
出版時(shí)間:2000-10  出版社:安徽科學(xué)技術(shù)出版社  作者:Jack Canfield,Mark Victor Hansen,Kimberly Kirberger  頁數(shù):339  


每個(gè)人的人生道路不可能都是一帆風(fēng)順的,都會(huì)有困惑彷徨、失意痛苦的時(shí)候。說得更直接一點(diǎn)兒就是,從我們每個(gè)人出生的那一天開始,就注定了要背負(fù)起經(jīng)歷各種困難折磨的命運(yùn)。每當(dāng)我們困惑、失意的時(shí)候,心靈就要承受著巨大的壓力與打擊。     本書系“心靈雞湯”之《豆蔻年華》,書中收錄了一些清新雋永的小故事,這些故事經(jīng)典耐讀,流傳廣泛。當(dāng)你心煩意亂、困惑彷徨的時(shí)候,請打開這本書,相信你會(huì)得到最及時(shí)的指點(diǎn)、最細(xì)心的呵護(hù)。


Introduction1. ON RELATIONSHIPS  Losing the "Us"  After a While  Soul Mates  The Miss of a Great "Miss"  My First Kiss,and Then Some  First Kiss--First Lesson  Changes in Life  First Love  A High School Love Not Forgotten2. ON FRIENDSHIP  Betty Ann  The Gossiper  She Told Me It Was Okay to Cry  Lessons in Friendship  Always Return Your Phone Calls  My New Best Friend  The Days of Cardboard Boxes3. ON FAMILY  She Didn't Give Up on Me  Unconditional Mom  The Bible  The Birthday  The Home Run  My B.ig Brother  A Brother's Voice  Daddy Weirdest  A Famous Father  Lessons in Baseball  The Champ  I Love You,Dad  I Am Home4. ON LOVE AND KINDNESS  Bright Heart  The Secret of Happiness  Reaching out to a Stranger  Smile  Mrs.Link  The Mirror  A Gift for Two  Life Just Isn't  Like People First  Lilacs Bloom Every Spring  Paint Brush5. ON LEARNING  Egg Lessons  A Long Walk Home  The Cost of Gratefulness  I Try to Remember  Mrs. Virginia DeView, Where Are You?  The Eternal Gifts  Socrates  Challenge Days  Please Hear What I'm Not Saying  I Am...  Sparky  Detention Can Be Fun  If I Knew  Eleven6. TOUGH STUFF  I'll Always Be with You  My Story  Somebody Should Have Taught Him  Just One Drink  The Dance  The Premonition  Dead at 17  "Gabby,You're Sooo Skinny"  Last Wish  Gold-Medal Winner  Desiderata7.  MAKING A DIFFERENCE  What Is Success?  Be Cool... Stay in School!  The Leader  Courage in Action  Turning Up Your Light  The Oyster  Broken Wing  Passing the Dream8. GOING FOR IT!  The Girl Next Door  Just Me  True Height  Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan  The Gravediggers of Parkview Junior High  Adulthood  Teenagers' Bill of Rights  The Boy Who Talked With Dolphins  Wild Thing  To Track Down My Dream  From Crutches to a World-Class Runner  If  No-Hair Day  I Did It!  Growing  New Beginnings


  Acknowledgments  It takes a thousand voices to tell a single story.  Native American Saying  This book took two years to write, compile and edit. It hasbeen a true labor of love for all of us. One of the great estjoys in creating this book has been working with hundreds of teenagers and adults who gave this project not just their time and attention, but their hearts and souls as well. We would like to thank the following people for their dedication and contributions, without which this book could not have been created:  Our family members -- Georgia, Christopher, Oran, Kyle, Patty, Elisabeth, Melanie, John and Jesse - for once agains haring with us the incredibly time-consuming process of creating a book. Thanks again for giving us the space, time and emotional support we needed to follow our passion and complete what must have seemed like an endless task. We love you all more than words can ever express.  We would like to extend a very special thanks to a group of teens who worked with us to ensure this book would be about issues that truly concern teenagers. To Lisa Gumenick whose enthusiasm for this project inspired the entire group, to Lisa Roth bard whose honesty and kindness touched usall,to Bree Abel for her incredible spirit and her contagious confidence,to Hana Ivanhoe for her depth of character and for sharing so openly with us. To Jamie Yellin for her bigheart and smile and to Lia Gay for always being so generous with your wisdom. You guys are the heart of this book andwe thank you and love you. We'd also like to thank your par-ents for acknowledging the importance of these meetings andmaking sure you got there.  Heather McNamara, for editing and preparing the finalmanuscript with such ease,talent and clarity. We deeply ap-preciate your incredible ability to take everything in theroughest of form and make it all work. You are truly a mas-ter at what you do.  ……




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用戶評論 (總計(jì)33條)


  •   里面有很多短片故事,由不同經(jīng)歷和不同家庭生活背景的小作者撰寫。特別有教育意義。而且文章還通俗易懂,對提高英語閱讀能力特別有幫助!
  •   精練的小故事,文字優(yōu)美。
  •   基本上是原汁原味的小故事,可以當(dāng)作課外閱讀材料。
  •   單詞都很簡單(我才高一就能看懂),但是卻不會(huì)讓人覺得太過簡單而不想繼續(xù)讀,雖然是老師推薦,但自己也很喜歡;而且送貨也很快,第二天就送來了
  •   書很干凈,全英文的,好!
  •   全英文的,冒是要費(fèi)點(diǎn)力氣讀一讀,需要堅(jiān)持
  •   多看一看正版英文,對高中英語提高會(huì)很快
  •   給孩子買的,自己先看了,真是好書,對孩子來說,多讀這樣的書,一定會(huì)受益匪淺。
  •   讀了以后才發(fā)現(xiàn),原來學(xué)??荚嚨暮芏嗤晷?,都出自這書里,早點(diǎn)讀就更好了。
  •   送給我侄子的書!
  •   這本書真的很不錯(cuò),值得一買,發(fā)貨也很快,下次再來
  •   這本書是老師推薦的,很值得一讀哦?。?!
  •   有中英文對照版就更好了
  •   我們應(yīng)該讀讀這樣的文章。
  •   給女兒買的。她很滿意!
  •   課外讀物,老師推薦的。
  •   還沒來得及讀。對包裝、賣家服務(wù)、快遞都很滿意。以后還會(huì)來。
  •   挺好的,在家里默默的看。只要愛英語,一切都是浮云
  •   孩子英語老師推薦的圖書,毫不猶豫買下,希望孩子能喜歡。
  •   質(zhì)量還不錯(cuò)。可是是我自己去郵局取得有點(diǎn)麻煩~
  •   送給孩子的課外讀物!
  •   不錯(cuò)的??梢钥纯?。
  •   孩子很喜歡,適合初中的孩子
  •   含義深刻,花時(shí)間慢慢體會(huì)吧
  •   English is of great importance. I love English more and more day by day.
  •   不錯(cuò)的工具書,內(nèi)容很系統(tǒng)也很全面。
  •   值得一讀,尤其是學(xué)生,對英語學(xué)習(xí)有幫助
  •   很好的書,對孩子很有好處,希望他喜歡
  •   學(xué)校老師要求的暑假作業(yè)
  •   追溯那些年的同時(shí),學(xué)習(xí)英語
  •   學(xué)習(xí)英語很不錯(cuò)的讀物。
  •   好,可以
  •   送朋友的孩子 挺好的

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