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綺麗海盜船A Gorgeous Corsair· 空中歷險記 儒勒·凡爾納A Voyage in a Balloon Jules Verne· 鯊口脫險 佚名In the Jaws of a Shark Anonymous· 沉船脫險 理查德·米蘭達(dá)Trapped in a Sunken Ship Richard Miranda· 巖島奇遇 露西·莫德·蒙哥馬利An Adventure on Island Rock Lucy Maud Montgomery暗夜魔法石The Magic Stone at Dark Night· 黑貓 埃德加·愛倫·坡The Black Cat Edgar Allen Poe· 一個古怪的夢 馬克·吐溫A Curious Dream Mark Twain· 猴爪 W.W.雅各布斯The Monkey’s Paw W.W. Jacobs· 法官的房子 布拉姆·斯托克The Judge' s House Bram Stoker· 羅生門 芥川龍之介Rashomon RyunosukeAkutagawa疑點多米諾Suspicious Domint· 名畫失竊案 雅克·福特雷爾Problem of the Stolen Rubens Jacques Futrelle· 花園血案之謎 G. K.切斯特頓The Secret Garden G.K.Chesterton· 死亡診斷 安布羅斯·比爾斯A Diagnosis of Death Ambrose Bierce· 圓臉男人 杰克·倫敦Moon-Face Jack London
空中歷險記 A Voyage in a Balloon 儒勒·凡爾納 / Jules Verne 儒勒·凡爾納(Jules Verne,1828—1905),法國著名科幻小說家、冒險小說家。1863年,他憑《在已知和未知世界中奇異的漫游》一舉成名,進一步地激發(fā)了他的創(chuàng)作熱情。他一生中共創(chuàng)作了66部小說,其中《格蘭特船長的兒女》《海底兩萬里》《神秘島》《八十天環(huán)游地球》等風(fēng)靡全球,成為家喻戶曉的作品。他以大量著作和突出貢獻(xiàn),被譽為“現(xiàn)代科學(xué)幻想小說之父”?! 、瘛 n the month of September, 1850, I arrived at Frankfort-on-the-Maine. My passage through the principal cities of Germany, had been brilliantly marked by aerostatic balloon; but, up to this day, no inhabitant of the Confederation had accompanied me, and the successful experiments at Paris of Messrs. Green, Godard, and Poitevin, had failed to induce the grave Germans to attempt aerial voyages. Meanwhile, hardly had the news of my approaching ascension circulated throughout Frankfort, than three persons of note asked the favour of accompanying me. Two days after, we were to ascend from the Place de la Comedie. I immediately occupied myself with the preparations. My balloon, of gigantic proportions, was of silk, coated with gutta percha, a substance not liable to injury from acids or gas, and of absolute impermeability. Some trifling rents were mended: the inevitable results of perilous descents. The day of our ascension was that of the great fair of September, which attracts all the world to Frankfort. The apparatus for filling was composed of six hogsheads arranged around a large vat, hermetically sealed. The hydrogen gas, evolved by the contact of water with iron and sulphuric acid, passed from the first reservoirs to the second, and thence into the immense globe, which was thus gradually inflated. These preparations occupied all the morning, and about 11 o’clock, the balloon was three-quarters full; sufficiently so; for as we rise, the atmospheric layers diminish in density, and the gas, confined within the aerostat, acquiring more elasticity, might otherwise burst its envelope. My calculations had furnished me with the exact measurement of gas required to carry my companions and myself to a considerable height. We were to ascend at noon. It was truly a magnificent spectacle, that of the impatient crowd who thronged around the reserved enclosure, inundated the entire square and adjoining streets, and covered the neighbouring houses from the basements to the slated roofs. The high winds of past days had lulled, and an overpowering heat was radiating from an unclouded sky; not a breath animated the atmosphere. In such weather, one might descend in the very spot he had left. I carried three hundred pounds of ballast, in bags; the car, perfectly round, four feet in diameter, and three feet in height, was conveniently attached; the cord which sustained it was symmetrically extended from the upper hemisphere of the aerostat; the compass was in its place, the barometer suspended to the iron hoop which surrounded the supporting cord, at a distance of eight feet above the car; the anchor carefully prepared, all was in readiness for our departure. Among the persons who crowded around the enclosure, I remarked a young man with pale face and agitated features. I was struck with his