出版時間:2008-3 出版社:第1版 (2008年3月1日) 作者:帕迪利亞 頁數(shù):180 字數(shù):356000
Nature of Science: Saving the Ozone LayerChapter 1 Chemical Reactions 1 Matter and Its Changes 2 Describing Chemical Reactions 3 Controlling Chemical Reactions 4 Integrating Health: Fire and Fire SafetyChapter 2 Atoms and Bonding 1 Inside an Atom 2 Atoms in the Periodic Table 3 Ionic Bonds 4 Covalent Bonds 5 Integrating Earth Science: Crystal ChemistryChapter 3 Acids, Bases, and Solutions I Working With Solutions 2 Describing Acids and Bases 3 Acids and Bases in Solution 4 Integrating Life Science: Digestion and pHChapter 4 Exploring Materials 1 Polymers and Composites 2 Integrating Technology: Metals andAlloys 3 Ceramics and Glass 4 Radioactive ElementsInterdisciplinary Exploration: Bread on the Rise Reference Section Skills Handbook Think Like a Scientist Making Measurements Conducting a Scientific Investigation Thinking Critically Organizing Information Creating Data Tables and GraphsAppendix A: Laboratory SafetyAppendix B: Using a Laboratory BalanceAppendix C: List of Chemical ElementsAppendix D: Periodic Table of the ElementsGlossaryIndexAcknowledgments