出版時(shí)間:2010-1 出版社:江蘇教育 作者:曹亞民|主編:張奠宙//陸志平 頁(yè)數(shù):541
前言Chapter 1 The English Course and the National English CurriculumⅠ.The Nature of the English CourseⅡ.Goals and Objectives of the English CourseⅢ.The National English CurriculumChapter 2 Classroom Teaching and ManagementⅠ.Classroom Teaching and Student LearningⅡ.Designing Classroom TeachingⅢ.Managing Classroom TeachingⅣ.Teacher Language and Classroom InteractionV.Further Reading & Follow.up ExplorationChapter 3 Teaching PronunciationⅠ.Significance of Teaching PronunciationⅡ.Aspects of Teaching PronunciationⅢ.Ways of Teaching PronunciationⅣ.Case Study of Pronunciation TeachingChapter 4 Teaching GrammarⅠ.Significance of Teaching GrammarⅡ.What Do We Teach in English GrammarⅢ.How Do We Teach GrammarⅣ.Case Study of Grammar TeachingChapter 5 Teaching VocabularyⅠ.Significance of Teaching VocabularyⅡ.Components of Vocabulary TeachingⅢ.Principles and Methods for Vocabulary TeachingⅣ.Strategies for Learning VocabularyChapter 6 Teaching ListeningⅠ.Significance of Teaching ListeningⅡ.Principles and Methods for Teaching ListeningⅢ.Steps in Teaching ListeningⅣ.Case Study of Teaching ListeningChapter 7 Teaching SpeakingⅠ.Significance of Teaching SpeakingⅡ.Principles and Methods for Teaching SpeakingⅢ.Designing and Performing Tasks for SpeakingⅣ.Case Study of Teaching SpeakingChapter 8 Teaching ReadingⅠ.Significance of Teaching ReadingⅡ.Contents and Strategies of ReadingⅢ.Principles for Teaching ReadingⅣ.Steps and Methods for Teaching ReadingⅤ.Case Study of Teaching ReadingChapter 9 Teaching WritingⅠ.What Is WritingⅡ.Significance of Teaching WritingⅢ.Principles for Teaching WritingⅣ.A Process Approach to Teaching WritingⅤ.Techniques of Teaching WritingⅥ.Responding to Student WritingⅦ.Case Study of Teaching WritingChapter 10 Teaching Integrated SkillsⅠ.What Are Integrated SkillsⅡ.Significance of Teaching Integrated SkillsⅢ.How Do We Teach Integrated SkillsⅣ.Case Study of Teaching Integrated SkillsChapter 11 Assessment of Teaching and LearningⅠ.Role of Assessment in English Language TeachingⅡ.Principles, Methods and Criteria for AssessmentⅢ.Comprehensive Assessment SystemChapter 12 Schools of English Teaching MethodologyⅠ.The Grammar-Translation MethodⅡ.The Direct MethodⅢ.The Oral ApproachⅣ.The Audio-lingual MethodⅤ.The Cognitive ApproachⅥ.The Natural ApproachⅦ.The Communicative ApproachⅧ.Task-based Language TeachingChapter 13 English Learning Styles and StrategiesⅠ.English Learning StylesⅡ.English Learning StrategiesChapter 14 Cross-cultural Education in TEFLⅠ.What Is CultureⅡ.What Is Cross-cultureⅢ.Objectives of Cross-cultural EducationⅣ.Content of Cross-cultural EducationⅤ.Suggestions for Cross-cultural EducationChapter 15 Affective Education in ELTⅠ.Affect and Affective EducationⅡ.Affective Variables in ELTⅢ.Requirements on Affective Education in ELTⅣ.Strategies for Affective Education in ELT
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