appearance. He had been an assiduous spectator of my ascensions in several cities of Germany. His uneasy air and his extraordinary pre-occupation never left him; he eagerly contemplated the curious machine, which rested motionless at a few feet from the ground, and remained silent. The clock struck twelve! This was the hour. My companions had not appeared. I sent to the dwelling of each, and learned that one had started for Hamburg, another for Vienna and the third, still more fearful, for London. Their hearts had failed them at the moment of undertaking one of those excursions, which, since the ingenious experiments of aeronauts, are deprived of all danger. As they made, as it were a part of the programme of the fete, they had feared being compelled to fulfil their agreements, and had fled at the moment of ascension. Their courage had been in inverse ratio to the square of their swiftness in retreat. The crowd, thus partly disappointed, were shouting with anger and impatience. I did not hesitate to ascend alone. To re-establish the equilibrium between the specific gravity of the balloon and the weight to be raised, I substituted other bags of sand for my expected companions and entered the car. The twelve men who were holding the aerostat by twelve cords fastened to the equatorial circle, let them slip between their fingers; the car rose a few feet above the ground. There was not a breath of wind, and the atmosphere, heavy as lead, seemed insurmountable. “All is ready! ” exclaimed I, “attention! ” The men arranged themselves; a last glance informed me that everything was right. “Attention! ” There was some movement in the crowd which seemed to be invading the reserved enclosure. “Let go! ” The balloon slowly ascended; but I experienced a shock which threw me to the bottom of the car. When I rose, I found myself face to face with an unexpected voyager—the pale young man. “Monsieur, I salute you! ” said he to me. “By what right· ” “Am I here· By the right of your inability to turn me out.” I was confounded. His assurance disconcerted me; and I had nothing to say in reply. I looked at him, but he paid no regard to my astonishment. He continued: “My weight will disturb your equilibrium, Monsieur : will you permit me·” And without waiting for my assent, he lightened the balloon by two bags of sand which he emptied into the air. “Monsieur, ” said I, taking the only possible course, “you are here, well! you choose to remain, well! But to me alone belongs the management of the aerostat.” “Monsieur, ” replied he, “your urbanity is entirely French; it is of the same country with myself! I press in imagination the hand which you refuse me. Take your measures—act as it may seem good to you; I will wait till you have ended.” “To.” “To converse with you.” The barometer had fallen to twenty-six inches; we had attained a height of about six hundred metres, and were over the city; which satisfied me of our complete quiescence, for I could not judge by our motionless flags. Nothing betrays the horizontal voyage of a balloon; it is the mass of air surrounding it which moves. A kind of wavering heat bathed the objects extended at our feet, and gave their outlines an indistinctness to be regretted. The needle of the compass indicated a slight tendency to float towards the south. I looked again at my companion. He was a man of thirty, simply clad; the bold outlines of his features betokened indomitable energy; he appeared very muscular. Absorbed in the emotion of this silent suspension, he remained immovable, seeking to distinguish the objects which passed beneath his view. “Vexatious mist! ” said he, at the expiration of a few moments. I made no reply. “What would you· I could not pay for my voyage; I was obliged to take you by surprise.” “No one has asked you to descend! ” “A similar occurrence, ” he