出版時間:2012-5 出版社:福建教育出版社 作者:吳國珍 頁數(shù):562 字數(shù):698000
(1)《論語》原文中的部分重點詞語配以英文注釋 (Notes to the original Chinese)。
?。?)每章的主旨大意 (Main idea)。
(3)《論語》原文的漢語今譯 (Modern Chinese version)。
?。?)每章的歷史背景介紹和譯者的評論 (Historical facts and commentaries)。
?。?)本書正文前有一篇《本書常用詞語解釋》(Notes to Some Frequently-used Chinese Words
in This Book)為讀者統(tǒng)一解釋“仁”“義”“禮”“君子”“小人”等21個常見詞。
?。?)本書正文前有一篇《孔子生平簡介》(A Brief Life Story of Confucius)。
?。?)本書正文后面有《孔子名言警句錄》(Quotations of Confucius)。
本書常用詞語解釋 Glossary
孔子生平簡介 A Brief Life Story of Confucius
論語英譯正文The English Version of the Analects of Confucius
學而篇第一Chapter 1 To learn and …
為政篇第二Chapter 2 Governing…
八佾篇第三Chapter 3 Eight ranks of …
里仁篇第四Chapter 4 Neighborhood..
公冶長篇第五Chapter 5 Gongye Chang…
雍也篇第六Chapter 6 Ran Yong
述而篇第七Chapter 7 Transmit but not…
泰伯篇第八 Chapter 8 Taibo
子罕篇第九Chapter 9 The Master seldom…
鄉(xiāng)黨篇第十Chapter 10 Hometown…
先進篇第十一Chapter 11 Those learning first…
顏淵篇第十二Chapter 12 Yan Yuan…
子路篇第十三Chapter 13 Zilu…
憲問篇第十四Chapter 14 Yuan Xian asked…
衛(wèi)靈公篇第十五Chapter 15 Prince Ling of Wei…
季氏篇第十六Chapter 16 Jisun…
陽貨篇第十七Chapter 17 Yang Huo…
微子篇第十八Chapter 18 Weizi…
子張篇第十九Chapter 19 Zizhang…
堯曰篇第二十Chapter 20 Yao said
參考書目 Reference
1.1 子曰:“學而時習之,不亦說乎?有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎?人不知而不慍,不亦君子乎?” The Master said, “Isn’t it a pleasure to learn and constantly practice what is learnt? Isn’t it delightful to have friends coming from afar? Isn’t he a gentleman who is not annoyed for not being understood?” 3.25 子謂韶:“盡美矣,又盡善也;”謂武:“盡美矣,未盡善也。” The Master evaluated the music Shao, saying, “It is perfectly beautiful, and perfectly good.” Then to the music Wu he said, “it is perfectly beautiful, but not perfectly good.”4.2子曰:“不仁者不可以久處約,不可以長處樂。仁者安仁,知者利仁?! he Master said, “The virtueless cannot live for long either in poverty or in enjoyment. The virtuous devote their minds to benevolent conducts; the wise make the most of their benevolent conducts.” 14.10 子曰:“ 貧而無怨難,富而無驕易?!盩he Master said, " It's hard to be poor without making complaints. It is easier to be rich without being arrogant." 15.8 子曰:“可與言而不與之言,失人;不可與言而與言,失言。知者不失人,亦不失言。” The Master said, “Failing to talk with a man you ought to talk with might mean losing a friend. Talking with a man you ought not to talk with means saying what you ought not to say. A wise man will neither lose a friend nor utter a wrong word. ” ……