對照版的就更好了
  •   看這個主要就是考試需要,書比較簡單。但若是為了考試的話還是要細(xì)看再細(xì)看。。。難免乏味
  •   第一次網(wǎng)上購書,沒想到卓越的送貨速度這么快,書的質(zhì)量非常的好,送貨員的服務(wù)也非常的好!支持卓越!
  •   全英教材,買錯了。。。
  •   不錯 已用,書很好。謝謝
  •   書到時間還是比較快的,但是由于種種原因吧,我定了4本,第一次發(fā)回來1本,那三本不知道還在那里,麻煩下次盡量一塊回來,還有輸?shù)馁|(zhì)量有點(diǎn)小差。
  •   除了排版上亂了點(diǎn),內(nèi)容還可以。
  •   非常不錯,便宜,正品,有發(fā)票,書很好
  •   內(nèi)容挺好,通俗易懂,簡潔,讀起來很舒服,不拗口。但是看了50頁發(fā)現(xiàn)5個明顯拼寫錯誤,以為像這種經(jīng)典教材不會出現(xiàn)這種低級錯誤呢。
  •   速度快,質(zhì)量正版,很滿意
  •   雖然是本比較老的書籍,但是作為普及英美概況的入門,還是不錯的,性價比極高!
  •   當(dāng)年讀書時學(xué)的是張奎武的英美概況上下冊,感覺不好,尤其歷史部分只介紹重點(diǎn)事件,讀起來就覺得很跳躍,接不上。后來在書店自己買了這本來安方的,一直喜歡,到如今沒事還會翻翻,特別是講課遇到一些知識點(diǎn),還是喜歡用這本。說說優(yōu)點(diǎn):1. 閱讀更多
  •   恩 書不錯 快遞也給力
  •   買了這本書,第一次在卓越網(wǎng)上買,還好。這本書是全英文的哦。
  •   質(zhì)量不錯,可讀性很強(qiáng)!
  •   感覺不像正版,紙質(zhì)不是很好,文中有錯誤,但是價格確實(shí)優(yōu)惠

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