resumed, “happened to the Counts of Laurencin and Dampierre, when they ascended at Lyons, on the 15th of January, 1784. A young merchant, named Fontaine, scaled the railing, at the risk of upsetting the equipage. He accomplished the voyage, and nobody was killed!” “Once on the earth, we will converse! ” said I, piqued at the tone of lightness with which he spoke. “Bah! do not talk of returning! ” “Do you think then that I shall delay my descent· ” “Descent! ” said he, with surprise. “Let us ascend! ” And before I could prevent him, two bags of sand were thrown out, without even being emptied. “Monsieur! ” said I, angrily. “I know your skill, ” replied he, composedly; “your brilliant ascensions have made some noise in the world. Experience is the sister of practice, but it is also first cousin to theory, and I have long and deeply studied the aerostatic art. It has affected my brain,” added he, sadly, falling into a mute torpor. The balloon, after having risen, remained stationary; the unknown consulted the barometer, and said: “Here we are at 800 metres! Men resemble insects! See, I think it is from this height that we should always look at them, to judge correctly of their moral proportions! The Place de la Comedie is transformed to an immense ant-hill. Look at the crowd piled up on the quays. The Zeil diminishes. We are above the church of Dom. The Maine is now only a white line dividing the city, and this bridge, the Maine-Brucke, looks like a white thread thrown between the two banks of the river.” The atmosphere grew cooler. “There is nothing I will not do for you, my host,” said my companion. “If you are cold, I will take off my clothes and lend them to you.” “Thanks! ” “Necessity makes laws. Give me your hand, I am your countryman. You shall be instructed by my company, and my conversation shall compensate you for the annoyance I have caused you.” I seated myself, without replying, at the opposite extremity of the car. The young man had drawn from his great coat a voluminous portfolio; it was a work on aerostation. “I possess, ” said he, “a most curious collection of engraving, and caricatures appertaining to our aerial mania. This precious discovery has been at once admired and ridiculed. Fortunately we have passed the period when the Mongolfiers sought to make factitious clouds with the vapour of water; and of the gas affecting electric properties, which they produced by the combustion of clamp straw with chopped wool.” “Would you detract from the merit of these inventions· ” replied I. “Was it not well done to have proved by experiment the possibility of rising in the air· ” “Who denies the glory of the first aerial navigators· Immense courage was necessary to ascend by means of those fragile envelopes which contained only warm air. Besides, has not aerostatic science made great progress since the ascensions of Blanchard· Look, Monsieur.” He took from his collection an engraving. “Here is the first aerial voyage undertaken by Pilatre des Rosiers and the Marquis d’Arlandes, four months after the discovery of balloons. Louis XVI. refused his consent to this voyage; two condemned criminals were to have first attempted aerial travelling. Pilatre des Rosiers was indignant at this injustice and, by means of artifice, succeeded in setting out. This car, which renders the management of the balloon easy, had not then been invented; a circular gallery surrounded the lower part of the aerostat. The two aeronauts stationed themselves at the extremities of this gallery. The damp straw with which it was filled encumbered their movements. A chafing-dish was suspended beneath the orifice of the balloon; when the voyagers wished to ascend, they threw, with a long fork, straw upon this brazier, at the risk of burning the machine, and the air, growing warmer, gave to the balloon