
出版時(shí)間:2000-1-1  出版社:安徽科學(xué)技術(shù)出版社  作者:杜效明  


Unit 1  A New student
Unit 2 What can I do for you?
Unit 3 Saying goodbye
Unit 4 What a fine day!
Unit 5 Planting trees
Unit 6 Something wrong
Unit 7 Talking ablut the weather
Unit 8 Shopping
Unit 9 Australian English and British English
Unit 10 Hobbies and pastimes
Unit 11 At a restaurant
Unit 12 Making an apology
Unit 13 In the post office
Unit 14 A package tour
Unit 15 Seeing a doctor
Unit 16 What''s the matter with the lights?
Unit 17 Where are you planning to go?
Unit 18 A lost camera
Unit 19 Looking for a job
Unit 20 What''s your opinion?
Key to the Practice and Exercises



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