
出版時間:2001-12  出版社:安徽教育出版社圖書發(fā)行部  作者:錢臨照  頁數(shù):682  


  錢老離我們而去已經(jīng)有兩年多了,但他的音容笑貌、大師風(fēng)范已在科大人的心中留下了深深的烙印。每當(dāng)走過圖書館前那片郁郁蔥蔥的樹林,豎立其中的錢老銅像,總令人肅然起敬。他那炯炯有神的目光,仿佛在永久地注視著每一個科大人,催促科大人要不斷開拓進(jìn)取?! ″X老1906年8月生于江蘇無錫,1929年畢業(yè)于上海大同大學(xué),1931年任北平研究院物理所助理研究員,1934年經(jīng)考試取得庚子賠款第二屆公費留學(xué)生資格,赴英國倫敦大學(xué)留學(xué)。1937年抗日戰(zhàn)爭爆發(fā)后,錢先生當(dāng)即返回國內(nèi),奉命設(shè)法將北平研究院物理所的儀器運往昆明,并在遷至昆明的北平研究院物理所從事科研工作??箲?zhàn)勝利后,隨物理所回遷北平,1947年赴紐約聯(lián)合國救濟總署工作,1948年兼任中央研究院代理總干事,1949年任中國科學(xué)院物理所研究員,1955年當(dāng)選為中國科學(xué)院數(shù)理化學(xué)部委員,1960年調(diào)入中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)任教,1979年至1984年任中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)副校長。  錢老畢生致力于物理學(xué)的發(fā)展。1939年在昆明的中國物理學(xué)會學(xué)術(shù)會議上將晶體位錯理論在中國作首次公開介紹,為日后在中國推廣該理論奠定了基礎(chǔ)。50年代,他設(shè)計的高靈敏度拉伸機成為研究金屬單晶范性的重要設(shè)備。他完成了錫單晶表面刻度所導(dǎo)致的滑移特征的研究,大大促進(jìn)了我國固體力學(xué)強度的研究。  錢老數(shù)十年來與科大的事業(yè)休戚與共。1958年科大建校伊始,就親自給物理系的學(xué)生講授普通物理學(xué)。1970年,錢老與他摯愛的科大一起從北京遷至安徽,此后一直堅持在校本部工作。在落戶合肥的最初幾年里,學(xué)校面臨著重重困難,錢老總以事在人為的堅定態(tài)度勉勵廣大師生,并以自己的實際行動激勵大家共同為辦好科大而努力奮斗。1978年錢老主持制訂了全校的物理教學(xué)計劃,精心挑選教學(xué)與科研水平高的教師主講基礎(chǔ)物理課。他負(fù)責(zé)重建物理教學(xué)研究室,全力支持籌建科大天體物理中心,積極創(chuàng)建結(jié)構(gòu)成分分析中心實驗室?! ″X老生前一直關(guān)注少年班,與少年班結(jié)下了不解之緣,深受少年班師生的愛戴。1978年我校招收首屆少年大學(xué)生,錢老親自擔(dān)任少年班研究組組長。每逢楊振寧、李政道、丁肇中、吳健雄、陳省身等著名科學(xué)家蒞臨少年班參觀,錢老都親自陪同,少年班成立不久,錢老陪同嚴(yán)濟慈校長視察少年班時,曾經(jīng)語重心長地說:“你們要帶好少年班學(xué)生。他們今天是國家的財富,將來是國之棟梁!”錢老任副校長之后,雖然公務(wù)繁忙,仍對少年班工作多有指導(dǎo)。錢老要求大家要關(guān)心和愛護(hù)少年班的學(xué)生,對外界的宣傳也要淡然處之,為這些青少年學(xué)生創(chuàng)造一個平靜而又寬松的成長環(huán)境。少年班作為新型的辦學(xué)模式,在20多年的辦學(xué)實踐中取得了很大的成功。這無疑與錢老的關(guān)懷和支持是分不開的?! ″X老少承家學(xué),在文史方面打下了堅實的基礎(chǔ)。他在《釋墨經(jīng)中之光學(xué)、力學(xué)諸條》一文中,站在現(xiàn)代物理學(xué)高度,深刻地揭示了這些條目的物理學(xué)意義,令英國著名科學(xué)史家李約瑟驚嘆不已。解放后,他在科學(xué)史研究方面投入了大量的精力。1980年中國科學(xué)史學(xué)會成立時,他因為眾望所歸被推舉為首屆理事長,為科學(xué)史的發(fā)展做了大量的組織領(lǐng)導(dǎo)工作。不僅如此,他還富有遠(yuǎn)見地把目光投向科學(xué)史教育事業(yè)的發(fā)展。80年代初,他與王竹溪先生共同擔(dān)任國務(wù)院學(xué)位委員會第一屆學(xué)科評議組物理組組長,率先爭取在“物理學(xué)”一級學(xué)科之下設(shè)立了物理學(xué)史博士點,開創(chuàng)了我國自行培養(yǎng)科學(xué)史博士的歷史。在他的積極支持和直接參與下,科大很快成立了自然科學(xué)史研究室,開始招收自然科學(xué)史的碩士和博士研究生。他親自擔(dān)任該室第一任主任和研究生導(dǎo)師,從事科學(xué)史研究以及研究生的指導(dǎo)工作,為國家培養(yǎng)了大批科學(xué)史人才,使科大成為國內(nèi)外著名的科學(xué)史人才培養(yǎng)基地和國際知名的科學(xué)史研究機構(gòu)。