a new ascensional force. “The two bold navigators ascended, on the 21st of November, 1783, from the gardens of La Muette, which the Dauphin had placed at their disposal. The aerostat rose majestically, passed the Isle des Cygnes, crossed the Seine at the Barriere de la Conference, and, directing its way between the dome of the Invalides and L’Ecole Militaire, approached St. Sulpice; then the aeronauts increased the fire, ascended, cleared the Boulevard, and descended beyond the Barriere d’Enfer. As it touched the ground, the collapsed, and buried Pilatre des Rosiers beneath its folds.” “Unfortunate presage! ” said I, interested in these details, which so nearly concerned me. “Presage of his catastrophe,” replied the unknown, with sadness. “You have experienced nothing similar· ” “Nothing! ” “Bah! Misfortunes often arrive without presage.” And he remained silent. We were advancing towards the south; the magnetic needle pointed in the direction of Frankfort, which was flying beneath our feet. “Perhaps we shall have a storm. ” said the young man. “We will descend first.” “Indeed! it will be better to ascend; we shall escape more surely.” and two bags of sand were thrown overboard. The balloon rose rapidly, and stopped at twelve hundred metres. The cold was now intense, and there was a slight buzzing in my ears. Nevertheless, the rays of the sun fell hotly on the globe, and, dilating the gas it contained, gave it a greater ascensional force. I was stupid. “Fear nothing, ” said the young man to me. “We have three thousand five hundred toises of respirable air. You need not trouble yourself about my proceedings.” I would have risen, but a vigorous hand detained me on my seat. “Your name· ” asked I. “My name! how does it concern you· ” “I have the honour to ask your name.” “I am called Erostratus or Empedocles, as you please. Are you interested in the progress of aerostatic science· ” He spoke with icy coldness, and I asked myself with whom I had to do. “Monsieur, ” continued he, “nothing new has been invented since the days of the philosopher Charles. Four months after the discovery of aerostats, he had invented the valve, which permits the gas to escape when the balloon is too full, or when one wishes to descend; the car, which allows the machine to be easily managed; the network, which encloses the fabric of the balloon, and prevents its being too heavily pressed; the ballast, which is used in ascending and choosing the spot of descent; the coat of caoutchouc, which renders the silk impermeable; the barometer, which determines the height attained; and, finally, the hydrogen, which, fourteen times lighter than air, allows of ascension to the most distant atmospheric layers, and prevents exposure to aerial combustion. On the 1st of December, 1783, three hundred thousand spectators thronged the Tuileries. Charles ascended, and the soldiers presented arms. He travelled nine leagues in the air: managing his machine with a skill never since surpassed in aeronautic experiments. The King conferred on him a pension of two thousand livres, for in those days inventions were encouraged. For every one was interested in the progress of science.” The unknown was seized with a violent agitation. “I, Monsieur, have studied; I am satisfied that the first aeronauts guided their balloons. Not to speak of Blanchard, whose assertions might be doubted, at Dijon, Guyton-Morveaux, by the aid of oars and a helm, imparted to his machines perceptible motions, a decided direction. More recently, at Paris, a watchmaker, M. Julien, has made at the Hippodrome convincing experiments; for, with the aid of a particular mechanism, an aerial apparatus of oblong form was manifestly propelled against the wind. M. Petin placed four balloons, filled with hydrogen, in juxtaposition, and, by means of sails disposed horizontally