
出版時間:2004-1  出版社:浙江文藝出版社  作者:《初中自主學習課時訓練》叢書編寫組,馬志明 編  頁數(shù):145  




Module 1 People and placesModule 2 Spring FestivalModule 3 PlansModule 4 Life in the futureModule 5 My hometown and country Module 6 The Olympic adventureRevision module A期中測試題Module 7 Planes, boats and trainsModule 8 My past lifeModule 9 Story timeModule 10 Life historyModule 11 National heroesModule 12 A holiday journeyRevision module B期末測試卷參考答案


  Lily and Imcy were two sisters. They lived in the same room and in the same class. One daythey had a quarrel(爭吵). So Lily was angry with Lucy and Lucy was angry with Lily. For somedays they didn't speak to each other. One evening Lily was very tired when she came back fromschool, so she went to bed soon after supper. Of course, she didn't say anything before she wentto bed. Lucy washed the dishes and did her homework before she went to bed. When she went tobed she found a piece of paper on the small table near the bed. On it were the words, "Lucy,wake me up at 7:00 in the morning, Lily. "  The next morning, when Lily woke up, It was 9:00. On the small table near the bed was an-other piece of paper. It read, "Lily, it's 7:00, wake up, Lucy. "   ……



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