出版時間:2012-4 出版社:時代出版?zhèn)髅焦煞萦邢薰荆不湛茖W(xué)技術(shù)出版社 作者:許學(xué)明 頁數(shù):143
Story 1 Three Turtles(三只小烏龜)Story 2 A Happy Frog(快樂的小青蛙)Story 3 A Little Horse Crosses a River(小馬過河)Story 4 Proud Hare(驕傲的兔子)Story 5 Save the Little Duck(救小鴨)Story 6 The Bear and the Honey(熊和蜂蜜)Story 7 The Fox and the Crow(狐貍和烏鴉)Story 8 The Tiger and the Monkey(老虎和猴子)Story 9 Deer Banby(小鹿斑比)Story 10 A Spider and a Fly(蜘蛛和蒼蠅)Story 11 A Colorful Bird(彩色鳥)Story 12 A Frog Looks for His Toy(小青蛙找玩具)Story 13 The Longest Word in English(英語中最長的單詞)Story 14 Giving the Seeding a Hand(拔苗助長)Story 15 A Silly Girl(傻孩子)Story 16 A Rabbit Sows the Radish(Ⅰ)[小兔種蘿卜(一)]Story 17 A Rabbit Sows the Radish(Ⅱ)[小兔種蘿卜(二)]Story 18 The Best Helper(最佳助手)Story 19 My Shadow(我的影子)Story 20 Pull the Moon(釣月亮)Story 21 A Branch Office(開家分店)Story 22 Go in Free(免費入場)Story 23 The Future Painter(未來的畫家)Story 24 Looking for the Ring(找戒指)Story 25 The Clever Boy(聰明的童仆)Story 26 Lazy Billy(懶孩子比利)Story 27 A Surprised Gift(驚奇的禮物)Story 28 No More Babies(孩子別太多)……參考答案
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