and partially furled, hoped to obtain a disturbance of the equilibrium, which, inclining the apparatus, should compel it to an oblique path. But the motive power destined to surmount the resistance of currents, —the helice, moving in a movable medium, was unsuccessful. I have discovered the only method of guiding balloons, and not an Academy has come to my assistance, not a city has filled my subscription lists, not a government has deigned to listen to me! It is infamous! ” His gesticulations were so furious that the car experienced violent oscillations; I had much difficulty in restraining him. Meanwhile, the balloon had encountered a more rapid current. We were advancing in a southerly direction, at 1200 metres in height, almost accustomed to this new temperature. “There is Darmstadt, ” said my companion. “Do you perceive its magnificent chateau· The storm-cloud below makes the outlines of objects waver; and it requires a practised eye to recognise localities.” “You are certain that it is Darmstadt· ” “Undoubtedly; we are six leagues from Frankfort.” “Then we must descend.” “Descend! you would not alight upon the steeples! ” said the unknown, mockingly. “No, but in the environs of the city.” “Well, it is too warm; let us remount a little.” As he spoke thus, he seized some bags of ballast. I precipitated myself upon him; but, with one hand, he overthrew me, and the lightened balloon rose to a height of 1500 metres. “Sit down, ” said he, “and do not forget that Brioschi, Biot, and Gay-Lussac, ascended to a height of seven thousand metres, in order to establish some new scientific laws.” “We must descend;” resumed I, with an attempt at gentleness. “The storm is gathering beneath our feet and around us; it would not be prudent.” “We will ascend above it, and shall have nothing to fear from it. What more beautiful than to reign in heaven, and look down upon the clouds which hover upon the earth! Is it not an honour to navigate these aerial waves· The greatest personages have travelled like ourselves. The Marquise and Comtesse de Montalembert, the Comtesse de Potteries, Mlle. La Garde, the Marquis of Montalembert, set out from the Faubourg St. Antoine for these unknown regions. The Duc de Chartres displayed much address and presence of mind in his ascension of the 15th of July, 1784; at Lyons, the Comtes de Laurencin and de Dampierre; at Nantes, M. de Luynes; at Bordeaux, D’Arbelet des Granges; in Italy, the Chevalier Andreani; in our days, the Duke of Brunswick; have left in the air the track of their glory. In order to equal these great personages, we must ascend into the celestial regions higher than they. To approach the infinite is to comprehend it.” The rarefaction of the air considerably dilated the hydrogen, and I saw the lower part of the aerostat, designedly left empty, become by degrees inflated, rendering the opening of the valve indispensable; but my fearful companion seemed determined not to allow me to direct our movements. I resolved to pull secretly the cord attached to the valve, while he was talking with animation. I feared to guess with whom I had to do; it would have been too horrible! It was about three-quarters of an hour since we had left Frankfort, and from the south thick clouds were arising and threatening to engulf us. “Have you lost all hope of making your plans succeed· ” said I, with great apparent interest. “All hope! ” replied the unknown, despairingly. “Wounded by refusals, caricatures, those blows with the foot of an ass, have finished me. It is the eternal punishment reserved for innovators. See these caricatures of every age with which my portfolio is filled.” I had secured the cord of the valve, and stooping over his works, concealed my movements from him. It was to be feared, nevertheless, that he would notice that rushing sound, like