  Discussion  The reasons which lead us to consider the surface lines developed by hot sodium vapour as developments of Griffith cracks in the surface may be summarized as follows:  The lines are particularly well developed in situations where systematic  scratching is extremely improbable, e.g. inside blown glassware and inside drawn tube. In the latter case they run in a direction at right angles to the axis, a direction which is difficult to ascribe to scratches or other marks made during manufacture or cleansing. The lines develop with age, being almost completely absent on glass fresh from drawing at a high tempera-ture, and frequent on the same glass some hours after drawing. They are well developed in hard glasses such as Griffith used in his experiments, and hardly found at all in soft soda glass.  In the case of the annealed optical glass the lines form an orthogonal  system. In an isotropic material the lines of principal stress form such a system, and it is suggested that the cracks appear in directions normal to the principal stresses (tensions). The effect of annealing the optical glass should be to release the local stresses, which will be expected to have dif-ferent directions at different points, and in the process of release the cracks appear. It should be mentioned that identical glass bars, which had not been annealed, showed no surface cracks.  In this connexion the effect of a scratch is of interest. A piece of plate  glass exposed to sodium vapour showed no typical Griffith cracks. A fine diamond scratch was then made on another specimen from the same piece. Etching revealed typical cracks running out on both sides from the scratch, in directions approximately normal to its length (Fig. 18). At a free edge the principal stresses at any point must be parallel to the edge, so that we should expect this behaviour if the cracks are caused by a principal stress, and arise in a direction normal to it. It does not, of course, follow that in this case the principal stress is everywhere a tension parallel to the edge: there may well be some kind of periodic alternation of tension and com-pression, the cracks appearing in the localities of tension. The function of the crack is to liberate the local stresses. The circumferential direction of the cracks in glass tubing is a further confirmation of the hypothesis that they are normal to the predominant principal tension, which, from the process of manufacture of the tube, must be axial.  The nature of the attack by the sodium vapour has not been studied. With pyrex glass there is always a slight brownish discoloration of the sur-face after etching; with soft soda glass the brown discoloration is much more marked. The quartz glass surface has a milky appearance. The pref-erential attack along the cracks, which are probably only a few molecules wide in the original state, can be attributed to the increased free local field at a sharp rectangular edge, as considered by Kossel in his work on crystal-lization. It is easier to remove an atom or molecule from an edge than from a surface. The whole question of etching by chemical attack is a complicat-ed one on which little has been done. Hausser (1927, 1928), for instance, has pointed out that with metals different crystallographic faces of the same crystal can be developed by different etching agents (Hausser and Scholz 1927).  It is hoped to investigate whether the lines of principal stress associat-ed with arbitrary externally applied stresses can be developed on optical glass by the method here described.  Other frequencies besides fl and f2 have also been excited in circuitswhich were somewhat regenerative, such as (b) and (c) in Fig. 2. In cir-cuit (b) the quartz cylinder in series with a high-frequency milliammeter isconnected between the grid and the plate and a sensitizing coil~8~ L is add-ed between the grid and the filament. When the frequency of the circuit istuned to that of the quartz cylinder, the latter will be set into vigorous os-cillation, as shown by a sudden rise in the indication of the milliammeter.In circuit (c), a single coil is used and the grid excitation is obtained by atap on this coil; this is, in principle, analogous to the ordinary self-con-trolled Hartley circuit. The quartz cylinder in this circuit is inserted in se-ries with the grid. As the capacitance is increased from a small value, apoint is reached at which the system starts oscillating. The oscillations areweak at first, but they become stronger and stronger as the capacitance isincreased, and reach a maximum amplitude at a value of C just below thatwhich makes the natural frequency of the LC circuit equal to the naturalfrequency of the quartz. Past this point the amplitude of the scillations  decreases, and a further increase of C will cause the oscillations to topsuddenly. The frequency in both arrangements (b) and (c) is nearly equalto the natural frequency of vibration of the quartz and varies very littlewith the condenser setting.  We obtained two additional fundamental frequencies of a hollowquartz cylinder with the arrangement(c), designated by f3 and f5 in Table t and three additional fundamental frequencies with the arrangement(b),designated by f3, f4 and fs, besides the frequencies f~ and f2 obtained withthe Pierce circuit. Two of these frequencies f3 and f4 depend only upon thelength of the cylinder, and are independent of its cross section. They willbe shown to correspond respectively to torsional and longitudinal vibra-tions. The other frequency fs is probably of transverse vibration.




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