
出版時間:2000-10-1  出版社:安徽科學技術出版社  作者:坎費爾德,漢森  頁數(shù):229  


successful businessman traveled to India to spend a monthworking in one of Mother Teresa's shelters.He longed to meet thetiny nun,but Mother Teresa was traveling,and it wasn't until theday before his departure that he received an audience.When he wasfinally in her presenee ,much to his surprise ,he burst into tears.Allthe times when he'd been selfcentered,busy or focused on his owngain flashed before his eyes,and he felt an enormous sadness thathe had missed so many opportunities in his life to give of himselfand his resources.Without a word,Mother Teresa walked over towhere he was seated,put her hands on his shoulders and lookeddeeply into his eyes."Don't you know,"  she said, "that God knowsyou are doing the best that you can."Work is an integral part of our lives, filled with a wide variety of experi-ences.In writing this book,we received stories from teachers and engineers,carpenters and accountants, artists, managers, housekeepers, chiropractors——andworkers from many other professions.Reading these stories,we have beendeeply touched by the enormous heart,soul and spirit that people expressthrough their work.Day after day ,we all get up every morning,in many casesdeal with a busy family,then go to work to spend 8,10,even 12 hours makingour contribution.This is commitment in action.


每個人的人生道路不可能都是一帆風順的,都會有困惑彷徨、失意痛苦的時候。說得更直接一點兒就是,從我們每個人出生的那一天開始,就注定了要背負起經歷各種困難折磨的命運。每當我們困惑、失意的時候,心靈就要承受著巨大的壓力與打擊。     本書系“心靈雞湯”之《關于工作》,書中收錄了一些清新雋永的小故事,這些故事經典耐讀,流傳廣泛。當你心煩意亂、困惑彷徨的時候,請打開這本書,相信你會得到最及時的指點、最細心的呵護。


作者:(美國)坎費爾德(Jack Canfield) Mark Victor Hansen Maida Rogerson 等 合著者:王金 等


Introduction1. LOVE AT WORK  Jessie's: Glove  Climbing-the Stairway to Heaven  "Whatever You Need"  All in a Day's Work  I Heard a Little Voice  The Christmas Man  His Life's Work  For the Love of My Father2. ON CARING  A Lesson from My Father  Bringing Your Heart to Work  A Pebble in the Water  I Just Can't Believe It  Angel on a Doorstep  Santa Comes to Joan  The Arc Angels  The Break I Got from Prison  Putting People First  True Stewardship  "Thank You for Believing Me Well"  An Act of Kindness  A Kind Word  The Youngest Cop in Arizona3. THE POWER OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT  The Whale Story  Rich Beyond Measure  Managing from the Heart  Trucks and Trust  A Lady Named Lill  Your Work Is Recognized!  Two Ripe Bananas  The Scrapbook  A Coach with Soul4. SERVICE:SETTING NEW STANDARDS  Banking at Its Best  A Passionate Flight Attendant  The Massage Is the Message  Not on the Menu  "Let's Start Over"  "Ah, Bambini! "  Beyond Order-taking  "Welcome to Venetia"  Customer Service Is Not a Mickey Mouse Affair  Pass It On  Wednesday Mornings with Elvis  Holy Cow  A Million-dollar Lesson  Speak the Customer's Language  How to Keep Clients...Even When ,It Hurts  Have You Received Our Letter Yet?  Someone Was Listening  Beyond Expectations5. FOLLOW YOUR HEART  To Have Succeeded  Making Bright Memories for Tomorrow  I Found Myself Saying Yes  The Shadowland of,Dreams  I Never Write Right  When Dreams Won't Die  Debbie Fields Gets"Oriented"  A Walk in the "Woulds"  A Hug from a Teenage Boy6. CREATIVITY AT WORK  The Adjustment  Doing Good and Doing Well  Managing the Space Program  Attention to Detail  "Move Over!"  Search for a Smile and Share It  Getting the Garbage Out  Time Out  Poetic Vision7.  OVERCOMING OBSTACLES  How to Get Their Attention  Attitude Is Everything  Leading the Charge!  The Phantom  Staying Motivated  We Will Survive  Credit, Not Charity  The Question  Tony Trivisonno's American Dream  The Great Dill Deal  A Journey of Friendship8. ON COURAGE  Billy  "If I Were Really Important..."  That One Moment  A Little Courage Goes a Long Way  It Takes Chutzpah!  A Captive Audience  A True Leader  The Scoutmaster and the Gunslinger  Showdown at Pebble Beach  Take a Stand9. LESSONS & INSIGHTS  The Blind Man  How to Add by Subtracting  The Uncommon Professional  Stressbusters  A Lesson in Leadership  Mother Knows Best  Why Coaches Really Coach  Let Your Light Shine  Spiritual Unfoldment at the World Bank  It Is Later Than You Think  How Much Is Enough?