a waterfall, which the gas produces in escaping. “How many jests at the expense of the Abbe Miolan! He was about to ascend with Janninet and Bredin. During the operation, their balloon took fire, and an ignorant populace tore it to pieces. Then the caricature of The Curious Animals called them Maulant, Jean Mind, and Gredin.” The barometer had began to rise; it was time! A distant muttering of thunder was heard towards the south. “See this other engraving, ” continued he, without seeming to suspect my manoeuvres. “It is an immense balloon, containing a ship, large castles, houses, etc. The caricaturists little thought that their absurdities would one day become verities. It is a large vessel; at the left is the helm with the pilot’s box; at the prow, maisons de plaisance, a gigantic organ, and cannon to call the attention of the inhabitants of earth or of the moon; above the stern the observatory and pilot-balloon; at the equatorial circle, the barracks of the army; on the left the lantern; then upper galleries for promenades, the sails, the wings; beneath, the cafes and general store-houses of provisions. Admire this magnificent announcement. ‘Invented for the good of the human race, this globe will depart immediately for the seaports in the Levant, and on its return will announce its voyages for the two poles and the extremities of the Occident. Every provision is made; there will be an exact rate of fare for each place of destination; but the prices for distant voyages will be the same, 1000 louis. And it must be confessed that this is a moderate sum, considering the celerity, convenience, and pleasure of this mode of travelling above all others. While in this balloon, every one can divert himself as he pleases, dancing, playing, or conversing with people of talent. Pleasure will be the soul of the aerial society.’All these inventions excited laughter. But before long, if my days were not numbered, these projects should become realities.” We were visibly descending; he did not perceive it! “See this game of balloons; it contains the whole history of the aerostatic art. This game, for the use of educated minds, is played like that of the Jew; with dice and counters of any value agreed upon, which are to be paid or received, according to the condition in which one arrives.” “But, ” I resumed, “you seem to have valuable documents on aerostation· ” “I am less learned than the Almighty! That is all! I possess all the knowledge possible in this world. From Phaeton, Icarus, and Architas. I have searched all, comprehended all! Through me, the aerostatic art would render immense services to the world, if God should spare my life! But that cannot be.” “Why not· ” “Because my name is Empedocles or Erostratus! ” 一 1850年9月,我到達(dá)了坐落在美因河畔的法蘭克福。這一次,我乘氣球穿越了德國的幾個主要城市,煞是引人注目。但是,直到現(xiàn)在,也沒有一個德國人愿意和我同行。之前我在巴黎成功的升空經(jīng)歷,并沒有喚起那群刻板的德國人對氣球飛行的半點兒興致?! ‘?dāng)時,我要乘氣球升空的消息剛在法蘭克福傳開,馬上就有三個市民自告奮勇,要和我一同實現(xiàn)這一壯舉。兩天后,我們將從喜劇廣場出發(fā)。我立刻開始著手做各項準(zhǔn)備工作。我的氣球體積龐大,由絲質(zhì)材料制成,上面還涂了一層杜仲膠,這是為了防酸蝕和毒氣。此外,氣球的密閉性能特別好。我還修復(fù)了其他一些因為危險降落而損壞的小零件?! ∥覀兩盏哪翘煺檬堑聡?月份的一個大集市,成千上萬的人趕到了法蘭克福。裝燃料的大容器由六個大桶組成,被密封起來。氫氣完全是由鐵水和硫磺酸水反應(yīng)制成的,然后再從第一個容器輸送到第二個容器,繼而送到那個大氣球里。氣球就是這樣被充滿的。我花了整整一個早晨,才完成了這些準(zhǔn)備工作。大約11點的時候,氣球充了3/4,這已經(jīng)完全夠用了。因為隨著我們升空,空氣的密度會降低,容器里的氫氣也會隨之膨脹,所以,如果充得太滿就可能會爆炸。根據(jù)我和同伴們的重量,我計算出了到達(dá)足夠飛行高度所需氣體的確切體積?! ∥覀冇媱澱绯霭l(fā)。那場面極其壯觀,等得不耐煩的人們在圈出的圍場內(nèi)外你推我搡,臨近的街道也被擠得水泄不通。附近的房子,從地下室到房頂全都擠滿了圍觀的人。前幾天刮的大風(fēng)今天已經(jīng)平息下來,但晴朗的天空透著悶熱。這樣的天氣,氣球極有可能剛剛升上去就降下來。 我在袋子里放了300磅重的壓艙物。吊艙是正圓形的,直徑長達(dá)4英尺,高3英尺,很容易附在氣球下面,用來固定吊艙的繩子則均勻地拉直氣球的上半部分。指南針已經(jīng)擺好,吊艙上方8英尺處有一個拴在固定繩上的金屬環(huán),氣壓計就掛在這個金屬環(huán)里。錨也小心地安裝好了。一切就緒,隨時可以出發(fā)?! ≡谖跷跞寥恋膰^人群中,我注意到一個年輕人,他臉色慘白,神情緊張。他的出現(xiàn)讓我備受鼓舞。他是我的忠實觀眾,在德國的幾次升空當(dāng)中,我都曾見到過他的身影。他總是那樣心神不安,但又全神貫注。他注視著這個奇妙的機器悄無聲息地上升,離開地面,他卻站在那里,一言不發(fā)?! ?2點,該出發(fā)了??墒?,我的同伴沒有現(xiàn)身。