出版時間:2005-9 出版社:浙江教育出版社 作者:陸乃釧 編 頁數:186
《新課程·新精編》是在原“高中各學科精編”的基礎上,根據當前新一輪課程改革的理念,結合教學的實際情況,吸收全國各地對原“高中各學科精編”的意見和建議,改版而成。新的叢書從內容到形式,從開本到版式都有了改進與創(chuàng)新,其主要特點有: ◆針對性。依照課程標準所倡導的理念,確定編寫的指導思想;針對新教材的教學內容,在講述學習方法時示例典型,在選編習題時突出學科重點知識和內容,注重理論聯系實際、知識遷移、思維拓展等能力的訓練,充分考慮習題的難易程度,并滲透高考命題的方向和要求。 ◆權威性。這套叢書由來自教學一線的名師編寫,與新課程的教學理念及新教學大綱的要求一致?! 魧嵱眯浴_@套叢書旨在便于教師教學和學生學習,例題和對應的練習均按單元編排?! 魟?chuàng)新性。每冊按單元編寫,每單元分別設有“重點難點解析”“單元習題精編”等欄目?! 爸攸c難點解析”部分簡明扼要地對該單元內的重點難點進行分析、講解,幫助學生加深對課文的理解,糾正易犯的錯誤,以達到夯實基礎知識、熟練基本技能的目的,使學生對所學知識能舉一反三,觸類旁通?! 皢卧曨}精編”部分分為A組題和B組題。A組題是基礎題,習題緊扣該單元內的知識點,目的是檢測學生對課文內容的掌握情況;B組題為綜合題,著重逐步培養(yǎng)、訓練學生合應用英語的能力,拓寬學生的視野?! ⒓印缎抡n程新精編:高中英語(高3)(全1冊)(配人教版教材使用)》編寫的老師是陸乃釧、費揚。
Unit 1 That must be a recordUnit 2 Crossing limitsUnit 3 The land down underUnit 4 Green worldUnit 5 Getting the messageUnit 6 Going WestUnit 7 A Christmas Car01Unit 8 Learning a foreign languageUnit 9 Health careUnit 10 American literatureUnit 11 Kev to successUnit 12 EducationUnit 13 The mystery of the MoonstoneUnit 14 ZoologyUnit 15 Popular youth cultureUnit 16 Finding jobsModel Test 1Model Test 2Model Test 3Model Test 4Keys
On Easter Sunday, 1722, however, settlers from Holland moved in and gave the island its name. Today, 2,000 people live on the Chilean territory (智利領土). They share one street, a small airport, and a few hours of television per day. 64. It can be learned from the text that the island of Tristan da Cunha A. was named after its discoverer B. got its name from Holland settlers C. was named by the British government D. got its name from the Guinness Book of Records 65. Which of the following is most famous for moai? A. Tristan da Cunha. B. Pitcaim Island. C. Easter Island. D. St. Helena. 66. Which country does Easter Island belong to? A. Britain. B. Holland. C. Portugal. D. Chile. C If you've been married to the world's loudest snorer for nearly four decades, you're either a saint or you're deaf. Julie Switzer is a little of both. On July 4, the 61-year-old British homemaker will celebrate her 40th anniversary with her husband Mel, a cab driver whose snoring has heen measured at 92. 5 decibels-louder than a police siren. Until he found a treatment, flight attendants would ask him not to sleep on planes.Eight of his neighbors sold their homes in one 10-year period. Only his wife stood by his side. "My wife and I love each other," he says. "And she is deaf in one ear. " Julie's condition had no connection to her husband's strident snoozing (打盹兒). But even with diminished hearing, she found it hard to sleep——and though to get up each day to get their two boys off to school. "I just thought most men sound like an electric saw in the bedroom," she says. After two decades of sleeplessness, Julie entered Mel in a local contest, sponsored by a British newspaper in 1984, to find the loudest snoring husband in the United Kingdom.Until then, Mel had not realized the scope of his snore. The contest turned out to be the best thing she ever did. In one brave stroke, Julie turned her husband into an international celebrity of sorts. Suddenly, she and Mel were flying to Japan, so that doctors could measure his snoring on national TV. "I guess there are better reasons to be famous," Mel says. "But if people are sending you to Tokyo, why fight it?" The folks at Guinness were quick' to cer tify him, and all the attention broughthundreds of would-be remedies-including one that finally worked. ……?