插圖:But eventually my uniqueness worked to my advantage. The doctors andnurses remembered me. And I reversed the negative halo effect by doing the jobbetter than other people. Along with pharmaceuticals,I sold them Girl Scoutcookies and helped the nurses with their makeup. They began to look forward tomy coming ,not just for the novelty,but because we enjoyed such heartwarmingvisits.Within two years,I'd broken numerous sales records and was recognized as aDistinguished Sales Representative,formerly an all-white male club. I was lookingforward to some hard-earned commission checks when suddenly,the companydecided to subdivide the region and hired a handsome blond man to take myplace. He would enjoy the fruits of my labor,while I was reassigned to anotherarea that needed a lot of work. At this point,my dream of that cosmetics careerwith Revlon seemed a million miles away.Discouraged and disenchanted,I picked up and moved to Los Angeles. Thenone Sunday,as I searched longingly through the ads in the Los Angeles Times,there it" was:a classified ad for a regional manager job with Revlon. I lit upcompletely and dove for the phone first thing Monday morning. The voice at theother end said that due to overwhelming response, Revlon was taking no morer~sum~s.I was devastated. But then a dear friend said to me, "Marilyn,I know youaren't going to let this job slip through your fingers. Go on down there anyway. "Suddenly inspired and determined to turn the challenge into an adventure,I drovedown to the Marriott where they were conducting interviews. When I arrived,adesk clerk curtly informed me that there was no way I could get an interview,norwould Mr. Rick English take my resume. I walked away,smiling. At least I nowhad the name of the man I needed to see.


它不僅僅是心靈的雞湯,在我看來,對于青年人來說,它甚至不亞于一場色香味俱全的人生盛宴:并非是饕餮的口腹之樂,而是滋補你精神饑渴的佳肴與美釀。讓你暢飲人生!暢飲知識!暢飲愛心與大愛之情! 如今為了一次演講,我在江南的霏霏梅雨中吟讀它,驀然回想起昔日在紐約洛克菲勒廣場旋旗揚升的早晨,那一抹金暉中,我走出曼哈頓一家書店時,無意中向櫥窗一瞥:曾經看到過它多彩的封面。同行的美國教授對我說:“您可能不會看那本小書,不過它的確不錯?!?我后悔當初沒有返回那家書店找到這本書,希望大家不要犯我當年的錯誤?!  本┐髮W東方文學研究中心特聘教授 方江文 現(xiàn)代人的生活節(jié)奏快,壓力大,普通百姓又沒有時間去看大部頭的書籍,《心靈雞湯》可以給你一份溫情,讓你在酷暑感到涼爽,在寒冬享受溫暖,在春天播下愛的種子,在秋天收獲勤奮的果實。我愛《心靈雞湯》,像愛廚房里新端出的一盤青菜,餐桌上新燒出的一盆老豆腐。愿把《心靈雞湯》奉獻給你的家庭,換來孩子的健康成長,老人的歡聲笑語。   ——南開大學教授 王宏印 《心靈雞湯》弘揚“真善美”,以“醒心”為己任。書中敘述的一段段人生經歷能感動你,催你潸然淚下,因為那些事就發(fā)生在你身邊,與你息息相關……失戀的人讀之能重振對生活的信心,遭受病痛之苦的人讀之似服靈丹妙藥,孤獨的人讀之如沐“關懷”的春雨,喪失親人者讀之會感受到來白四面八方的慰藉……它是一扇窗戶,讓你了解世界:它是一座橋梁,連接你我他……     ——蘇州大學外國語學院教授 方華文 《心靈雞湯》之所以能撥動人的心弦,是因為書中的話語全來自靈魂深處,是“肺腑之言”!人與人之間的隔閡與冷漠必須靠這種“真情”打破和消除——如此,人世間便會溫情涌動、冰山消融……讀了書中動人的故事,凡是有良知的人,其內心不可能不受到觸動——《心靈雞湯》之功大矣!   ——商務印書館《英語世界》主編 魏令查






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用戶評論 (總計18條)


  •   居然是第一個寫評論的餓,小激動一下。這個書的質量比其他心靈雞湯系列都好一些。故事都很短,不過還是很有啟迪的,心靈雞湯一直是我很喜歡的一套書,很有啟發(fā)的。長大了,更需要真善美
  •   精練的小故事,很好的閱讀材料
  •   正版!經常在當當上買書,質量沒得說
  •   利于提高閱讀 值得擁有
  •   每晚看一些,洗刷自已的心靈
  •   只是工作中的一些感動的細節(jié),能達到鼓勵工作、提升激情似乎對我沒什么效果;有點看不下去,至少不是特別吸引人。
  •   內容不錯,但看著不像正版,不太滿意
  •   是正版,而且里面自提清晰,以前進別的網站,老是買假的或者發(fā)黃的給我,亞馬遜的,絕對贊
  •   很少看,唉,原諒我吧
  •   還沒有讀完, 不錯,陶冶一下心智
  •   總體來說服務還算滿意
  •   書的內容很喜歡,很勵志。不滿意的是書的封面被折了個角,看上去像是二手的!失望!
  •   如果純粹是為了尋找勵志故事,推薦買心靈雞湯:美夢成真10年精華本,畢竟是精選集,裝幀質量都沒得挑。如果是為了收集珍藏,個人零零散散買了一些不同分類的心靈雞湯,看多了覺得內容大同小異。關于質量,這一套英文珍藏版比之前的平裝本好了很多
  •   心靈雞湯是我們寫作老師推薦看的,雖然寫得都是美國人寫的自己的故事,但其實無論是哪里的人,人生中總是會有很多共同遭遇的。所以,不用擔心這本美國治愈系的書治愈不了中國人的心靈。里面的小故事看起來不費力,很貼近生活,值得一看。
  •   心靈雞湯系列的書都是小故事,有時間每天讀個1篇2篇還是很不錯的,因為是故事,能學到很多形容詞
  •   字體清晰 紙張不錯 是正品
  •   到貨很及時,書本質量很不錯,希望讀完感覺還是這么好,然后再買幾本,嘿嘿

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