出版時間:2011-11 出版社:浙江教育出版社 作者:新東方考研英語命題研究組 字數:408000
版權頁:插圖:Current Group,a Germantown-based technology firm,has taken over an ordinary looking house in Bethesdaand turned it into a laboratory for smart-grid technology,the system the company believes will bring the nation’Selectricity grids into the digital age.In the front yard stands a utility pole hooked up to a special transformer that connects the power lines tohigh-speed Intemet.Hundreds of sensors a~ached to the lines monitor how power flows through the home.Thatinformation is then sent back to the utility company. The process lets a utility more efficiently manage the distribution of electricity by allowing two-waycommunication between consumers and energy suppliers via the broadband network on the power lines.Based ondata they receive from hundreds of homes,utilities can monitor usage and adjust output and pricing in responseto demand.Consumers can be rewarded with reduced rates by cutting back on consumption during peak periods.And computerized substations can talk to each other SO overloaded circuits hand off electricity to those that havenot fully loaded,helping to prevent blackouts. Some utility companies have launched initiatives to give consumers data about their energy consumptionhabits in an effort to lower energy bills.Smart-grid technology takes such programs fiLrther by automatingelectricity distribution,which would make grids more reliable and efficient. By partnering with utilities.the company hopes to tap into$4.5 billion in stimulus grants intended toencourage smart-grid development.When he announced the funding,President Obama pointed to a project inBoulder,Colo.,as an example of a successful smart-grid experiment.Current is one ofthe companies working onthe project. Current'S chief executive Tom Casey believes the technology wilt help utility companies better distributeelectricity produced by renewable resources,such as solar panels or wind farms.“A smart grid’S system can bepaired up with the renewable resources SO that when the renewable source is varying,the overall load can bevaried as well,”Casey told the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.“Thiswill reduce or eliminate the need for backup coal or gas-based power generation plants.”