我派人去找,才得知他們一個去了漢堡,一個去了維也納,最后一個膽子最小,去了倫敦。他們的懦弱使他們錯失了這次旅行機會。其實,現(xiàn)在的氣球駕駛員有著豐富的駕駛經(jīng)驗,根本不會有任何危險。他們原本是今天這次盛會的當(dāng)事人,但他們被自己的承諾嚇倒了,就在升空的那一刻,他們臨陣脫逃了。他們逃跑的速度可比面對困難時拿出勇氣的速度快多了。 一些圍觀的人感到很失望,他們憤怒而不耐煩地大喊大叫。我沒有猶豫,立刻決定單飛。由于氣球需要承擔(dān)的重量有了變化,為了保持平衡,我又塞進了一些沙袋,代替那幾個沒有來的同伴,然后爬進吊艙。氣球的環(huán)型圈上系著12根繩子,分別由12個人拉著,他們稍稍松手,氣球上升了幾英尺。一絲風(fēng)都沒有,空氣重得像鉛塊,似乎想阻止我的這次升空?! 岸紲?zhǔn)備好了嗎?”我宣布,“全體注意!” 他們?nèi)季途w了,最后一個人看了我一眼,示意一切正常。 “準(zhǔn)備!” 人群中有些動靜,好像有什么東西沖出了圍場?! 俺霭l(fā)!” 氣球緩緩上升,但是我感到吊艙劇烈地晃動了一下,我一時沒提防,便跌倒了。我站起來后,發(fā)現(xiàn)對面竟然站著一個人——那個臉色蒼白的年輕人?! 跋壬?,您好!”他對我說。 “你怎么……” “為什么會在這里,對嗎?因為沒有我,您不行?!薄 ∥矣行├Щ蟆K目隙ㄗ屛矣行@訝,而我也無言以對。我看著他,可他對我的吃驚似乎并不在意,繼續(xù)說道: “先生,我的重量破壞了您氣球的平衡,您能允許我……” 還沒等我同意,他就將兩個沙袋的沙子撒入空中,來減輕氣球的重量?! 跋壬?,你既然來了——那么,想留下的話,就別亂動——讓我一個人來駕駛氣球。”我也只能這樣說了 “先生,”他答道,“您的骨子里透著法國人的儒雅氣質(zhì),我也是法國人。我試著想象您會用哪只手拒絕和我握手。您做您的事情吧,按照您自己的方式,我等您弄完——” “你還想干什么?” “跟您談?wù)?。” 氣壓表已?jīng)降到26英寸,這表示我們現(xiàn)在正在距城市約600米的上空。其實,單憑那個一動不動的旗子,我無法判斷現(xiàn)在的情況。我對現(xiàn)在接近靜止的狀態(tài)感到很滿意。至于氣球是否在水平移動,我就不得而知了。因為是氣球周圍大量的空氣在托著它移動,是一股熱浪籠罩著我們腳下的物體,使它們的輪廓漸漸模糊起來。指南針顯示氣球在向南飄?! ∥矣謱⒀矍暗倪@個同伴打量了一番。他30歲左右,衣著樸素,身材輪廓鮮明,看得出他是個身體強壯、精力旺盛而且很有決心的人。他一動不動地站在這個幾乎靜止不動的吊艙里,想看清我們下面飄過的東西是什么?! 斑@討厭的霧!”過了一會兒,他叫道?! ∥覜]有應(yīng)聲?! 澳€在生氣?我沒有錢付這次旅行的費用,以這種方式上來,實在是迫不得已!” “沒人要趕你走?!薄 澳绬??1784年1月15日那天的情形和今天差不多。當(dāng)時,洛朗森伯爵和皮埃爾伯爵正準(zhǔn)備從里昂升空,一個叫方丹的年輕商人,冒著弄翻氣球的危險翻過圍欄。他完成了旅行,大家也都平安著陸?!薄 暗鹊搅说孛妫蹅冊僬勥@個。”我很討厭他說話時那種輕描淡寫的口氣?! 鞍?,您還想回去?” “你以為我會推遲降落時間?” “降落?”他吃了一驚,說,“咱們還是升上去吧!” 就在我阻止他之前,他又把兩袋沙包扔了出去,而且是連包扔的,不是只把沙子撒出去?! 跋壬?!”我呵斥他?! 拔抑滥哪苣?,”他從容地說,“您這次的輝煌旅程已經(jīng)婦孺皆知了。雖說經(jīng)驗與實踐密不可分,但缺乏理論知識也是不行的。我學(xué)習(xí)飛行術(shù)已經(jīng)很長時間了?,F(xiàn)在,這些飛行理論已經(jīng)全都裝在我腦袋里了?!彼f話時很傷心,接著又陷入了沉默?! 馇蛏吡艘恍?,又靜止了下來。陌生人看了一眼氣壓計,說道: “我們現(xiàn)在升到800米高空了!地上的人看起來和蟲子一樣。看哪。我認(rèn)為我們應(yīng)該永遠(yuǎn)站在這個高度審視眾人,對他們的道德水平進行評判。喜劇廣場簡直變成了一個螞蟻堆??纯茨莻€碼頭的人山人海。蔡爾大街越來越小了。我們現(xiàn)在在教堂上空了。現(xiàn)在看來,美因河就像一條白色的帶子,將整個城市一分為二。還有那座大橋,就像連接兩岸的一根細(xì)線?!薄 】諝庾儧隽恕! 拔业闹魅耍屛腋墒裁炊夹?,”我的同伴說,“你要是冷了,我就把衣服脫下來給您穿?!薄 安挥昧?,謝謝?!薄 靶枰裁茨驼f。把手給我,咱們可是同鄉(xiāng)呢。我會一直陪著您,我希望能陪您聊聊天,補償我給您帶來的不快,好嗎?” 我沒說話,在吊艙里離他最遠(yuǎn)的一角坐下了。這個年輕人從大衣里掏出一大卷手稿,那是關(guān)于氣球駕駛的文章?! 拔沂占四切┳钕∑婀殴值?,關(guān)于有飛行癖好的人的漫畫和版畫。人們發(fā)現(xiàn)這一點后,在羨慕不已的同時卻又對我冷嘲熱諷。幸運的是,我們已經(jīng)過了蒙戈爾費埃時代,不會再用水蒸氣,或是用燃燒的濕草和碎羊毛所產(chǎn)生的帶電氣體去制造人工云彩了?!薄 澳憔垢屹H低這些偉大的發(fā)明?”我問他,“假如沒有當(dāng)初那些升空的實驗,我們今天又怎么可能在天空自由翱翔呢?” “有誰敢否認(rèn)第一批飛行者的豐功偉績呢?那時,飛上天空該需要多么大的勇氣??!想想看,在那脆弱得不堪一擊的飛行器里,除了熱空氣,其他什么都沒有。而且,自從布朗夏爾之后,飛行科學(xué)有過任何進步嗎?先生,您再看看這個!” 那個年輕人又從手稿里抽出一張版畫?! 斑@是皮拉特爾·德羅齊埃和阿爾朗公爵進行的人類首次空中飛行,要知道,四個月前,氣球才剛剛發(fā)明。路易十六不同意這項冒險活動,兩個最早企圖嘗試這一活動的人還被判了刑。皮拉特爾·德羅齊埃對這一不公正的判決憤恨不已,于是他想了個點子,最終成功地出發(fā)了。那時還沒有發(fā)明吊艙,所以,控制氣球并不像今天這樣容易。當(dāng)時的飛行器的底部有一個環(huán)形的通道。兩個飛行員只能各自站在通道的兩邊,充塞于氣球內(nèi)部的濕草讓他們行動很困難。氣球口下面懸著一個火盆。如果飛行員想要升高,他們就用一個長長的叉耙子往火盆里添草。隨后,空氣受熱產(chǎn)生一個上升力,從而推動氣球上升。這樣做很危險,因為很有可能會將飛行器點燃。 “1783年11月21日,這兩個勇敢的飛行員從米埃特皇家花園起飛了。在他們的懇請下,皇太子特許他們將此地作為起飛場所。氣球升天了,那景象十分壯觀。它飄過了大雁島,飄過了教區(qū)旁的塞納河,在醫(yī)院和軍事院校的圓形頂樓逗留了一會兒,接著飄過了圣敘爾皮斯教堂的上空。然后,這兩個飛行員把火點旺,氣球升得更高了,穿過大街之后,準(zhǔn)備降落。氣球就在接觸到地面的一剎那,砰的一聲爆炸了,皮拉特爾·德羅齊埃葬身火海。” “真是不幸??!”我聽得入迷了,故事的悲慘結(jié)局讓我有些難過?! 罢鏋樗谋瘎‰y過!”年輕人悲傷地說,“您沒有經(jīng)歷過類似的事情嗎?” “從來沒有?!薄 鞍?,災(zāi)難總是不期而至?!比缓螅统聊??! ∥覀冋谕巷w,指針指的是法蘭克福的方向,我們正從它的上空飛過?! 耙苍S我們會遇到一場風(fēng)暴?!蹦莻€年輕人說?! 拔覀兿冉德浒??!薄 笆聦嵣希覀冏詈眠€是繼續(xù)上升,那樣肯定能躲過這場風(fēng)暴?!庇钟袃纱匙颖蝗恿顺鋈ァ! 馇蚣彼偕仙?200米的高度停了下來?,F(xiàn)在天氣變得很冷,我的耳朵也嗡嗡作響。盡管如此,陽光仍然照著這個氣球,它內(nèi)部的空氣更熱了,而這給了它一個更大的升力。我有點兒眩暈了?! 芭率裁矗俊蹦悄贻p人說,“我們有3500突阿斯(法國舊的長度單位,長度單位約等于1.95米或6.4英尺,應(yīng)用于早期的大地測量中)可供呼吸的空氣。你不用管我。” 我想站起來,可一只強勁有力的大手把我按回到座位上。 我問他:“你是誰?” “我是誰?這跟您有什么關(guān)系!” “我有資格知道你的名字!” “我叫羅斯特拉斯,或恩培多克勒,您想怎么叫都行。您對飛行科學(xué)的進程感興趣嗎?” 他冷冷地說著,我暗自納悶,這個人到底是誰? “先生,”他自顧自地說著,“繼物理學(xué)家查理之后,就再也沒有出現(xiàn)過任何新發(fā)明了。發(fā)明氣球四個月以后,他發(fā)明了閥門,這東西可以幫助我們釋放出氣球里多余的氣體,還可以控制氣球,讓氣球下降;接著,他又發(fā)明了吊艙,使控制氣球變得更加容易;然后是一種網(wǎng)狀物,它覆蓋在氣球表面,可以減少對氣球的壓力;而壓艙物則用于升空和選擇降落點,他發(fā)明的彈性橡膠外層比絲綢的防滲透性要好,而氣壓計則可以測量你所處的高度;最后,他發(fā)現(xiàn)了氫氣,它的質(zhì)量只有空氣的1/14,這樣,氣球就可以升到足夠高的高度,而不必再擔(dān)心它會爆炸。1783年12月1日,30萬人聚集在杜伊勒利宮,觀看查理乘氣球升空,士兵們?yōu)樗癖蹥g呼。他在空中飛行了9里格。而他駕駛飛行器的技術(shù),恐怕到現(xiàn)在仍然無人能及。國王賞賜他2000里弗(古時法國的貨幣單位及其銀幣),因為在那個年代,政府鼓勵發(fā)明創(chuàng)造,人們都對科技的進步很感興趣?!薄 ∧莻€年輕人顯得很激動?! 跋壬?,我研究過了。我很欣慰我們第一代駕駛員知道如何駕駛氣球。且不說有爭議的布朗夏爾,就拿吉東·蒙沃來說吧,他單靠槳和舵就能去任何想去的地方。再近一些的是,在巴黎的那次,那個鐘表商,朱利安先生,他不是在賽馬場上做了幾次令人信服的飛行實踐嗎?他用了一個特別的裝置,橢圓形的,完全可以逆風(fēng)飛行。佩坦先生那次則是并排放了四只氫氣球,他把翼折疊起來一部分,水平固定,這樣儀器倒向另一邊,為的就是打破平衡,讓氣球側(cè)身飛行。人們發(fā)明了螺旋槳來克服氣流帶來的阻力,可螺旋槳本身就是一個活動的媒介,所以發(fā)揮不了太大的作用。我找到了唯一能夠控制氣球的方法,可是沒有一個學(xué)院愿意協(xié)助我,也沒有一個城市愿意資助我,更沒有一個政府愿意屈尊聽我的意見。真無恥!” 他激動得手舞足蹈,吊艙都隨之劇烈地?fù)u晃起來。讓他停下來可真不容易。這時,氣球正好遇上一股強大的氣流,我們向更南的方向飛去?,F(xiàn)在已經(jīng)到達(dá)1200米的高空,我也習(xí)慣了四周的氣溫。 “達(dá)姆施塔特,”我的同伴說,“看到城堡沒有?腳下的烏云擋住了地面的景物,顯得有些模糊。只有經(jīng)驗特別豐富的人,才能認(rèn)出方向?!薄 澳愦_定那是達(dá)姆施塔特?”我問?! 敖^對沒錯,我們已經(jīng)離開法蘭克福6里格了。” “那我們現(xiàn)在必須降落了?!薄 敖德??您不是想在這個尖尖的建筑物上降落吧!”年輕人笑了,語氣中略帶一些嘲諷的意味。 “當(dāng)然不是,但我們可以在郊外降落?!薄 芭?,這里太熱了。我們再升高一點兒吧?!薄 ∷f著,提起幾袋壓艙物,我朝他撲了過去。但他手一揮,就把我擋了回來。變輕的氣球升高到了1500米。 “你給我坐下。別忘了布廖斯基、布里奧、蓋·呂薩克,他們?yōu)榱诉M行科學(xué)定律測試,升到了7000米!” “我們必須降落!”我堅持,并努力使自己的語氣顯得溫和些,“風(fēng)暴就在我們周圍,就在我們腳下,你這樣做太輕率了!” “那么,我們可以凌駕于風(fēng)暴之上,這樣,我們就不必懼怕它了。還有什么比站在天堂里俯瞰籠罩大地的云彩更美妙呢?徜徉于云海之間,這難道不是一件令人驕傲的事情嗎?那些顯赫的人物,在世間的時候不就是我們現(xiàn)在這樣嗎?侯爵夫人、女伯爵蒙塔朗貝爾、波特娜女伯爵、加爾德夫人,還有蒙塔朗貝爾侯爵,不就是從圣安東尼出發(fā),飛向那些鮮為人知的地方嗎?1784年7月15日,夏爾特公爵在那次升空中表現(xiàn)得超常的冷靜。洛朗森伯爵和當(dāng)皮埃爾伯爵在里昂,利?!ぐ驳铝心嵩谝獯罄?,還有,與我們同一時代的布呂斯維克公爵,他們?nèi)荚谔炜罩辛粝铝俗约汗廨x的痕跡。為了向這些偉大的人物看齊,我們必須飛得更高。只有沖上云霄,才能揭開它神秘的面紗?!薄 】諝庠絹碓较”?,氣球里的氫氣迅速增加。我看到氣球底部在膨脹,那本來是空的。打開閥門已經(jīng)變得刻不容緩,可我那個可怕的同伴說什么都不讓我控制飛行的方向。我決定在他興致勃勃、高談闊論的時候,偷偷解開那控制閥門的繩子。我想象不出這個人到底是誰,這太恐怖了。我們已經(jīng)飛離法蘭克福45分鐘了,厚重的云層從南面飄來籠罩在我們身邊,幾乎要將我們吞沒。 “你對自己的計劃已經(jīng)不抱任何成功的希望了嗎?”我饒有興趣地問?! 安槐魏蜗M俊边@個陌生人歇斯底里地喊著,“他們總是侮辱我、挖苦我、鄙視我,是他們毀了我。他們永遠(yuǎn)抨擊我們這些試圖創(chuàng)新的人。我的包里裝滿了各個時期諷刺這種現(xiàn)象的作品?!薄 ∥页盟麑P膹澭串嬀頃r,偷偷拉住了控制氣閥的繩子,他并沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)。盡管如此,我還是心驚膽戰(zhàn)。因為他很有可能注意到閥門打開時發(fā)出的嘶嘶的漏氣聲?! 八麄儫o數(shù)次地取笑阿貝·米奧蘭!他馬上就要和加內(nèi)特和布勒東一起升空了。在操作過程中,他們的氣球著火了。那些無知的人便將氣球撕碎。在那張名為《怪物》的漫畫中,他們給這三個人分別起了諧音綽號?!薄 鈮洪_始上升,時機到了!南面?zhèn)鱽砹宿Z隆隆的雷聲?! 翱纯催@幅版畫!”陌生人繼續(xù)說道,好像并沒發(fā)覺我在做什么,“上面畫了一個碩大無朋的氣球,上面有船只、巨大的城堡,還有房子之類的東西。漫畫家們永遠(yuǎn)也不會想到,他們認(rèn)為荒謬至極的東西,有一天竟會變成現(xiàn)實。那是一艘巨大的船,左邊是舵輪和駕駛艙,前面是一個休息室,還擺了一尊吸引地球和月球上居民注意的大炮。上面是觀測臺和測風(fēng)氣球,中間是一個圓形的營房,營房左面是燈塔,再往上還有長廊,人們可以在上面散步,有帆,有翼,下面是咖啡館和儲藏室。聽聽這偉大的贊美之詞吧:‘人類為了追求幸福而發(fā)明了氣球,這個大球馬上就要帶大家飛往雷凡特,回來時它將會公布飛往兩極以及最西端的計劃。一切都準(zhǔn)備好了。飛往每一站的價格各不相同,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)制定好了。不過遠(yuǎn)程票價是一樣的,都是1000金路易。與其他交通工具的速度、舒適程度以及旅途中所享受的樂趣相比較,我必須說,這個價格一點兒都不高。氣球上的每一個乘客都可以隨心所欲地做任何事情,跳舞、玩耍,與那些精英人士交流。這個空中社會的宗旨便是舒適愜意?!@只會引得大家發(fā)笑,但不久以后,如果我還在世的話,這些就可以變成現(xiàn)實了!” 很明顯,我們在下降,可他竟然沒有覺察出來?! 皻馇虻挠螒?,涵蓋了整個飛行科學(xué)的發(fā)展歷史。這個游戲是給那些頭腦精明的人玩的,就像是猶太人在擲骰子,賭注已經(jīng)下好,輸贏在此一搏?!薄 ∥艺f:“你似乎有一些航空學(xué)方面的珍貴資料?” “我只比上帝笨一點兒,就那么一點點。我?guī)缀鯇W(xué)過這世上的所有知識。從法厄同、伊卡洛斯到阿契塔斯,我都有所涉獵,我了解他們的理論!如果上帝賜予我足夠長的生命,我肯定能在航空學(xué)領(lǐng)域里作出巨大貢獻(xiàn),但這不會成為現(xiàn)實?!薄 盀槭裁矗俊薄 耙驗槲沂嵌髋喽嗫死栈蛄_斯特拉斯。” ?。ㄗg者注:恩培多克勒是首先提出世界的本原有多個的希臘哲學(xué)家,而羅斯特拉斯是伊斯蘭教眾的人物。) induce [in'dju:s] v. 引誘;誘使;勸;說服;勸;說服 What induced you to do such a stupid thing· 是什么促使你做出這等蠢事? ascend [·'send] v. 上升;登高;追溯 The rocket ascended into the cloud. 火箭高高地飛入云端。 apparatus [,·p·'reit·s] n. 裝置;設(shè)備;器官;儀器 Firemen needed breathing apparatus to enter the burning house. 消防隊員需要呼吸器械才能進入燃燒的房屋?! orizontal ['h·ri'z·nt·l] adj. 水平的;地平的;橫的;地平線上的 It’s very serious for horizontal deformation to damage building. 水平變形對建筑物的破壞極為嚴(yán)重?! ∥乙藲馇蛏盏南傇诜ㄌm克福傳開,馬上就有三個市民自告奮勇,要和我一同實現(xiàn)這一壯舉?! ∥覀儗π律鷭雰耗苡卸啻蟮钠诖兀俊 〉肝疫@次不同尋常的可怕經(jīng)歷能夠警示讀者,但又不至于嚇退那些未來的空中探險者?! he apparatus for filling was composed of... be composed of:由……組成 It was rich in incident. be rich in:富有……的 ……
1.學(xué)英語不再枯燥無味:《每天讀點好英文:午夜驚恐之謎》內(nèi)文篇目均取自國外最經(jīng)典、最權(quán)威、最流行、最動人的篇章,中英雙語,適于誦讀,提升閱讀能力; 2.學(xué)英語不再沉悶辛苦:優(yōu)美的語言、深厚的情感、地道的英文,讓我們在閱讀這些動人的絕美篇章時,不僅能夠提升生活質(zhì)量,豐富人生內(nèi)涵,更能夠輕松提升英文領(lǐng)悟能力,體味英文之美,輕松提高學(xué)習(xí)興趣; 3.學(xué)英語不再學(xué)了就忘:每篇文章的旁邊列有詞匯,均是生活和學(xué)習(xí)中的常見詞匯,讀者可重點記憶。文章后附有填空、句型、短語等語法練習(xí),用最短的時間、最有趣的方式就能完成復(fù)習(xí)與鞏固,提升語法能力。